Published on Nov 27, 2012 by paradoxman316
Frankly, my dear, I do give a damn! I'm really tired of these people that go around with their BS dogma that if we only focus on what we want, what we don't want will go away. Yeah right! Get a flat tire, and ignore it. Will it go away? Your toaster catches on fire. If your ignore it, will it stop burning? If you get a serious injury, and ignore it, will it heal? Answers to these rhetorical questions are obvious; yet we have people buying into and trying to sell us on the idea that if we only focus on the good stuff, the bad stuff will disappear. Who benefits from such a teaching? Here's how I see it. There are insane people running our world and conspiring to keep their sick games going. The truth is, they need people to remain ignorant in order to keep getting away with their criminality. Do you get it yet? They are the most wounded among us; and, unconsciously, they are crying out for love. Ignoring them and allowing them to keep on hurting themselves and others is not very loving. Therefore, it is the people that buy into this PMA BS that are most responsible for exacerbating the problem. You are NOT helping by being willfully ignorant; you are part of the problem; and are making no contribution whatsoever to the solution. This "illusion" is very real human experience that affects all of Life — our life.
Thank You
Thank you very much for the post. You're absolutely right.
FINALLY!!!! ITS NOT JUST ME! Yes we live in this illusion and its very real not just for us but for every being living here. I CARE TOO. I have shed oceans of tears for the people being blown up in the Middle East and hacked to death in Africa, and for the billions of animals languishing in factory farms including those ‘living’ and dying screaming in the slaughterhouse next to my home. And I won’t apologize for crying over lightworkers eating turkey at thanksgiving when they know they are contributing to the suffering by doing so. IT IS WRONG at least at this earthly level. Sure I know the place of belief systems and I can get past mine to get to the place where there are no belief systems, but I cannot accept that we must ignore cruelty while we are here living with others who are still deeply in the illusion. I have been through the ‘phase’ of only looking at the light for the past 15 years, and now I have come back passionate and angry. The majority of humans on this planet still need to take responsibility for the state of the planet and the suffering of ALL beings before they can move on and learn the next level, and we are here to lead by example and to help bring change at all levels. DAMN YOU ALL WHO BELIEVE ITS OK TO NOT GIVE A CRAP. Yes I know I love you unconditionally too but open your eyes and get off your asses.
High cost of ignoring what's wrong
That message is very strong and powerful and written with much concern for the planet and those that inhabit it....yes, it is time for us to wake up to all the suffering, the horrible suffering of our dear animals and, of course, to mankind....not to mention our Mother many times must it be spoken, written, or repeated for all to get the message??? Wake up folks!!!! Give a crap and do your part....You are no longer children that need to be told how to do it, you already know!!!....LOVE ALL.........Take your blinders off and step back into life and make a difference....get on the bandwagon of LOVE~~~
Love and Light,