An Update,
The faction of our Highly Ascended Master/Cosmic Being Buddies have assured us that: Due to the Truth of the Humanity's and Earth's Freedom Won and the dark minions forced surrender or leave.... This is their, "Not gonna leave without an attack against the Great Star Born Constitution / Bill of Rights country that we hate"
And So, Here is our reply to that, as the only true Authority / Presense
Hello my Love, and now we are Standing
ever closer in the New Light. There will be
a great movement of the masses,
who WILL COME to where Truths
are being shared and experienced.
The biggest or most important Act of the Divine Plan
upcoming now is the coming of the masses. Get This.
What we must now reveal is, that it will happen in large
part do to pain, the pain of fear, the pain of emergency.
Do not be surprised, humans have used pain for millions
of seasons to get to where they need to go.
We know that some of you precious–ones
who are Conscious… think that there is going to be some
immediate Magic. That the pawns of the dark will somehow not
be acting as of new years 2013 or close to it. Well on a Cosmic
Clock you are absolutely correct. { We, the One Voice of the
Elohim/Archangel/Cosmic Ancestors who are You, here also
have this to share}
We must now outline due to this venue.
• There is a planned attack underway, it is in full swing,
to strike the North American Continent. It is designed to
come thru the South / Mexico. This has long been spoken of
in the I Am Foundations of the untainted Ascended
Master's outlets that are of the Great Dispensations of the real
Mother Father Gods
• We shall not say more or reveal more details because We
do not give attention to that. You are Masters and We need,
to have your attention going to what follows.
• You know the Great Law of Life , Yes ? • What You Think and Feel
you make manifest AND • Where your attention goes your ENERGY
Flows. & • Consciousness dictates Reality. …. Here is what follows:
You are part of the masses, just by being Human.
Humans, do not speak to, fellowship with, or call upon the
Ascended Masters or Angelic like Beings, unless there is an emergency.
• It is most important even imperative that a “few” more awakened
ones, awake to the necessity right Now
to call in direct assistance from the Light Realms,
i.e. Archangel Michael's Angels of the Flaming Sword,
to intercept, intervene and help to keep the Americas safe.
• To keep your innocent sisters and brothers YOUR LOVED
Ask for this. Demand this direct Assistance Come !!
This is the emergency that is lined up to unfold along with
other great emergency’s that We the OverLighters must give
our attention to. You have perhaps no idea the great strides
We and You, as a Global Family would be at right now today,
if We and the Gods of the Earth, Earth Allies, Gods of the
Mountains, etc. have not HAD TO respond to and give our
attention to the recent emergencies of the past 13 years.
• This is no snickering matter that deservers any opinion.
If you find that you have some human opinion as to what is
being shared here just ignor this and do what ever it is that
you will do. This letter is for those of you who know the
Universal Laws and know how to use the Laws of Love.
For those who know of how much assistance the entire
human race has received over the many millennia.
+ And for those who know of the need of this Cosmic
Moment ; This need to call upon, and use your Voice as the
One Calling … and how vitally important it is at this
Exact Second for all OTHER LIFE, your neighbors.
We need more request from the realm that requires assistance...
We Thank You in advance for your Wise response
to this our plea.
Doom and Gloom
This update makes no sense and it seems to be fearmongering around some event that is suppose to happen, what the hello does this update say it is all jibberous to me
As I keep urging those who
As I keep urging those who post gibberish
stuff, sounding like some authority....
Please use your journal . If you have none, get one fast.
And post your message only after you thoughts about the
matter is clear and coherent.
That way, you will not waste our time and yours,
Keep on urging !
Don't Stop. You are the Authority of your Life. Period.
And yes; Do not waste your precious time. And Forgive my part in it.
I thank you
Pardon the mis-impression
It is not doom & gloom , It is Heaven and Earth as One. And it matters. And I did ediit it down. And I am glad you read this.
What? Speak English!
Total jibberish...I have no idea what the heck it says....LOL!
Please forgive me
for not editing out what was not necessary. I posted it on a blog verbatim. BTW it is direct from a group of Masters who's job it is to spy on the dark agenda,,,, It was delivered via A A Michael. It is not doom & gloom , It is Heaven and Earth as One. And it matters.
ps. I did just edit it down a bunch. Thanks man!
Many thanks for your call-out
Many thanks for your call-out for participation! May we all join in Love/Heart!
Am Also Grateful
Yes I will join in on this Call again before sleep. BTW there are about 5000 around the world (mostly in Europe and North America) who are aware of this and are standing in and Calling to the big Angels & Masters. A few Clairvoyants have seen the fighting men in meetings etc. SO THANK YOU. We will overide this. Michael said "They" (He) only needed a few more individual's Heart's//Voices. Thank You So Much !!