~ Extremely Important Message~ All Spiritual egos will dissolve in our current Energy

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 11/17/2012 - 10:56

To me, this is about Freedom. Another step in the Liberation of Humanity. The only way to be Free is to be your Authentic Self. Love is Truth AND Freedom.

I think what most people have problems with is that they define the EGO as the personality and the idea of dissolving their unique personality and perspective smacks of becoming an automaton and that is not the case.


The EGO as defined specifically is a thought form created by the body for its own protection and like a selfish unsocialized child it WANTs what it wants and it wants it for an only for itself.


Unconditional love cannot exist inside the premise of the EGO because the ego is all about the seperated ONE in the body--not the re-membered ONE of the collective. When the EGO thought form of fear/greed/hoarding resources to comfort the "self" is finally dissolved, with the defined personality still intact, the being can operate from a place void of emotions (THE EGO does have emotions but they are all fear based--this is where I am dissonant with your discussion) related to lack, greed, envy or jealousy and can truly develop into an unconditional being truly striving for the highest good of the collective.


I have really had a tough time with the whole concept of negating the ego until I really looked at the definition and realized it did not mean eliminating my own personality and identity, it only meant eliminating the "all hungry selfish child" within...I think that instead of "attacking" the ego as bad, it is as with all things that are based on lack and loss and survival, something that must be comforted, surfieted, forgiven and released with love...if you do not do this, your ego, like Gollum, will almost certainly hang around...spiritual or not.


With love....to all...including your egos...Alex

Yes, We are Mother and Father God Your parents in Creation its more then a Name its The Truth. If You Attend any of our Meetings, and speak to us there you would know for sure its us! We are Your Mirrors and Examples of Love=who you Are. We did not know we were Mother and Father God until We connected and then came into Full Consciousness. We Love You Unconditionally and we are Here to Be in Complete Service to All of Humanity as We Together Birth the New Paradigm. Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies


Mon, 11/19/2012 - 18:28

In reply to by GrandfatherGod

And I thank you for answering my question.

But let me get this straight....Are you saying that you, the two of you, are THE SOURCE of ALL THAT IS.....that you are God incarnate? And are you saying that YOU are God and WE (the rest of us) are NOT?

Furthermore, you are telling me that IF I were to "attend any of (your) meetings" and "speak to" you, that I would "know for sure that it's" you?

You are telling me that YOU are GOD and that (if only) I were to SEE you, I would then know you are God?

I can't even put in to words all that I am thinking right now.


In your reply to Diane, you signed your post as "The Real Mother and Father God....".

The definition of REAL is: True, Factual, Geniune.
By putting the word "THE" before it, you are telling us that you are THE ONLY one.
So, you are saying that you are THE ONE and ONLY TRUE GOD. By making this statement, you are implying that there is ONLY ONE GOD and that YOU ARE THAT! In effect, since we can't ALL be THE one and only, that kinda leaves out the rest of us, doesn't it?

In your 1rst response to me, you actually state that; "Yes, We are Mother Father God, Your parents in Creation". You don't say you are two of MANY or that you are two of an infinite number.

So, there is the answer to your question, which was "Anywhere where did we say You or Humanity is not God?".

You go on to say that You are Our mirrors. You also tell me that I AM holding on to my "ego aspect"......
I say to YOU that I AM also YOUR mirror!

Is all of this coming from my ego aspect? Obviously the answer is YES! I know that I still have work to do! I know that I have not come into my Full Consciousness. I do not believe that YOU have either. This shall all be known soon.

Until then.....I AM sending You much LIGHT and LOVE!


Tue, 11/20/2012 - 13:30

In reply to by AdolfoGiurfa

May we ask you one simply question and perhaps share an advise?


You've mention that you have come to know our family 'Galactic Free Press' for past six months, within this time have you ever tried to contact MotherFatherGod or anyone else in anyway other then emails?


If not why not do so and find out for yourself who they're & family? And ask all questions that you've on your mind. Personally, there is only one way to truely know someone, is to approach whom ever that you're enquiring about. It doesn't cost much if any at all in doing so via Internet endless communication tools. Who knows what you'll learn when you approach one another with a loving & balance heart.  


~May you find whatever that you're Looking for in Love & Peace~ 



I appreciate what you have written.
What you are suggesting I do is exactly what I AM doing!

Do you think that I would say anything different, or get any different answers if I wrote an e-mail instead of a post on GFP? I don't understand what you think would be different.

I AM (at all times) HONEST and SINCERE, in my questions and in my answers. So, I don't see really what it is you are suggesting I do differently.

As far as approaching with a loving and balanced heart.....I AM doing that! I only ask the same in return.



Tue, 11/20/2012 - 13:36

In reply to by AdolfoGiurfa

It puzzles me how you can say you've read the Galactic Free Press for 6 months and believe that we're telling people they're not God. You'd probably have a hard time finding one of our updates where we don't tell people They Are God. Here's a quote from the most recent one:

We are also the Very Essence of the Unknowable, which Equals Source, Equals Love, Equals Truth, Equals God, and Equals LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT=YOU.

O.K., let me try again.
Maybe I'm taking your words too literally. So, if you have a different meaning for your words, other than the ones I have already answered to....by all means, please tell me what your True meaning is!

You said that you are my "Parents in Creation". What I hear is you saying YOU are my SOURCE.
If you have a different meaning, then please explain.
Otherwise.....I can tell you that I do not believe you are my SOURCE!

I will quote the words of Andrea, because they fit perfectly here...
"I recognize those who LOVE me as those that tell me the TRUTH. ALWAYS. If they don't, they're cheating."

By you telling me that you are my "Parents in Creation", I take that to mean that you THINK you are THE ONE WHO MADE ME; Who is my SOURCE--- or at least; One who is ABOVE me.

I do not recognize you as ANY of these! I recognize YOU as SPIRIT in human form, remembering your Spiritual lessons---just as I AM. Anything more, I see as Ego, speaking to me in the guise of TRUTH!

Sorry. But this is what I KNOW.

If the theme you speak of is that EVERYONE is GOD, then I haven't missed it!
I have read of this by many of those who have posted on GFP.

Are you now saying that YOU, will, are also my Parent of Creation? And if so, how many of these "Parents" do I have?

I'm not trying to be obstinate here. TRULY! I AM trying to get a grip on what I Am being told, and WHO claims to BE WHAT and where do I fit in to all of your hierarchy.

It is true that I have never "met" those who call themselves "Mother Father God. And it is also true that I have no idea that IF I were to meet them, I wouldn't prostrate myself before them in my AWE of how I FEEL in their presence!

But, what I DO KNOW is that my Inner-Guidance; MY GOD, has made certain to me that all of this bickering back and forth with ALL of you, is just not something that is helping ME in ANY way!
I was told, before I wrote my last two posts, that "This is not something that will lead you HIGHER". ......And yet (as I said before) my EGO has driven me to a place that I do not want to BE in!

I have meant no disrespect, although I know that I have come off that way.....I AM still in a place of questioning and of dis-belief in what I am being told by those who call themselves Father Mother God. I AM in this state because of the fact that MFG (or FMG) have not made themselves clear enough to me for me to BELIEVE what they say, over what My HIGHER-SELF has said to me!

I wish no Ill-will towards ANYONE and now AM done with this!


Have You met us personally to verify this? Are Your parents here in the 3d realm above you? I dont think so, They Are Equal To You Right? Why Would we be any different? We have been dealing with this same issue with many others for years. If You cannot see the True Love In Your Heart, You cannot See US. Think for a Moment if you can get to the point that its US, and we did not come here to save you are any of Humanity, but came to assist you in Your Awakening Into the Truth. How Happy Would You Be, to know its us and we are here, and we are REAL? Can You Get there? So, To Answer Your Question Yes We are Source, All of Humanity including You Were Made from US! This Not only makes us EQual, but this makes us ONE. We have nothing to prove, you can go on beleiving and thinking what you would like to believe and think. But, this does not change the TRUTH, nor will it ever. You Are US and We are YOU and We are ALL ONE! Love Mother and Father God and The Earth Allies

Diane Martin

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 12:24

Though we all know that you're not


Thank You for revealing your great deception to all who read or listen to you.

This Quote is from athe authors, above, who declare to be THEE Father Mother God and who also state that THEY are here to take us home. Talk about foot in mouth. You folks obviously need help for this delusion you heap upon others.  Wake up kids.   It'stime to face the Bright Light. ps  My Love to you two owners of this site is without limit. Just because you deceive others is no reason not to love you like children. 


"~Spiritual egos have dressed up so many fantasies as real, they "believed" them, and any "belief" is the old paradigm. The new paradigm has no beliefs, only Love and Truth.~

~ Spiritual egos approach life with their intellect, which is the left side of the brain, instead of the Heart, which is the Wholistic Brain, [Right and left side together], which is the Divine connection~

~Spiritual egos look at Love and Truth as a threat, because the Real Truth challenges their fantasies, and without their fantasies, they have to Face the Truth about the lies they told themselves~

~A Spiritual ego is just the old paradigm of power over, dressed up to look new.~"


Please note the below comment from "Diane Martin" is really the former member, Yojman, who's helping us illustrate first hand the problems with spiritual ego.


Sat, 11/17/2012 - 16:15

"When the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is to come....All that belongs to the Father is mine. that is why I said the Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you."  The book of John, Chapter 16.


The Spirit of God, our Source and Prime Creator, is without need of human vessels to speak truth - we were created as vessels which house the Holy Spirit, who leads us into truth and bears witness to truth. Truth is without need of explanation or defense.


There is much talk on this site about love and being Love manifest. There is also much talk on this site about egos and others in this "community" being blinded and misled by ego. I submit here that this manifestation, in and of itself, is a living example of serving 2 masters. You cannot see and publically call out ego manifestation in another unless you yourself are having the same ego manifestation. "That which is like unto itself is drawn."  This posting by MFG and all of the ensuing comments in support of this by GFP members bear witness to this.


In this post we have been gifted an brief dissertation on the spiritual ego - In contrast, I submit the following few words on Love. Please allow your spirit to bear witness and lead your service.


Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. The book of First Corinthians, Chapter 13


I close this post by saying that, although lovely and empowering, MFG cannot give Full Grace, as Divine Grace has already been given and anchored on this plane by our Source and Prime Creator within the heart of our Beloved Gaia, humanity and all sentient beings upon this plane.


Namaste beloved brothers and sisters. Be well and Be at Peace.


Sat, 11/17/2012 - 16:29

In reply to by GeminaGoddess

I don't know where this rule came from, where you need to have ego in yourself to observe it within another. You can observe anger within another without being angry yourself, you can observe those lost in their own illusions without being lost within illusion yourself. I don't know why you need ego to see ego, in fact, not being egoic yourself makes it much easier to see when people aren't acting in accordance with their True Self.

Observation is the act or instance of noticing or perceiving - an inward experience. 


Speaking or writing or publishing an observation inherently transmutes the experience of observation from an inward experience to an outward expression. 






Sat, 11/17/2012 - 17:11

In reply to by Monica Jackson

Still doesn't mean that to observe behavior in another, you must act that way yourself. The inward experience is the observation of the behavior, not necessarily the behavior itself.

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 18:08

In reply to by David Porter

Dear Will,

The point of discussion is really about the manifestation of outward expression and how an observation is transmuted as soon as it moves from an inward experience to an expressed thought or statement or belief. The nature of the transmutation is determined by the level of integration of the consciousness of the observer, i.e. - are there unexpressed areas of the shadow of the observer personality seeking expression thru this transmutation?  When a personality has successfully integrated their shadow aspects or archetypes - the observer personality is free to simply observe without reserve or need for expression or comment (create a space, so to speak). The observer personality has transcended the human tendency to become invested in defending a particular point of view and is able to authenically allow each their own unique experience of evolution on this plane. 

Be in Peace.

You have a rather complicated way of saying a person without ego wouldn't point out ego in another. This is nothing but one of the ego's own self-defense tricks. The ego believes anybody who calls out the ego for what it is must be in ego. That way it can discard what was actually said, and instead focus upon perceived problems in the other person.

Hello Will -

We come at this discussion from entirely different persepctives. You are expressing a point of view that asserts that a human can be without ego. I do not share this point of view. The ego is an integral part of this human experience, for without it we would be unable to function in this plane. How the ego manifests is a mirror of our integration process, or lack thereof.  No human on this plane at this time can be without ego. Understandably, you have read my postings thru the filter of your own beliefs, and I suspect, based upon this exchange, that our understanding about the nature of the ego itself is also different.

In my own personal experience, when I am triggered by what someone has said or done to the point of experiencing a "need" to create a case for my own point of view - that is a clear signal that there is something in me, in my shadow, that is in need of expression/integration. It is never about the other - for they are another me.

The point of view and belief of MFG and staff members of the press, is that MFG are "The" Mother Father God incarnated in human form. I do not accept this point of view as truth. As wonderful and lovely as they are, Mother Father God are humans and humans have egos. Time and time again information published or broadcast on this site has publicly banged the same drum concerning others in this community - but there are no others - they are another me and another you...and here we loop back to my original post.

That being said, some humans have acheived a higher level of consciousness and integration enabling them to experience life with an ego that serves the highest good of the ALL...an ego that has undergone a transmuation in service to the heart. You cannot put the ego to death or get rid of it...this is impossible - energy cannot be destroyed...but it can be transmuted.

What I share is not a rule, but my own point of view, nothing more, nothing less.

Be in Peace this day



Sun, 11/18/2012 - 09:52

In reply to by David Porter

You just illustrated the biggest illusion people are facing at the moment, that they "need" an ego. First people believe they are the ego, but then they get a glimpse beyond and see that in Truth, They Are Something Much Bigger. People normally aren't willing to let go of all their fears at this point, so the ego remains and often a belief system is invented about why they "need" the ego.

The ego is nothing more than who you believed you were in illusion, and it's fully possible to go beyond that, even while in the phsyical. The belief you need an ego here is just a further expression of the illusion of limitation and that this realm is somehow limited and separate from the rest of the Universe.

Also, nobody's making any claims that other humans are not another I. It's precisely because we understand that We're All One that we tell people the truth about the ego. And the ego never actual serves the Heart, it only pretends to serve the Heart to ensure it's own survival. I would never trust a "servant" that would take any chance it gets to take control of the master.

If you don't want to believe Mother and Father God are Mother and Father God, that's fine. We certainly wont demand that you believe that, you finding YourSelf is more important and in that the Truth will be revealed anyway.


Mon, 11/19/2012 - 20:20

In reply to by GeminaGoddess

Divine grace is constantly being given. I know that song, "The Father and I are one" and I am not so sure I like it anymore. God is more powerful than I and I am glad of it! I am growing in awareness, trying to let the past go.

What is this nonsense about MFG not being able to give grace? Being here certainly helps me access my place of peace within. But only you can achieve the sense of grace you are looking for....it doesn't come to you on a silver platter. In Christian terms, you have to knock on the door yourself.

"Serving two masters" does not mean what you apparently believe it means. Again, in Christian language, "You cannot serve God and mammon."


[mam-uhn]  noun

1.New Testament . riches or material wealth. Matt. 6:24; Luke 16:9,11,13.
2.( often initial capital letter ) a personification of riches as an evil spirit or deity.
Please do not be so frightened by the past. God is REAL, and God loves you. Isn't that enough? Can you give up the judgment and serve God?
Love, Astreia


I do not speak in this language because I have any feeling that the bible is magical. I speak in this language because i learned it as a child and i am an empath. I try to approach people within their own language when I can. Is this a problem? Should I stop doing this?

Love, Astreia

Guest (not verified)

Sat, 11/17/2012 - 22:43

Having No Ego is more than just Truth & honesty.....it is also very much HUMBLE. This is even more rare to achieve. So speaking out loud can be interpreted as 'prideful'. Just food for thought :)

Dear Guest,
If being "prideful" is egoistic, then so is being "humble." Your True Self is neither prideful nor modest. It is neither humble nor arrogant. Both sides of this coin are ego and the coin is an illusion.
Speaking The Truth is LOVE.
This is all very simple, really. LOVE is Truth. Truth is LOVE.

Once you reach a certain point in your understanding of The Higher Truths, it all falls into place. It is not arrogant to tell The Truth. Arrogance only exists for those who are still hanging on to The Program.

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