The Council of Nine ~ On the Cusp ~ by Tazjima

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 12/01/2012 - 11:43

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ She mentions its going to take years for this to Fully Manifest! However, in the energies of the Unknown, All Things Become Possible such as a Smooth Effortless Transformation and Transition as Quickly as Possible! This is what We Envision! Love The Earth Allies



We are the Council of Nine and we have come here so that the heart of our messenger and yours might fill with hope and joy. As we look upon your small planet, we see the energies rising, the vibrations of the population increasing and the anticipation growing, with the approach of the Shift. As many of you are aware, the Shift is already in process and will continue on for the next couple of years. It takes a while for an entire planet to move into a completely new paradigm; there is much shifting of expectations, physical happenings, movements of peoples, as well as the completion of the collapse of the paradigm that is about to exit. There will be much change upon the face of the Earth; indeed, many of you are calling out and praying for such change to occur yesterday. We commiserate with you; however, allow the adjustments to flow naturally. We assure you that they will proceed at a pace that will astound and delight even the most cynical among you.

What will change? First and foremost, humanity will move from greed, disease and fear to a constant state of harmony, peace and happiness. In and of itself, this is an exceedingly large step for an entire planet to undergo. As a result, all wars and conflict will disappear. Peace will “break” out and former enemies will finally recognize their mutual humanity. Many will extend their talents and skills to clean up the remanents of a corporate world gone amuck, where the selfish interests of a powerful few outweighed the considerations of billions of their fellow people. No longer will the powerful and arrogant run the world; it will be truly inherited by the “meek” who are not meek at all, but in reality powerful light beings in physical bodies.

For too long, the religions of the world have sought to control humanity by driving a wedge of fear between humans and the planet, their Mother Earth, Gaia. The dream of going to heaven or paradise or just dying to escape the daily onslaught of pain while locked in the 3D fear matrix was enough to inspire many people to listen to their ministers, rabbis, gurus and others to strive to leave physicality and leave it all behind. There was a reason for this madness, one that your erstwhile mentors did not trust you to know; physicality is the key to soul growth and development. To enter into the school room of Earth is a highly coveted position, even in the darkest moments of the last hours of the departing Dark Age or Kali Yuga (Black Age in Sanskrit).

Not only is being embodied coveted among the many souls who wished to be on the planet at this time of transition, but your race, the human race is a key to the transition that is not only changing the face of your little planet, but the entire Universe in which we all live, including the celestial or non-physical worlds. Our messenger remembers reading a clue the other day which mentioned that the human Adamic body is like “O” blood type; a universal blood that can be given to any person despite their blood type. Like O-type blood, the Adamic body can be used by any soul from this Universe. All souls will be able to eventually take on physical forms so they might also benefit from the lessons learned while in physicality. And beyond that simple but profound bit of information, is the fact that the Adamic body is also capable of holding all twelve levels of vibration presently existing in this Universe. To be sure, it can be argued by some that there are more levels, but this is quite a revelation. It means, in short, that full-fledged Buddhas, bodhisattvas and even cosmic beings will be (and already have) embody on the physical plane. You will not have to go anywhere, you will not have to leave this planet (unless you want to) to experience the highest and finest vibrational planes while still enjoying the sensations and experiences that can only be discovered through living in a physical vehicle. This is a joy and wonder to think upon, is it not?

The Earth was intended originally to be just such a place, where young souls could be trained by souls of great wisdom and where there was much beauty and peace to experience. And so it shall be, again, with the focus and determination of those who hold the immaculate concept of the new earth in their hearts. We encourage those of you who are firmly on the path of return to embrace a new vision for yourself, your people, your planet and the universe. There will come a time when all of you will be needed to teach, guide and mentor those who are still in the process of waking up from the collective nightmare that has been the now fading paradigm.

There will be much confusion, fear and upheaval as the changes to come upon your old and crumbling institutions ensue. Seek to discover your own connection through your heart flame to soul and monad, your soul family that speaks as a collective. Each of you is part of a greater soul of fire, a finger of fire extended into physical reality. As such, you cannot be moved from your path by outside forces; you are one with Creator, with All That Is. You are an eternal being, loved by the angels and admired for your bravery by the star and celestials families who watch on.

Beloved ones, you stand on the edge of an amazing transition, one that has never taken place before in the entire universe, yet one that has exceeded all expectation. Some of you have been given glimpses of the future by your own future selves and they congratulate you from that future to let you that you have succeeded beyond the wildest dreams of the planners of this process. You are amazing beings and have proved your worth a million times over.

We encourage you to all find the time for individual meditation and rest as your bodies, minds and hearts will be challenged in the days to come. We know you are up for anything as humans are capable of amazing feats of adaptability, despite the sometime resistance to change. We know you will make it; have faith in yourself and each other and life will support your vision.

We wish you much joy and love along each step in the journey that is ahead. We will be back to share more soon. Namaste.

Copyright © 2012 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

David Porter

Sat, 12/01/2012 - 18:05

This is indeed who shall inherit the Earth.


Definition of MEEK

: enduring injury with patience and without resentment : mild

: not violent or strong : moderate
meek·ly adverb
meek·ness noun
Definition from the book Remember Who You Are, The Awakening, page 26:
Enduring injury with patience and without resentment, mild, focused, harnessed, guided power or Love.

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