St Germain~ A Whisper Away~

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 11/11/2012 - 07:34

St. Germain



"My Dear Ones Believe what you hear because you are but a whisper away from the most exciting event. An event that will reverberate all around the world. One that will move you to the promised changes and release you from the thraldom of centuries of oppression."

"You are powerful and are manifesting a New Vision for Earth, one that fulfills your desire to lift up and leave the old you bring the New Earth into being, so your own evolution proceeds to gain pace and the enlightenment of the masses grows in intensity."

"What is taking place is unstoppable, and in it's ultimate expression will surpass your desires and ideas of what it is like to Ascend. Your experience shall be a unique and most exciting time."

"The cycle has to end in it's present expression, having served its purpose in allowing you to experience duality."

"Your Radiance is creating such a magnificent glow upon Earth that it is attracting the attention of other Light Beings who gather to witness your Ascension."

"What you are experiencing is contained in the energy you call "God." This profound energy permeates all that is , and has been your assurance that you would rise up out of the darkness.

You have always known that eventually you would have the opportunity to lift up again, into the Light that was your home before you accepted the challenge of duality.

It will be a most stupendous and great occasion, and the most de-light-ful and complete experience you have ever had."

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 08:10

Why never any specifics always a whisper away, a transforming event, yadda, yadda yadda. I am not trying to be irreverent. I encourage and hope for these changes, "The Event", from the bottom of my heart. I understand that we must build the new earth and we are the ones that we have been waiting for but lets get on with it. Let's roll.


As my favorite line, from my favorite Clint Eastwood western, "you want to talk talk, you want to shoot shoot. I think it is time for the Ascended Masters and Galactics to stop talking and start shooting (metaphorically speaking). All this soooooooooooooon is doing more harm than good because people are getting turned off and not going listen soon. Please don't tell me to hold the light I have been for 37yrs. ( meditating for 37 plus yrs) with no claims to enlightenement or super dimensional experiences like most posters and kool drinkers. In my opinion this is not about mood making or imagining things that are not but to make things that are not happen!!!


Just my opion.... love to all..... for in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make!!!!!!!!!!

We Are One, What we are saying here is you are not participating you have no idea whats happening. For those who are, are crying tears of JOY. Let Go Love and Just Be Love With US In All Love is. Love Mother and FatherGod and The Earth Allies

Its not hard to understand the frustrations of nations of people who have lived lifetimes of horrid conditions on this planet to be given the glimpse of hope and have it dangle like a carrot in front of the ass's face and not be discouraged.  Be patient with us.  We have run out of time, energy and patience on this planet.  Solid hard facts and real life WOW moments are what we need to the eyes of us 3D humans.  A shake up, a life changing moment...  The whispers of hope are not enough anymore..  Jesus whispered of hope, there is a book filled with it.  But whispers are not enough to a race that has become deaf over time.   Bring on the WOW, land the ships, take over the airways, show us.  SHOW us, for the love of spirit, we need more than a whisper of hope if we will can move to the next step in helping... and healing.  I ask you in the name of all that know me and all that live on this planet who need to be shaken awake.  Its a deeper sleep than we can imagine...    Frivolous words are no longer enough...  You ramble of TRUTH... then show us.  Show us...  SHOW US TRUTH!


Sun, 11/11/2012 - 09:09

In reply to by Rhiannon


This we cannot do for You. Remember the statement We are the Ones we have been waiting for? You Have to show up so you know what is really happening. So, You have to be Love and Truth  in Action! Thats why all of You are Here.

NANCY guest (not verified)

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 10:12

In reply to by Eddie1177

That was a cop out and we all know it.  We know what we need to do here but there are many who cant see cannot fathom THEY need YOU!!!.  No more games and playing around.  I want to see you, I want to be a part of whatever it is you are.. and I need you to assist me...  We need you.  Those of us working on this will eventually give up.  we are after all human..  and crying worlf one to many times WILL destroy us.

Rise above and you will receive your assistance from within. No one is playing any games here.

Love Astreia

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 09:42

In reply to by Rhiannon

Thanks Nancy well said with meaning and passion. You have a clue and discernment. Yes it is time for us to be the ones that we are waiting for and build this new earth but it is also time for our Ascended Masters and Galactic brothers and sisters to quit proselytizing, repeating, promising, conjecturing, rambling aand saying ssoooooooooooooooooon and JUST DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mon, 11/12/2012 - 22:02

In reply to by Rhiannon

He who has ears to hear let him hear. He who has eyes to see let him see.

You are not feeling the WOW?

It is happening NOW.

Love, Astreia

I know that you are referring to the Jim Jones cult, who drank poisoned koolaid. Many of those people did not choose to drink the koolaid, they were forced to do it. Some of them were shot by the leaders of the cult. It was a very sad case.

I recommend that you not drink koolaid anyway. It is full of chemicals that are not good for your body.

Love, Astreia

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 08:24

I dont think they are lying so i try to meditate but neither do i feel the energy they had been talking about. 


Hopefully ascension is something undeniably more obvious than this one or its going to disappoint a lot of probably for now we need something of a 3D expierience like the removal of the cabal as hope starter for the new golden age- its something "tangible"

Thank you for the lovely message. The anger expressed is understandable but, misguided. The anger is really in what we have not been focused on enough to accomplish yet. No Ascended Master may do this for us. Turn the anger into understanding and forgiveness. Everything is in Divine and perfect order. Yelling at an apple tree in winter for making us wait a whole year for fruit is just a little silly isn't it? If you plant a seed and then dig it up every day to check on it's progress, you are likely to not reap a harvest. 


Yes this true about digging up the apple every minute or yelling at it for not growing fast enough is insanity; however saying we are not focused enough, or loving enough or forgiving enough is just a cop out.


The Masters and Galactics are the ones making promises, saying "The Event" is imminent, soooooooon, already happening  or then again maybe not until 2013, yadda, yadda, yadda. They are making these statements not us. My point is do it or keep quiet or loose your creditability no more no less. If the apple seed kept saying soooon, imminent or it is already happening and nothing happened it would be the seed acting a little silly. No one is not saying we are not the ones we have been waiting for...we are.....and yes we have to do this ourselves...but don't give people false hope of support and not deliver


. Salusa, Sheldon Niddle, Drake, Cobra and David Wilcox all say the same sooooon, imminent than a glitch, not the right time, our allies are changing strategy, Obama will do it, etc. You are preaching to the choir we want this. we just don't want to played like a HARRP. My point is people, real true passionate light workers will loose hope and stop listening and this is counter productive.

The apple tree DOES say "soon there will be apples" when it flowers. But if you impatiently pick the flowers and then are angry that they are not apples, there will not be apples for you. Allow the Tree of Life to flower and grow and then you will see the changes you want to see.

Love, Astreia

cassandra (not verified)

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 09:45

I get it. Everyone does their own ascension. Then the knowing occurs, the feeling and dreams of what has occurred or will happen. Stop being so hard on the channel it is happening. It is like the Matrix my cousin is watching it is Neo's belief.

So you are saying than there will be multiple time lines and realities when all channels say all timelines will converge into a new one. Are you saying that  ascension is individual and we create another individual illusion and our own individual realities?

Your frustration is beautiful as it is a reflection of how much you want this change now. And as you know, your desire always manifests in the non-physical, so please be patient.  All you seek is here now when you have the eyes to see it but frustration hides it from you.  Please dear friends, take a deep breath and come back into your heart.  Our Ascended Masters are here now, guiding and assisting us, inspiring you to take right action, but if you stay in the denser emotions of anger, impatience, hostility you will not be able to access them. Change in the physical is inevitable now, patience, passion and purpose are to be embraced. Namaste'

Julia Cosby

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 10:12

Oh my dear family.  Continue to remain positive. There is a DIVINE PLAN that is in place. This is a very spiritual time and President Obama is part of it.  Very soon there will be an announcement by President Obama. These are Magnificent times. I must say to you PATIENCE, my family you will see. THE DIVINE PLAN IS ALL IN PLACE. 


I Love you all unconditionally


David Porter

Sun, 11/11/2012 - 20:39

Why did the Zetas leave a crop circle the size of 3 football fields that said, "Beware of the ones that make false promises and say they bring gifts" The bible has this in seveal areas, as well as other books and referrences of old.


So who is the good guys and who is not?


Why do I feel by all these messages that we are being stalled?


What are we acually awaiting to happen as we continue to be calmed and pay our taxes?


Things like NESARA were to happen for us long ago to give us time of freedom to prepare ourselves for ascension etc etc etc???


The Zetas don't look like the good guys to me?


Was this a wanted posted by our ET allies or was it from the Zetas?





Guest (not verified)

Mon, 11/12/2012 - 10:53

Oh please, this is all a load of crap, and obviously a way to keep the sheeple asleep. Don't give me that hold the light rubbish and attack me for my opinion just because I'm calling your bluff. Down right disappointing.

Guest Tom (not verified)

Mon, 11/12/2012 - 15:01

St. Germain was born into the family of Rakoczi in 1711 in Collonia, now known as Koln, Germany. He had the title of Count St. Germain. 
He became friendly with members of the Rosicrucian’s. They were interested in his ability to influence people of power, such as kings and nobles. Since he was a man of few morals or scruples, he began to work for the Rosicrucian’s in order to gain control and power. Using illusion and deception he fooled his followers into believing he was a man of great magic who could live for thousands of years. Being good at illusion and deceit he found it easy to beguile the simple minds of the people of his time. 
St. Germain was not a member of the Rosicrucian’s though he claimed to have attained the high ranking of a member of the Seventh Beam, which means he woul

d have been an Initiated One. In reality, he was nothing more than a sleight-of-hand con artist who was good with chemicals, which allowed him to produce a glare-gold, using certain chemicals on metal. 
He conned prominent women into revealing their secrets. He would later repeat what he knew, causing them to marvel at his supposed abilities. He convinced some people that he could become invisible, since the people of the time had no idea of the power of hypnosis over the conscious mind. 
To further enhance his image, he claimed to have travelled to China, which was untrue. He only went as far as Berlin to report to a splinter group of the Rosicrucian’s. The main group was in Vienna. The Rosicrucian’s used alchemy to make him look younger so that people would believe that he was really timeless and would live forever. After his death at the age of 73, the Rosicrucian’s found people who looked like him and altered their faces to keep the myth going. St Germain was a fraud in life and whatever is masquerading him now is still a fraud. Don't be taken in by that which claims to be St Germain a so-called ascended master

Prominent women are often willing to tell their secrets to anyone who will listen. They don't need to be "conned", they enjoy talking about their "secrets"

Fraud is a word that I would only use to describe those who make money off the ruin of others, without remorse. I don't believe this applies to St. Germain, but if you do, then go ahead and believe what you wish to believe.

I do not worship anyone but the One that is Love.

Blessings, Astreia

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