The Shift and Operation Heart!

Submitted by Iamdivine1012 on Fri, 11/23/2012 - 08:39


Good Morning All, As many of you are aware, last night a major shift and influx of love flooded in. This is not a coincidence (as we know there are none) that this occurred late on Thanksgiving Day-a day of Thanks and Gratitude. I noticed this Big Time at around 1:00 to 3:00am. The energies were so intense that it felt like the Earth and I was/is shifting at a fast and Large scale. I also noticed the moon had shifted south and grew exponentially in size and color in a matter of minutes. From this shift I am noticing clarity. Clarity in the aspect that the veil is hardly there if at all as I am adjusting quickly. Star brother and sisters are Now easier to see in the day time which is Amazing! Also, the elemental and Angelic's are now in continuous visualization. This is soooooooo exciting as knowing we are ONE and being able to feel the constant LOVE and see our divine family is an absolute blessing. Love reigns supreme! In regards to our Star family, I have been getting what I call Love operations almost nightly and Consciencely!!!!! The aspects of these operations that I would like to mention NOW is of the HEART. I and many of you Consciencely or sub-Consciencely have been getting the same operations to various extents. In MY experiences it has been like my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies are being adjusted in a way that it feels like the old game "Operation." I use this analogy as like the game, the angels and star family are always VERY gentle when adjusting me. The latest was as if they were literally unscrewing my heart to allow additional Love in by expanding my heart and entire chest area. As my "nuts and bolts" are loosened and tightened, it seriously brings the experience of having my Avatar body being given a tuneup lol! Change is here! Love is here! It is time to celebrate....whoop, whoop. I love you ALL and thank YOU for your service to beloved Gaia, the Elementals, Humanity, Star Brothers and Sisters, and all the Kingdoms. Let LOVE and Gratitude lead the way. Much, much Love! Paul

Wow some new things happened for me also. I drifted into sleep without that "edge" that sometimes occurs, and spent several earth hours of exploration! I think I flew, and I remember shielding myself with light and then seeing a doorknob. I almost reached for the doorknob directly, but I saw this flash of light come from it that made me think it might be hot, so I knocked on the door instead. The door opened and there I was, seeing things I do not remember having ever seen before.

At about 2:50 am PST I woke up again and came here to read and study and blog. The gentle mist that had settled in by evening was still there.... it is 9 am now and it is still there, making all the space around me look like faeryland.

Maybe I need a tune-up! It sounds wonderful!

Love, Astreia

That is awesome Astreia! You mentioned the gentle mist from which I am grateful as this "mist" is our guide (s), angels, star brothers/sisters, and loving spirits or you can say energies helping ALL of us! I see and feel this "mist" all the time. Sometimes when massive Love energy comes in it reminds me of when you pump gas and see waves, fumes, or mist. I have related it to this yet obviously different with various colors (gives a good visual for those newly awakened). ;)


Sat, 11/24/2012 - 13:49

In reply to by miketike

Thank you for telling me this. I went out on my patio and lay on the chaise lounge to enjoy the mist. No wonder I had such beautiful "dreams" that night!

Love, Astreia

Yes Pablo,

I have a blog under Iamdivine1012. I will be writing more now. The reason I have not as my path has been Very excellerated as a choice of my own and my purpose. In this regards; I would learn, experience, and move forward while doing my work as a lightworker, starseed, wayshower, pillar, and gatekeeper. We are ONE-ALL-LOVE from which I wear many hats lol. I love you brother and let me know if I can help as we ALL help and serve one another as ONE. :)

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