As of This Week, 3rd Dimension Beings Aren't in Control

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 18:00

Welcome to Brenda's Blog

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Summary of Brenda’s 11/11/12 free, 15-minute, channeled “Creation Energies” show at You create everything – including the 11/11 energy burst. You’ve even created the definitions and dates of your astrological signs. Now that you’re becoming more sophisticated, so are your astrological markers and all other phases of your life.

The title of last week’s “Brenda’s Blog” – her free, weekly, channeled blog for ”You Can’t Fear AND Love Yourself”

Brenda’s “Creation Energies” show presents different channeled material than “Brenda’s Blog” even though both might be about a similar topic.

Dear Ones,

You have become quite adept at bouncing between energy bursts and adjusting your physical, emotional and spiritual being accordingly. You are now ready for the next phase – the solar eclipse.

We told you during yesterday’s Creation Energies show ( that you create the energy shifts you are constantly adjusting to. Today we wish to remind you that while you create energy shifts, you have done so – at least until now – on a subconscious level. Someone announces a date, such as yesterday’s 11/11, and others rally to the call creating information about what is to happen and why. You have united as one in this arena.

This week’s shift is different. Even though you created it in that you are encouraging the energies to flow through your being, this energy burst will shift your world as you know it.

Prior to this shift, you and your world changed in bits and pieces. Cleaning out a corner there, obtaining bits of knowledge or sharing joy experiences. You are now strong enough – as is true for earth – for this major shift with little or no down time.

By the end of this week, you will most likely experience a shift you will note far more than any previous shift. A bit like having the sniffles versus the flu.

How will this shift impact you? This we cannot tell you for you are moving at your own pace. But you will be different. Even though you may not notice the difference immediately, you will soon find yourself thinking and behaving differently.

You will no longer wish to be around people who make you uncomfortable. Perhaps you are thinking that such people are mirrors for your fears.

You have cleared your fears – both personal and global.

You have worked diligently to prepare for this shift. You created 2012 as the year you transition from the third to fourth and beyond dimensions. The first 10 1/2 months of 2012 were preparation for this week. By the end of December, you will have ascended (as some label it – even though you remain on earth) and the new earth will be firmly in place.

Think of this week as the installation of your new hard drive. You have gone as far as you can with your old computer/Old Age being. To shift from the Old Age to the New Age in physical form, you needed to be certain that the third dimension held little comfort for you. So you moved through your fears and became bored with life on earth as it has been for eons.

You will not be bored by the end of this week.

For you will uncover a sparkle, a new excitement that draws you further and further from any need to be an Old Age care taker, victim or outer-directed power monger.

As Lightworkers, you will experience this almost overwhelming transition sooner than those who remain steadfast in their need to be of the third dimension. You will not have a great deal of interest in their anger, “pity parties” or fears. It will be as if a magic wand was waved over your being and all you have dreamed of comes together in a joyous package.

Will you win the lottery, find a new mate or move to the perfect house? Perhaps. But more alluring will be the KNOWLEDGE that you are no longer of the third dimension. You will sparkle and shine internally and externally. And you will frighten those people who cannot or are not willing to comprehend that you are not of the third dimension.

They will try to determine how you are different and not understand. A bit like some of you see a beautiful rainbow and others the mess following a rainstorm. Even though those solidly in the third dimension will not see your rainbow, your demeanor will make them uncomfortable.

What does this shift mean for those who are just entering the New Age? They will be extremely comfortable with you, but not necessarily understand why. The complete spectrum after this week will be: you – the rainbow; others moving towards you; and still others only seeing the rainstorm mess.

How will earth change overall? There will be more divisiveness than has been true in the past. Not necessarily in terms of politics – for many politicians are of the rainbow set and others are enamored of those who are. But instead, that various groups will no longer be comfortable interacting with one another. Those who wish to continue in pain will not wish to be around New Age rainbows for their joy and excitement will make third dimensional beings extremely uncomfortable.

Some of you of the rainbow set are concerned that those remaining solidly in the third dimension will harm you physically, emotionally or spiritually. Merely Old Age thinking and memories. For the past few eons, you have indeed given third dimensional beings the power to diminish your joy. Such is no longer the case.

This week’s shift will alter power patterns beyond anything you can imagine.

As a Lightworker, you may try to be grumpy, sad or in pain, but such feelings will not last long as they are no longer your point of interest. Too many sparkles of light will be within your being for you to maintain a cloudy demeanor. You will dance with joy only to have those remaining solidly in the third dimension frown and try to curtail your enthusiasm. They will tell you to be quiet, follow the rules, be careful and continue in pain and sorrow – to experience anything but joy.

This week is the tipping point. No longer are third dimensional beings in control of you or earth.

Previously, you maintained your New Age/new earth beliefs despite hits from those with outer-directed power or the third dimension. After this week, you will not need to curtail your love of life, joy or enthusiasm because you are now the leaders in thought, feelings and action.

Perhaps some of you remember how outraged many were when rock stars of the 60′s starting wearing unusual clothing and let their hair grow longer than was acceptable. Slowly such looks became the norm for rock stars, as well as many adults.

You have slowly (in your mind) transitioned to this week of phenomenal importance in this New Age shift. You are today’s rock stars/trend setters. You are the ones others will emulate and admire.

Welcome to the New Age in all it’s glory and all your sparkle. Those of the third dimension are outdated and old-fashioned.

What will become of those of the third dimension? Nothing other than their importance will be swept aside starting this week. So be it. Amen. If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2012, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc. But please keep the integrity of this article by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:

Sarah Shiddian

Thu, 11/15/2012 - 18:11

No coincidence! I was about to post the same for I truly believe this one will encourage many of us. I also translated it to French. It is on my site, Hang in there, brothers and sisters, we have arrived at destination. In Love and Light.

David Porter

Thu, 11/15/2012 - 20:41

Brenda, this is a most inspirational and we speaking for most of us esp those that have been work toward ascension for month, years or even life times. This is the kind of news that we have been awaiting. But we have also been led down the path of miss information now for weeks, months and year now by alledged channels/channelers that we arn't yet sure of their purpose in full. Is it to keep us from thowing in the towel and taking out our family as in "Jim Jones" scenario, or are we being marinated for easy entry into FEMA camps as in Hitler? 


One thing about your blog that caught my edit mind, is the last word. As this is a god of sorts that was not necessarly of the Highest order if I have it correct???


We no longer wish to fall under the catigory of gullible sheep.


I will get back to you after this week is gone by several days and after I have confermation from diverse sorces of the authencisity of your channels claims.


Thank you for your support



3d Guest (not verified)

Thu, 11/15/2012 - 23:04

I've read a lot of this 5d and 3d stuff, and lots of people say that they ascended to 5d beings, right?

I looked into the science and understsnd the concept of vibrational change.

There are even people willing to help you change your dna to 12 strands.

I have a few questions and maybe you can assist me with the answers:

1) If you can help me upgrade my dna, why do they want money, we won't need money on a 5d world?

2) If you have already ascended to 5d, it means you have changed your vibrations accordingly, why are you still visible in a 3d world?

3) If Pres Obama must lead the world into change, and reveil "federation" the time is now. Less than a month time?

4) God say he will come on a unespected time like a thief in the night, why will his angels go behind his back and reveil the time?

Thank you for your time, I need this questions answer, because I'm starting to doubt this ascending process.

cuz' most of this channeling transmissions(about 99%) come from the lower 4th astral level where the spirits are of a very low vibration still(including some demons and evil spirits)...but yet they are very hungry and need to "play" tricks on naive people of the third dimension(...). So, they will give you what you ask for(a LIE) and in return they will use your emotions to feed themselves(they are always very hungry)... because they need to energetically sustain themselves somehow(and God no longer sustains them), do they?!...From a spiritual point of view THEY ARE DEAD, my dear...and you sustain them with your ignorance(naivety)...

Have you ever heard of The Great DECEIVER(deception) or about the wolves in sheep clothes?...Well, that's -in short- what I'm referring to...Do some more research and you will find the same answer to your questions. All this is simply BS for young-naive souls who need some more training on Earth before THE REAL ASCENSION to occur...

"Wake up you sleeper, rise from the dead, and CHRIST(the REAL LIGHT) will shine on you"(Eph.5:14)


Sarah Shiddian

Fri, 11/16/2012 - 06:20

In reply to by David Porter

Maybe YOUR perception is from the lower astral. Couldn't it be so? One must read these words from a global perspective and not literally. Read between the lines. 3D will be swept aside, not beautiful incarnated light souls in it. Have a good day. And please join the November 21-22 world meditation. We are invited to fast that day and to eat light the day before. Thank you. My heart spoke, not an entity from the lower astral.

TIME  will prove my words( and how AWAKE I AM)...

"You will recognize them by their fruits"(Mathew 7:16)


(and BTW: 3D is just FINE...people are lower astral demons...always...until ENOUGH IT'S ENOUGH )




Wake UP!(until is not too late)


Guest (not verified)

Fri, 11/16/2012 - 01:32

I was already fired because my boss couldn't handle what I beloved and expressed. I then moved across the continent to live with two people I have barely know but known forever. I saw all of this in oracle readings prior. Right now I am seeing new career and patience as recurring themes. I am guided that we have asked for heavens help and must now release our egos so the miracles can occur. There are no words for some things which is why it may seem repetitive messages. If you have felt the vibrations of a group of 5D aligned energies you would literally give up any drug or experience it is felt as so overwhelmingly -GOOD- I can't explain very well as I come by my talents naturally with no training. It makes me a poor channel but my own independent confirmation.

Ask for help to see your own synchronicities! They will give you the signs you need to have faith. But you must ASK and then LISTEN to your gut feelings.

Belinda Warren (not verified)

Fri, 11/16/2012 - 21:22

In reply to by David Porter

I was telling Mother God recently how I was fired myself for the same kinda thing. I was working in a thrift store, & everytime I went, i'd send 100,000 Angels on ahead of me. My boss became more and more cranky until I was fired, even with a medical note, for getting floaters in my eyes and ended up having an operation for a detached retina!! Of course, that was only to make room for the better to come along!

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