Has anyone else experienced all their friendships falling away?

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 11/08/2012 - 11:45

Outside of my own immediate family I thank God every day for, I am beginning to think I have no friends.  It hurts me physically to be around anyone that is so full of hate and judgment - whether its O or anything going on in the world.  Every day I spend time in prayer and meditation, and one of the things I ask/give thanks for is meeting others of like mind. 


Like many other lightworkers, I am feeling bruised and battered simply for speaking and living my Truth.  I am to the point where I don't want to share my thoughts with anyone anymore (outside of my spouse and children) unless it's anonymous and on line.  Seems like we are patronized as being blind sheeple, or inexperienced folks who dont' know what it's like to suffer (nothing could be further from the truth).  I have always been discerning in who I keep company with, and one knows when certain conversations are meant to occur - sometimes we're the student, and sometimes the teacher, but this is getting ridiculous. 


Is anyone else feeling this way?


Please let go of this idea that you have no friends. Being guarded communicates to others that you do not want friendship. And - you have US now.

Feeling misunderstood may come from the fact that you ARE a very sensitive soul. And - that is a GOOD thing once you discover how to not think of it as you personally being rejected or misunderstood and to use that brilliant sensitivity to help ALL in LOVE. You will soon stop feeling so misunderstood when you understand how loved you really are.

Love and blessings, Astreia

mysoul (not verified)

Fri, 11/09/2012 - 12:36

I too was feeling very lonely as I have found very few awaken individuals in the area I live in.  Frustrated and worried that my family and friends would not wake up or choose to stay in 3D.  I realized it is not my responsibility to awaken anyone and my spiritual journey is all I need to work on.  But I also realized that by doing my own work (meditating and making a conscious evert to rise my energies) that people, frens and family will be drawn to those that can give assistance.  When I focus on my own ascension and not others I am free and finding everyday that more love and compassion in my own heart.  Miracles happen.  For along time I asked why dont I feel all this love energy being poured out to us?  And one day while listening to AAM it hit me.  I forgot to ask.  Its that easy.  Ask and it will be given.  You are never alone.  I read on one of these sites recently that the only thing we need to do is listen to others.  We can't fix them or ascend them, just listen to them.  Answer questions if asked.  Everyone is on this journey.  Just be the lighthouse in the storm.  love love love

Guest (not verified)

Fri, 11/09/2012 - 17:19

Yes, friends that i have had for decades are lost to me due to their negativity. I speak the truth of not handling the stuff they put out, and its over between us. I literally cannot be near what i dont align with energetically.

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