By Bella Capozzi. November 9, 2012.
We bid you good day, and yet another fine day it is; one filled with optimism and promise. Whilst we work among you, we cannot help but key into the rising anticipation circulating around the upcoming date of November the 11th. Normally we would say that all time is no time in itself. True. Yet we concede that this day is different, so we shall agree that you may go on and treat it as such. It is wise to be aware. So open up and allow yourself to receive.
You shall discover that all things tortured and diseased – and we speak of things existing within the confines of your human relationships – shall either fall away or be rebirthed and regenerated in a manner more befitting to the new paradigm. The frequencies on this date shall have a peculiar quality to them, conducive to and specifically targeting interrelational issues. Look for ailing familial situations to be especially affected by this energy. Heal or release. One thing or the other. There is longer any acceptable “in between”, once this energy’s work is done. If you suffer from indecision over what to do about certain people in your life, then on this date ask for resolution. Ask for the strength to cast off that which sickens and inhibits you and cannot be carried forward any longer.
After this date, it shall become clearer to you as to which relationships you are meant to carry with you through the shift and which ones you are not. Do not tax yourself unnecessarily over this, as you shall simply know. Automatically. There is no preparatory work to be done here, as by God’s Divine Hand it is already taken care of. Allow it to unfold. Simply be. Also, we caution you not to create for yourself new fears. Fears such as wondering that if you sever certain ties you which you currently have, then you shall be alone. By no means, we assure you, would this ever be allowed to occur. Lest you might forget, you are entering into your natural state of Unity and the very concept of “alone” is an erroneous and false creation.
So then, it stands to reason that a kind of side-effect of these frequencies is a clarification of your natural powers of discernment. Who is resonant with you and who is not? Like the animal kingdom can instinctively recognize it’s own, so too shall you be able to intuitively identify members of your own particular soul family. Granted, your paths shall cross. True, true, we all are One. Yet you crave the warmth of familial bond, and therefore you shall have it. Watch now for the barriers, fears and insecurities which prevented you from forging new, and rediscovering age old bonds with others is gently lifted off your person. A new confidence thus emerges. It has been difficult for you whilst laboring behind the veil, to be self-confident and accepting of others. Understandably so, as the planet Earth is a veritable melting pot of souls operating at varying levels of evolutionary development. Such wide disparities in vibration, great gaps in frequency. It has been rather lonesome and painful, yes?
So now we instruct you to ask for help. Ask for loving Angelic guidance. We cannot intervene unless you call on us and grant us permission. We cannot step in otherwise. Allow yourself to receive, unhindered by guilt or feelings of unworthiness. We have come to serve. It is our dearest wish that you include us, acknowledge our presence, and trust. All we seek in recompense is a simple prayer of thanks, and that you take our well-intentioned guidance to heart. Embrace this gift God sends you, and let every word and action be an expression of goodness. And so it is.
Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice
Please my angels help me
I have been a flirt since I was three years old. It is a habit, so difficult to stop because it feels so natural. But it is not a good thing. It puts focus on me personally and it bothers the really good men. I feel sure that my twin flame does not like it. I thought all these years of celibacy would get rid of it, and I deliberately put my lower chakras to sleep, but now THEY are waking up and it is really difficult. I still want to be funny and make people laugh, but I don't want to be taken lightly anymore. I don't want to be the Fool. How can I stop this disturbing behavior? I think somehow it became a substitute for personal power. I wish to move from the substitute to the real, loving behaviors.
How do I recover my true personal "power" and let go of these distracting behaviors?
Love, Astreia-PIXIE
Dear SiSTAR Pixie
Dear SiSTAR Pixie Astreia..And so it is...You are Divine..Whole within yourself..You share your heart and make us laugh.. not at you...with you..for we are in JOY for your presence in the NOW OF BEing You...being the I AM presence of ALL the LOVE You are..Don't ever regret or feel guilt or any such nonsense being YOU....YOU are FREE to BE YOU....You are Me..I AM You..We are Us..Us is ALL..ALL is God..God is LOVE..Love is Love is ...tis the cycle of LOVE...I LOVE YOU! Sending Peace, Joy, Light and Love to You and to ALL! NOW! :) <3
Thank you
Thank you for the uplifting message.
However, I don't think the flirtaciousness is really part of the eternal who-i-am. I think it is a learned response from a dysfunctional family of origin, reinforced by the sense of power it gave me when i was younger and my body was more attractive. I think it is a pattern that i need to let go of in order to become more fully myself.
I enjoy making everyone laugh!!!! I don't want to lose that! But I think the flirting has got to stop in order for me to be ready for my twin flame. True love requires respect, honor and focus, and as long as I am behaving flirtatiously i think that i am not fulfilling those requirements.
I still want to be silly and funny! I just want to find a way to stop so much longing and looking around. i don't want to "attract" anyone who is not my twin flame. I DO want to entertain and love everyone.
Thank you so much for your kind and generous concern for me. I appreciate that very much!
Love, Astreia-PIXIE
You're welcome
What if your twin flame is polybisexual and enjoys your brilliant essence most greatly through your unique quality of abundant flirtatiousness? :P
Every time I find myself in a state of 'looking', I remember that the only thing I'm looking for is myself.
And by having found (that part of) myself again, it shows up in the 'outer world' like clockwork (magic).
And when it does not show up, it feels like I am not allowing myself to be (or express) the uninhibited fullness of my being.
When I look at many other people, also those in a relationship, I often see some still being in a state of 'looking' (out there).
* Searching for a Life Partner ~ Mooji - YouTube
Lately I feel that many are starting to let go of the root cause; most, if not all, of the remaining mental and emotional subconscious attachments.
I notice that I have mislabeled many of my divine virtues by hanging them onto that same root cause peg.
With much help I've been 'able' (or blessed) to remember more and more of a very specific experience in a previous life where this root cause was created (by me), or first experienced.
To my surprise, I see that all people around me are in the same boat, if you will.
Our own brilliantly created solutions, to handling the then unhandleable situation in the past, still linger on in the present, because it is (was) a life saving effort.
I have relied on this peg for many years, and built my whole safety on top of it, invested all of my energy in it, and treasured it so dearly.
By allowing myself to feel the pain of the root cause, and to feel the divine glory of my own personally created solution, the attachments unravel and unwind naturally.
Then my natural expressions of joy, love and peace shine most brightly and clearly, by embodying and embracing every part of me, until it starts to flow uncontrollably.
Thanks but - - - LOL
I feel quite certain that my twin flame is not polybisexual, because I am not. And - I am certain of myself in this.
But I enjoyed your comment and the video you posted very much.
I really would like for my relationship with my twin flame to be very honest, very authentic, very real, and I would hope that once we are together we will always be together. But I do recognize the possibility that his work in this ascension may require that he be with others for some reason in these transitional times. I no longer wish to be sexual with others, but he may feel differently. And that is ok. I just hope that when we are together it will be so very very wonderful...a sense that we really do belong together.
I do not want to be dependent, have never wanted to be dependent, and I am self-confident because of the many experiences I have had. But I long for the purity of the twin flame love.
I just felt that the flirtatious behaviors might be causing him to doubt the seriousness of my desire and ability to commit. And I am not "desperate", I do quite well being alone, and I am not really that alone - I live in a large community of people, many of whom require help from me in many different ways. I do hug a lot of people, but usually only the women, lest the men misunderstand. A 92 year old man here flirts with me a lot, and I handle that by asking him what his girlfriend would think. Once he said, "Who cares?" and I replied, "I care."
Love, Astreia
Angels LOVE you
Your question is 'How do I recover my true personal power (and let go of these distracting behaviors)?'
All the stuff that is outside the focus we think is helpful is just a distraction, so you have that figured out. Distraction keeps us from feeling/focusing on what the real issue is. Everyone does it some time, most of it do it excessively until we understand that it is a waste of precious time...but that also means we understand how precious we are, and our time here.
I have learned a great truth. I can change my thinking. By changing my thinking, my emotions follow a different line. ie: The sky is dark and gloomy, it's gonna be a crappy day. The sky is full of the power of Nature, bringing a new season and with that change that will allow me to see and be more of who I am.
I have learned another great truth. I am (I AM) the one in this picture. The one with these thoughts. The one living this life.
Ok, so how do you recover your true personal power? I would put these words in caps to make it look BIG, but the truth is tiny, because you have not lost your personal power. You are using it in the way that has been most important to you up till now. You are a very powerful teacher.
Teachers learn so that they may teach.
This is a great teaching/learning moment for you.
I keep wanting to say 'Make a List' but the other truth is that making a list of what you would CHANGE is another distraction. Make a list of what you want. My lists change with my growth. My lastest list is 'happiness, happiness, happiness.' You have much of that already!
You say you want to be ready for your twin flame. I say you already are! Let your love flow. Do not suppress that which is heavenly and most divine from spreading into the Universe.
Find the love inside you that is waiting for your twin flame, and use it on you. You are not broken, darling Pixie, you are most perfect.
Thank you so much!!!
Now, of course, the question becomes "when will my twin flame be ready for me?" LOL
I am doing much better with the flirting behaviors, I am becoming more dignified I think, and yet very open to love. And still funny, sometimes.
The one thing on the list is to be authentic. For so many years I behaved like someone I was not in order to be accepted. Well, it worked but I felt invisible because I was not being totally myself.
Thank you so much for your encouragement!
Love, Astreia