The Prophecy Stands

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 11/07/2012 - 10:22




So! The Galactics and those in the Angelic Realm were correct—again. Obama is to be the one who leads us into our Golden Age. No surprise there.

Very soon the truth of Romney and the cabal will come out and everyone will see that all is unfolding in support of Humanity, no matter what appearances are.

I stayed up to watch the polls close and the numbers roll in, pleased I live in the West so I could do that. (okay I snoozed a little but I gave it my best) It would have been exciting had I not known the outcome because it was SO very close in many regions.

There were long lines of people at polling stations well into the evening in some areas, waiting patiently to cast their vote. Looks like Americans take their right to vote very seriously indeed and believe it counts, and I would have to say that yesterday, it did.

I must admit I was impressed with Romney’s exceptionally graceful speech. Quite the politician. I almost believed him.

My only regret is that now we have to listen to Drake and Co. natter on about what Obama is going to do to The People next. I will be very glad when the Truth is out in the open and Obama is revealed for the Lightworker he is.

I was also pleased to see that Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Phoenix/Maricopa County was easily re-elected, (eighty years old!!!!) and the same for our Sheriff Paul Babeu here in Pinal County. Good men, doing good work—no matter the despicable character assassination plots the cabal threw out there.

I don’t know what to make of Jeff Flake, but it doesn’t matter. The People will whip him into shape if he steps out of line.

The Latino sector of Arizona had some monumental hurdles and hoops to jump through with respect to provisional votes and—if you can believe this—incorrect voting dates on the flyers sent out to them, but they persevered. Hats off to them.

The anticipation for me was the very long wait for Obama’s speech, but it was worth waiting for. Rather than merely having a speech-writer craft it for him, he wanted to add his personal touch, and I think it showed.

I found myself occasionally a little surprised at the overwhelming support and enthusiasm people have for him, and had to keep reminding myself that the masses don’t know what the Truthers know about what the cabal has done behind the public’s back, and the atrocities Obama is blamed for. Of course—neither do they know the despicable truth about Romney. I wonder if his mistress was in the Republican crowd…

My goodness… that is SUCH a different world from the one I now live in on the Internet, and for a few hours it was truly a relief to surface from the drama and relax into the superficial world the sleeping masses experience while the evil and the turmoil churn away behind the curtain.

I hope for Obama’s sake that the liberation forces will remove the cabal immediately so he can do what he came here to do, rather than trying to accomplish his goals with both hands tied behind his back—as he has had to do for four years.

He never had a chance to undo the damage the Illuminati Bush administration wrought on this country, and many have blamed him for creating the mess he inherited. Imagine the exhilaration when the general public see what he can do when he is free to support Humanity in the way he was born to do.

We’ll have to be patient a little longer, but all is unfolding according to plan. It felt to me like one more major obstacle to our freedom was removed last night and I had a GREAT sleep. All is well

I hope the Galactics flip the switch so NO more violence and hate and nonsense is on tv any more


can you imagine only positive energy created by love, breaking the mold ? I can't, and I try very hard, what is REAl heaven like, not fake heaven, not illusions, not an outdated thing 

but the actuality of our consciousness in unity, light, love, and other good states of residence? 

It is high well time to legalize : 

magic mushrooms

and perhaps dmt, mdma, and lsd, unless they will just lift our vibrations and keep them there, which is a better option. 

I don't think strong psycho-active drugs like DMT, LSD, MDMA or any kind of Shrooms should be legalized as long as we are to be kept straight in our mind and body. But Marijuana is something they should be lighter on or legalize, cause it would de-krimminalize ALOT and people would actually start to think more about and for themselves. :)

I have to respectfully disagree. These psychoactive drugs are what led me to the light and helped me understand myself and many other things. They are also healing catalysts if used the correct way and I think there will be people out there that need to experience the healing, understanding and insight that they bring. Peace love and light :)

If you are of negative mind, why are you coming onto this site if you dont believe this way..  im sure their are other sites you can visit with like minded negative people..


people that come on here to read about the truth, like to have conversations with like minded people..


i suggest you spew your hatered elsewhere..  Love and light to you..



I see you are not "ignor-ing" it. If we wished to be ignorant we would ignor it, most of us have little interest in what you may use as your bible, TV. At the least most of us that choose not to "ignor it" are selective in what we tune into.


Keep an eye on the comment section as it is I and a world wide group that intend to bust the ones that continue to feed us BS, no matter the site or means.



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