'Strange sounds' heard WORLDWIDE -- what is it?! Dutch~

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/17/2012 - 10:07

Montreal video was UPLOADED to youtube on January 11 2012 -- clearly with leaves on the trees.. not from Jan/2012 . here is the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f9Gh7T91dSg

Kiev video at the end is from 2011 it would appear.. again uploaded on Jan 11 2011 .

If you spot anything else that stands out as "odd" for being January 2012 --- let me know in the comments.. Im leaning towards some kind of copy-cat effect going on here.

1 hoax multiplied maybe? Or is it the real deal?! Im on the fence.

Something strange is afoot --- unknown sounds heard globally over the past few days.. basically starting up in rapid pace on January 11, 2012 --- up until today (jan 16 2012). I don't know how long this will continue, or what it is.

New term : U.A.O.. = Unidentified AUDIBLE Object

you can see all the same videos in this montage by clicking this search here: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=strange+sounds+2012%2C+this+week

What could all these sounds heard this past week around the world have come from? What do you think is causing this phenomenon? I am still at the drawing board, trying to figure this mystery out... any ideas.. please share below in the comment field.

I have ruled out the "fake" option -- too many videos popping up for this to be a hoaxer.. unless of course.. its some kind of MOVIE roll out stealth marketing ploy... (I'm always the skeptic I know -- but remember EPAZUTI ?!).

I twist on the old saying .. keep your EAR to the grindstone ... if you hear anything.. get it on video !

Doreen Smith

Tue, 01/17/2012 - 12:28

I felt gaia, mother earth moaning in travail while she is turning on her ancient axis...shifting...groaning as we hear her audibly.., the rusty wheels turning in a great cog of the universe..Hard to turn over even a little after 26,000 years..LOL! Heck, some of US have a hard time rolling over after being in one position for 10 minutes and we groan at the turning over....Mother earth is big...with big sounds...she groans loudly...

In some of the footage, you can see cloud ships and hear the hum of what might be engines,...overhead...hoovering noise? Holding gigantic ships in place above us...Some sounds are like many angels singing...harmonics...High pitched frequency at times...
We're all (well, many) are reading chanelled messages (and feeling in our own being and spirit)  from our brothers and sisters on  Galactic Free Press. Ships are around the world, telling us about decloaking and letting everyone on the planet know of their arrival so there'd be no denying the existance of UFO's and ET's...call them angels if you'd like...They come in LOVE and to help humanity ascend to the 5th dimension...YES!

I showed this video to some of my friends...One of them was wondering about the bird  screech heard in several places throughout this video..I really didn't notice that...

Then, I thought it might be a hoax bc sounds can be added to a video as we all know. No one really says anything while taking taking this footage. If it was me, I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut...know what I mean? I'd HAVE to say SOMETHING about what was happening and how I felt at that moment...I hear no one speaking in their native language in surprise or shock except for the guys in the forest looking up and all around..but, they could be discussing which trees to cut down, who knows? ...sounds like it's from up above though...The person on the 2nd

I don't know if it's a hoax or not...but, I beleive, something is happening above, on and below our earth...we shouldn't be shocked or surprised, really, to hear or see anything these days..We've been told these days were coming... I love it!!! We all know in our Divine Self what is happening...NOW!

There are many days recently, I personally feel big vibrations and constant humming sounds coming from all around...when I am outside and look up, (I'm in Manistee, Michigan, USA) it looks like a huge snow cloud halo..but, it doesn't snow, You can actually see where the cloud stops and all you can see is darkness and stars beyond the edge....

Last week, Thursday, (JAN 12, 12), I felt and heard something while having my headphones on listening to a favorite familiar song...The hum and vibration were so loud, I removed the headphones to hear what I was hearing while having the phones on...It was audible...but only briefly...I have no camera to take pics or videos with recorded sounds, so I can't prove what I heard...I can only share what I've heard and felt...Namaste, Have Peace, Light, Joy and Love...Rejoice for what is taking place right now...The shift is happening...Don't worry, Be Happy.... HappyNeerod...Doreen...:) <3 <3 <3 NOW!


I am so thankful and happy that what I wrote made your heart smile...

I am smiling every day knowing so many beautiful and wonderful events are taking place..Carry that smile in your heart, bring it to your face and let that love light shine, shine, shine...People will want to know what you're smiling about...tell them...share the great news of LOVE and LIGHT...to all you meet... Namaste...<3 :)



I think i might actually know what the sounds are.


The earth is upset kind of like stomic pains.Latly I have felt very strange like something is taking place right in front of me but i cant see or hear it . I have ben eating alot less and sleeping even less maybe five hours and staying awake for 28 on a regular basis.Im sober and clean for my two daughters cause its my duty to care for and love them with all i can.

Now as i was saying the earth is evolving and at the same time I feel as if we humans are as

well.If you think about it it seems we are do for some drastic changes and I know deep in my sole we all are changing.Its not hard to imagine at all.Thousands of years have past since higher being humans were on this planet.Even if we all are not ready it will take place

God is a formalidy its not god its the great creator! It by anymeans was not to take place this early but we as one have projected so much negativity towards space beyond and below our feet as I said stomic pains.If we were not forced to change humankind as a whole would be lost to a future of darkness,pain,and death for all and our decendents witch would not exist.We all feel the same this is true but we all are not the same so the ability to accept things witch do not matter,and relese the things we can not change,Only at that moment will we as a whole be ready for our true destiney.I have no clue how the world feels but I am welcoming the events that are unfolding and lifting of the vail that has ben arbatraily placed over every single human here.

Yes, dear one! I feel you're onto something here? The one "constant" we ALL seem to agree on is that Mother Earth IS evolving! It doesn't seem to matter on that particular point "the Source" from which it comes either, does it? Lol

The closer we become to Gaia, and within experiencing her "growing pains", the more we seem to be experiencing "sympathy pains", don't we? Haha

Now, not that there is anything to be "sorry" for, however we feel as she feels, we breath as she breathes (not so lucky in big cities with all the pollution, as we might have it up here in beautiful Mt Shasta mind you! Lol) but, it just resonates so loudly how close we are to remembering the true divine spirits so many have forgotten we are, you know?

Not you, though! You have so wonderfully painted such beautiful pictures in our minds, of how Love & Light might have something to do with it, and I believe anyone reading your comment just might be "steered away" from the possibility of fear and anxiety too.....we know we are!

Thank you so very much for contributing to this post, we are all so very grateful for you and your insights! I love you dearly, my child of enlightenment! Thank you!

...with Love & Light, from ALL of us here within The Galactic Free Press Staff, Namaste!

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