Chemtrails & Contrails

Submitted by will on Tue, 11/20/2012 - 14:24

We get asked about this so frequently that I wanted to clear up some of the misconceptions about chemtrails. Some people believe that every white line you see up in the sky is a chemtrail, while others believe the whole idea of chemtrails is nothing more than a conspiracy theory. As with most things, the truth lies somewhere in between the extremes.

A condensation trail isn't exactly a rare thing, on a cold, wet morning you can see them behind cars and even from your own breath. It's something that happens naturally when warm humid air hits colder air. Warm air can hold more water vapor, but when it's quickly chilled, the air becomes saturated with water and condenses into the tiny particles you can see. This is the same way that clouds appear in the sky.

For water to condense into something you can see, it needs to form around a tiny airborne particle, and this is the idea behind cloud seeding. Billions of tiny particles (usually silver iodide) are sprayed into humid air, and while it doesn't always work, it often forms new clouds. Now, jet exhaust naturally contains the tiny particles that can form clouds, so it could be said that every jet in the sky is "cloud seeding". I've heard some claim all the weather modification stuff is little more than "conspiracy theories", but it's easy to prove it's happening. There's even companies publicly selling these services (link).

There's two different things people talk about when they mention "chemtrails". The first I already mentioned, cloud seeding, while the other is the spraying of toxic chemicals into the air. Jet exhaust by itself is poisonous and contains pollutants that have already been banned in many other vehicles. This alone means that you could say every jet in the sky is making a "chemtrail".

As for purposely spraying toxic chemicals into the air, that goes on frequently with pesticides, herbicides and who knows what else. Even whole cities are sprayed without the consent of the people under the guise of "protecting" them from disease. These kinds of chemicals very rarely form white puffy clouds, they are dispersed quickly and only visible while they're being sprayed. The really toxic stuff we breathe also doesn't always come from planes, often trucks go around spraying, and even your neighbors may be unwittingly poisoning the air.

All this being said, the poison and damage done to the Planet is really just the manifestation of the poison and damage within people's minds. I often see people who work themselves up into hysteria over chemtrails, while not realizing that kind of negative thinking is the very core of the problem humanity is currently facing. Not that I think people shouldn't work together to end the abuse of Planet Earth, but rather, things such are fear and worry do absolutely nothing to help solve the issues people currently face.


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Tue, 11/20/2012 - 18:41

In reply to by Sharonrouco

I did make a distinction, I even mentioned 3 different types, regular jet exhaust, cloud seeding, and aerial/ground-based spraying. Were you expecting some easy way to tell the difference? It's not that simple, as regular jet exhaust can seed clouds anyway, and it also contains poisonous chemicals.

I posted this so people would be a little more informed about these things. There's people who speak a whole lot about chemtrails yet understand very little about how it all works. I figured people would be happy to have a greater understanding.

I would like to add not that I believe it but some believe they are spraying aluminum so that only GMO seeds can grow , wierd huh!

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 11:50

In reply to by Rodrigo Laiho

I've looked through your different posts about chemtrails & David Icke Alex jones & the chemtrail network. Who are all on National Security watch being a National threat. I don't see much difference from your various posts about chemtrails. Perhaps you have not seen the chemtrail network, turned lynching mop from their own propaganda, darkness, power & abuse to all of humanity. The concerns are not for them, it's for the innocent they accuse. I do hope you are very clear about all the claims of this conspiracy theory on your pages. What is truth. No need to block me, I won't be back.

The levels of carbon & toxins from planes has been shown in the media by our prime minister & have been reduced from the past. The lines in all the photo's & video's are caused by jet steam & called contrails. For which thousands of people believe are the result of a covert operation to secretly load chemicals onto all planes & spray to kill off the human race except themselves. The ones mass producing most these video's indeed are in the dark. Only a couple of lightworkers doing so.

The ones funtioning on power & abuse all over the net mass producing as much propaganda as possible that few are buying into have become a threat & danger to all those they accuse of the evil for a better word that they create. For which their is extnsive evidence of. Please be aware of what is truth & what isn't.








The lines in this photo with wind clouds, are caused by heat from planes & weather conditions for which the pilots can nothing about & certainly would if they could with so many death threats being made everyday with this great misconception by some of what they are & thousands of video's & posters circulating the net fo years. Most made by criminals.

While people are trying ot not to figure out all the misconceptions, different claims & confusion with all the different posts, the Ascended Masters have been busy clearing all the chemtrail networks energies & all dark beings that mass fear, negitivity, deception brings out. In that sense the ones funtioning on the lower energies have served a purpose. Recently Obama was elected, more recently what some in the chemtrail network were using or clinging to for power, used for mass destruction of the planet in the past, though known it was there unuable to be taken & returned to light before that time. Now in place, activated for the Ascension of all. There is no chemical spraying to deliberately kill off the Human race happening. The pilots, many others are being kept safe by the Ascended masters, all in the chemtrail network on 'National or international security' watch & being exposed in the media. David Icke with his Obama repilian fear-feeding propaganda & Alex Jones fear-feeding campaign against Obama lost. The chemtrail fear-feeding propaganda campaign lost. There were no concerns of that. The Great deception of the dark & those who wish to control the world & destroy, right under everyones noses & many bought in. My work with the Ascended masters for many years, past two with the chemtrail network & all that had to be cleared & returned to the light.


Nameste! There is nothing to fear, those in the dark were not going to win agaiast the light, however there has been ongoing lightwork to prevent this from occuring that was crucial for man's Ascension.

There has been a lot of distortion of SaLusa's messages in regards to 'chemtrails' with the posts on this site, that are not on his web-site. However this is no surprise to me as all is changed in the chemtrail network for which Mike Quincy's channelings have been very popular. Best for what I would like to know to ask directly. In regards to people not knowing what contrails are, there is like the chemtrail pages,all distortion.

Lightworkers fooled, influenced by the dark.

The chemtrail network-David icke, Alex Jones, chemtrail network, leaders all functioning on power & abuse, followers. Mass producing propaganda video's & posters. All Fear-mongering for power of people & bullying, threatening many everywhere on the net who do not all ow their control over them. Endless death threaths & others to many including pilots. Network is an insanity, much the same in how Hiltler campaigned & mass produced propagada. David Icke fear feeding campaign against Obama with Reptilion eating Elite garbage about Obama & others. Alex jones fear mongering about Obama being here to destroy the world.

Destructive chemtrail network. With the chemtrail network & very much tied in. The darkest of dark beings & all types. my work for many assisting with the clearing of them from the planet, their bases, ships & all including implants, devices stilled being cleared from many people, some have carried many. Past two years my work has been with more mass clearings of these beings & the chemtrail network. Crucial for the planet, Obama, Ascension all is cleared healed, beings removed & all their work in different places on the planet. All taken & used for power or hidden, returned to light & activated, massive planetary tools & devices. The chemtrail network & some of those in it served only to bring out those beings in mass numbers at times & for all to be cleared. At this time still more coming out to be cleared &  returned to the light. When this is complete I will be relating all in the It is difficult to understand that so many lightworkers could be influenced by the dark. When the chemtrail network is so obviously all abuse & only a matter of clicking on their pages to see. In regards to the planets unseen by most dark beings who did not want to see Obama in & doing all they could to get to the Governments as chemtrail campaigners do & never stop harrassing all governments,MP's, councils & many others. Dark being have their own way of blinding, however all was intercepted & cleared away & all kept safe from them. On this page their is a mix of some channellers words about chemtrails & the selectively chosen ones talking of chemtrails from the chemtrail network. Without judgement there is one a female posting here that has been given healing/clearing of old energies connected with this. As many lightworkers are still clearing/healing from past time energies or interference from certain beings. Nameste

Yes & there has been much meshing of ones in the dark & dark beings interference deception with lightworkers which is still occuring at this in the name of chemtrails & needing to be cleared away, regardless they lost.

They have claimed everything & everyplane to be spraying chemicals to kill off the human race & still going though detered in some ways with exposure.

Those lines in the photo above are wind clouds & contrails from heat & jet stream. Not as they have succeeded in fooling many to believe. Carbon reductions & other chemicals have been reduced in planes.

Cloud seeding experiments have been done openly & publically since the 50's. Failed. More recently successful & being done openly & publically in the countries doing it. It is also a new tactic of the chemtrail network to convince their work is truth. In regards to chemical spraying. Military use of chemicals for changing weather spoken about by Obama who is against the use of it. Much disinfomation in the chemtrail network as to what they claim & deliberately make up. to draw others into the dark. Most lightworkers influenced by them, their work or other lightworkers passing their work around. Some who listen to the channelers who speck of them, also mixed with chemtrail networks work & all disinfomation. Others are not familiar with these channellers & influenced by the mix of their work in the lightworkers network. The mix of the dark & light is my work to clear up, for which much has been done over the past year or so. Nameste.

This is a good post by will and I hope it is helpfull to any who have bern deceived or confused by the work of the destructive chemtrail network been brought to this site. As this network has been tied in with all the dark beings who have been on this planet and still being cleared. In some lightworkers as well. Four lightbeings have been posted for this site to guard over it until all is clear in regards to all disinfomation that many have been influenced by without discernment. Some for many years. I would like to delete my comments here if someone could tell me how.

For any lightworkers who have been fooled. confused or dont know. By tbe chemtrail networks productions circulating the lightworkers network for a very long time. Simply go to their network and observe. Too wont find any lightworkers there supporting them. Or their work. Only safe to do so in the lightworks community. Althougjh i have done much to refuce their abuse on fb.amd danger to our pilots and mamy others. My service for the past eight years has been to assist the ascended masters with the cflearing of all dark beings. their bases. Ships and where they blocked the earth. All that was taken from the light and used for power and destruction. All taken and returned to the light cleared.repaired and activated for ascension. For past two years much work with chemtrail network clearing the way for that which was recently taken from them with solar eclipse. and massive clearing of certain beings base and blockages in the earth. As well as implants and ties with some lightworkers from them. I do not usually like to talk about them. Due to how great this deception has become with many lightworkers am at this time.

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 11/21/2012 - 18:48

In reply to by Rodrigo Laiho

I am an RN, Medical Lab Tech and researcher.  I collected air and water samples and submitted to an epa approved lab in tampa.  They matched other samples in the US and elsewhere.  The aluminum had to be diluted five times to get a reading.  This is fact.  See Monsanto,, rense, carnicom and strangedaysstrangeskies.  Trollers, go away.  Petition in DC, please sign.  Love, Pam

Thanks for an informed post, Pam,


This article shows we still have to work harder to inform the public about the geoengineering aerosols that are actually CAUSING the atmosphere to get warmer...I got my pilot's license in 1978 and never saw these lines in the sky until the mid-1990's. Occasioanlly I would see a suspicious cloud formation but it was infrequent....I also volunteered as a HAM radio communicator at the National Hurricane Center for 7 hurricane seasons. During the 1990's where conversations with a few forecasters revealed an operation to drop aerosol "compounds" into the storms.


Determining whether a contrail is real or artificial is really not difficult to do.  The basics of contrail science at NASA makes it clear that the persistent contrails cannot form when the relative humidity is low. The Persistent contrail formation requires very high relative humidity - almost to the point of "saturation" ... Just like normal cloud formation.


Relaive humidity is measued all over the USA once or twice per day up to very high altitudes partly to aid aircraft navigation.  When we see Persistent contrails forming at flight level where the realtive humidity is 20% (less than 70%) we know that these trails contain something more than normal "water vapor".  When we analyze rainwater under these aerosol trails we find completely unnatural spikes in aluminum and Barium content.


By the way...I'm really don't try to inform the people who are resistant to learning something new to the point of personal attackes.  I've resolved to present the data for the individual with inquisitive minds to examine the data.  It doesn't matter if they have a degree in science - educated or not.  Each person has a gift for knowledge that has little to do with formal education. These are the people who are going to stop the aerosol poisons...the deniers can just sit back and watch.


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This is VERY interesting and I thank you for posting it. I remember hearing about cloud-seeding on the news in the 1950s but I did not understand how it worked until I read your post.

I also agree with you that everyone can have knowledge and that it does not require formal education. I think it is important for people to realize that they can learn new things every day no matter what their background has been.

Love, Astreia

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