The Great Goddess , , of Peace Speaks, footnote

Submitted by Yojman on Tue, 11/06/2012 - 09:30




From out of the Great Great Silence

has  come  the  Goddess  of  Peace,

to share Her Heart’s Love with us.

“Constant lovers of Life in all Its forms,

it is that Constant Loving Kindness

which has no doubt or fear

that is my ‘loudest’ Song.

As the great Star Nations watch,

and the Earth is held in bated breath

during the pause of Grace,

the great Whales and Dolphins

finish their final touches

of ‘packing it up’

for their long awaited return, to their home Star.

The other Tribal, First Nations,

‘Aboriginal’ folks (nations)

also exhale the tone of finishing...

and are off to their real Homes.

‘Indian’ means ‘of God’ (of Dios).

~ People of God.

“For you see most of the

‘Indigenous, Aboriginal’ nations stepped

in – came to this planet – to hold space,

to hold the PLACE in certain lands where-or so-the

 Light of Cosmic Love could—in practicle application, 

create patterns with the Elementals and other must haves....

In short, they (Cetaceans and most aboriginals)

are large groups from other systems,

who responded to the Call of Love

and  service to the Whole  that 

culimates in this Now Moment.

We bid them adieu.


“It is Peace Divine, the final step

that allows our next experience.!

'I AM,' You•Are that Peace

and Its out-breath of security.


“To all the Great Whales,

Dolphins, and Aboriginal peoples

who have assisted in this:

My gratitude forever!”


WIthin the long long running Divine Plan to redeem Humanity and the planet itself from the inevitable wheel of weight ... and return ... The Great Think Tanks of Celestial Compassion came up with many plans of Brilliant Assistance for our Earth. One of which was that groups from certain planets that demonstrate Creative flow with the Beings of the Elements (just to name one thing) would come and set the stage and more for the other races of beings who were (and still are perhaps) to wrapped up with other areas of Evolution. The rest is full of sad his-tory. This is a big subject matter indeed. It can be uncovered in Gnosis and the Law by Tellis S. Papastavro (New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose)   

This is a comment from our dear member Esther P.

I join in this song of gratitude to those who responded to this call and have held space for humanity and ALL life here on our Mother. May ALL know they are whole and complete and of God.


Beautiful post. Filled in some gaps in my knowledge.

Thank you so much!

Love, Astreia-Pixie

Regie Saxerud (not verified)

Wed, 11/07/2012 - 19:58

Thank you dear races, peace and love we send with you on your journey home. Tears of joy for your collective release and just a little sadness as we watch you go.
I bow to your loving grace and unbounded compassion. Many thanks!

Your servant always...

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