22 -11- 2012 Portal Re-Opening Mission Complete!

Submitted by glr_Andrea on Fri, 11/23/2012 - 14:35


22 -11- 2012 Portal Re-Opening

Mission Complete!



Walking the Path for Heaven on Earth


From the Mayan Tzolkin:

time is Art,

the Art of Loving each other as You.

The Art of finding your Divine Nature and recognize it in All as You. 

The Art of letting go all judgement and prejudice, all illusions (dreams) of the world.

The Art of listening to the Verb and to Manifest it Here and Now: "You are of the Planet but not of the world".
The Art of finding the Path Home, Re-Union with God.

The Art of Be-Coming Sananda's words "Heaven is IN You" 


In the Wave of Unconditional Love

Crown Chakra

Solar Mirror

Decree: "We Mirror Reality Fulfilling the Vision"

Day's Guide:

"We're the MAgic out of Time and Space

Day's Help

 The Mother

Day's challenge:

Keep the Vision

With the Harmony and Bliss of Light

Hidden Gift:

Your Rich Source is Manifesting




 Light and Life

Bringing Light to the New Day

The Union of two rivers that become One in their flowing generating Life for New Realities




The Lion constellation reflected on the Sacred Path of RA created by the egyptians while travellin north and used by those who believed in a dream.


The Golden Hill (Collina d'Oro): Mirror of Heaven, the return of the Mother and her children.


Bringing all that was lost into the illusion of separation and darkness to it's True Love Vibration as All has Been Created As Love and Into Love All goes Back as It Already Is Now.

No more illusion will walk the Planet as ONly Love is Now allowed, due to Love's presence that dissolves the illusion.

All that was used to keep the dream... is Now a New Vibrating Manifestation of Love

some of the sybols that were brought back to Light



Beloved Divine Mother

Full of Heaven and Earth

You protect innocence

by freeing True Nature in All Beings

gifting the wisdom of Reality

Vision of Spirit and Manifestation of God Gifts

Temple of Living Water

Eternal Source of Love.


Wife and Divine Mother

Spark of All that Is

Your Return is the Gate

of the Return of All Children of Love

Nurtured and Safe

in Your Sacred Womb

As the One Self united as One with All Creation

Sun of Truth

Light of the Planet


Breadth of Infinite Sparkling Love


ALL is Now enlightened!


As All the lost temples were Seen as Pure Light again, the last Temple is has been Opened as the New Light Portal:

The Hu-man Soul, for no external Temple is needed when the True One awakens from the dream.

Thank You Humanity for remembering Who You Are.



Orino Cerimoniy:

In a sacread Space out of time, for All Living Beings, natural inheritor of Prime Reality

In the Presence of All Creation

We, the Suns and Daughters of God Decree the Return of the Divine Mother

The One that re-Unites all Paths in One

The One of the Divine HEART



We Sing From Heart of Joy

for Heaven's notes to Manifest on Earth

One Heart

One Being

One Love

In the PResent Moment of Now

on behalf of All the Children of Love

who's will is True and One with God




We leave a Gift to All:


In Eternal Service to Love


So Be it, and So It Is.



Welcome into the Present Moment of Now Humanity 







All My Love,



And as this would not have Manifested if "someONE" would not have come to kick me out of the dream I almost beleived was true... 


and for all the lives we shared together...

and for all the adventures we had on this Planet and beyond time and space...

and for All The Love You Are...

Here and All Ways...

Thank YOU MotherGod


and YOU and YOU and YOU and.....me too...

We also Serve who merely stand in Awe....

This is so beautiful!!!!!!!!


Love, Astreia


Fri, 11/23/2012 - 23:03

In reply to by kmisha2014AU

I can accomplish because YOU are with Love, In me.

There's no more such thing as "I do, you do", whatever We Manifest is because We, as Soul Groups, Manifest Love together as One, thus each One of Us can Be on behalf of others, for others, as others... for others are myself.



You know I just woke up and now I AM already crying.
Yes, you are right. WE ARE ONE. Whatever WE do WE do together. Thanks for reminding me. Or US.
Today we continue to work for the highest and best outcome for All, in LOVE.

I admire you so much but I do understand what you are saying here. When I do my silly-pixie things, I fell that I am just letting go completely and flowing the way I am meant to flow. Pixies are important too.

But for some reason I keep trying to keep myself small because I love doing little things and making little things and that has been my mode of operating for a long time. I get overwhelmed easily because I feel so intensely.

Yet I felt something coming all day yesterday and ended up screaming at people I love: This planet is alive! We have been killing it! This has got to stop! STOP talking to me about politics and war! I declare peace on Earth and I want you to do it TOO! Parents are killed and children are given guns and told "kill those children over there and then we will feed you." This is HORRIFIC! I ran to my room and then they came up INTO MY SANCTUARY and I screamed at them and cried so much I nearly had an asthma attack. But they agreed to declare peace on earth in my room, but they refused to do it publicly.

But they said they will do the best they can and I said That is NOT GOOD ENOUGH, we have to just do it NOW.....

This morning one of my friends, with multiple sclerosis, was lying on the floor across the hall from my room because she had a scary dream about me and was afraid that I was not ok. Compassion is flowing here even more than before.

I finally let them see me as Roaring Momma Lion.

I will need your support when I come into my own more and more. I've been so happy but suddenly that day I was in total confusion and I knew something was coming up that would be hard, and that was it. I did all kinds of insane things without knowing why and it turns out i was releasing pressure in preparation for this yelling at people thing.

Love You so much, Astreia

Yes, I am part of the ALL. As hippies and as feminists we always said "the personal is political." Well, now I would rephrase it: "the personal is the driver of the change."

Andrea, this is amazing. I AM so deeply touched by this wonderful mission that you performed so beautifully. You ARE a Goddess! I LOVE YOU.
I have no words to describe how great this is and how great you are. AWEsome. AWE-inspring. Dear Sister you are a Blessing. What a wonderful Family WE have.


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