
Submitted by Iamdivine1012 on Sat, 11/24/2012 - 10:54

Hello beloveds,

This is a very important subject that does not get discussed if at all, that I have noticed, in the Lightworker community very often. I AM a shapeshifter. This is a gift and a blessing from which we all CAN as you raise your frequency and hold more light. I have met only one person in physical that is a shapeshifter and what a Sigh-of-Relief to meet Her it was!
As you all know, it can feel lonely as your vibrations raise higher and higher. I met her (I will not mention her name until I get permission) from the Sedona 2012 Scenario Conference as I was there with a bunch of Lightworkers/holders. Either way, if you are a shapeshifter or beginning to uncover this ability, I can help bring light to this blessing. I could write a book on this as the experience is pretty Amazing! We are ALL DIVINE BEINGS with unlimited potential and enjoy the ride:)

Much love,


kabniel (not verified)

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 16:38

Dear Shape-shifter,


If you are in a high vibes, i assure you,

you WILL NOT,  CANNOT feel lonely.


you see, loneliness is a low-level energy

that can only be experienced while separated from Source.


loneliness is not compatible with Joy, Ecstasy,Peace, ,.etc.,

these are the vibrations of Home , of Source.  ..





Hello Kabniel,

I would like to clarify. WE are multi-dimensional BEINGS from which I am constantly shifting frequencies up and down to explore, help others, and regain rememberence. The totality of my BEING is the biggest adventure any human can take. You are correct when I raise my frequency . However, my purpose is to help as many of my brother and sisters as possible thus I will lower my frequency in order to relate to whomever I am helping. In higher frequencies it is very difficult to even speak with human words. Thank you for your comment.

Bless you,


Justicar 11 (not verified)

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 20:40

I too find interest in shapeshifting mostly to wolf but in some of my dreams, as a cerulian blue dragon, are pretty amazing. We haven't even started on teleportation. The basis for all these is Pure Love and intense desire.

Hello Justicar,

Like my subject states, you most likely teleport and have the ability to shapeshift. You simply (or not so simply) would need to hold a lot of light and expand your awareness. All of this is Divine unconditional LOVE.

Much love,


Guest (not verified)

Sat, 11/24/2012 - 22:08

Hi Shapeshifter,


I Am I Am, too, and I understand what you mean about feeling a little lonely when things start becoming surreal.  As human, we desire to commune with fellow human,but the modern conception of reality doesn't allow people to commune about things like shape shifting, at least not in public, usually.  lol.  We know it's possible  to travel without paying for a plane ticket, so please tell more about your abilities.  How did you get into shapeshifting?  What led to this discovery?  What helps you become the thing you shift into?  Do you leave your body behind or do bring it with you?  Thanks for sharing !


Love, Love, Love to you Hi



Hello Landa,

Nice to meet you! What led me into shape shifting? This would be a book in itself lol. I guess any easy answer would be a lot of work on SELF and I integrated my I AM presence into my crystalin physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies.
Once this was accomplished, the shape shifting came about and it was kind of a shock to be honest (which I always am lol). How do I do this? Now it is easy after the initial surprise as I adapt quickly lol. I pull up crystalin energy through my solar plexus area and also channel in crystalin energy through my crown chakra simultaneously. I then drop a majority of my awareness into my heart. Once this is done, I light up like a star and all possibilities are possible. It is knowing that I and you are unlimited Beings. I have not tried or thought of an animal yet ...hmmm..
The question is; Am I shapeshifting into a known or unknown Being OR channeling, reflecting, a different aspect of Self? This is my Joy as I am still mastering/remembering different aspects of Self. We are ONE and Divine with unlimited potential so clarity is still coming forth. What about you?

Much love,

Hello there,
What a wonderful surprise!
I have just discovered this myself! I'm curious, when you say you shape shift do you do it in a physical sense I.e human to another physical being?
I have been experimenting and I can physically feel my wings but that's it.
When you bring the crystalline energy from the solar plexus and crown chakra and focus from the heart do you picture the idea of what you shape shift into?
Thank you for sharing

So sorry for the delayed response as I have been a busy bee lol. This is a great question. Quick answer is yes that I can shapeshift in a physical sense. The catch is that NOW that I AM my crystalline physical lightbody that only those of 5th dimensional frequency or higher can "see" the shifting occurring. For example, those still in 3d and 4d do not notice. To answer your other question, yes! I balance my heart and mind and then project what I want to be. Does that make sense? I spoke with Mother Marry and shapeshifting is one of my callings or part of my Divine Plan as we are vital for the New Age. I will be reaching out to ALL shapeshifters when the "time" is right. She also said that I will be guided and have a team of seven (gala tics and others) to help assist. I was told this yesterday and am skied! How exciting. Please stay in touch as I plan on uniting All shapeshifters as we have a great and wonderful adventure ahead of us.


Sun, 11/25/2012 - 22:30

You've got my full attention.

Will you go into this more on your blog or will this book magically form over night from another dimension ;)

Either way I wanna learn more/hear what you've discovered on the matter

This is extremely intriguing


I have been able to shapeshift my light bodies very rapidly into other beings or you can say other versions of Self as we are One. I have integrated my four light bodies (physical, etheric, mental, and emotional) internally then projecting them externally. I hope this is making sense as It is hard to explain not knowing your level of awareness or how much light you are holding. The key is transforming your carbon based physical body into crystalline based as this holds a tremendous amount of Light from which we have unlimited potential. These body transformations are happening NOW. Part of my purpose is to ensure, embody, and be a temple of light so this transformation happens for Humanity if one chooses. I hope I have helped. Please ask specific questions so I can answer more directly.

Much love,

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