12-5-12 Bill Ballard ~ Calling OUT & Exposing the Food Illuminati For What It IS ~ Be LOVE

Submitted by Lia on Wed, 12/05/2012 - 07:35

Isn't it funny how the Food Illuminati Police Attacked so strongly about yesterday's video stating the food you eat will not bring you en~Light~en~ment! That is such a hoot! I was attacked so by these so peace loving persons, as they try to express themselves to others they are, in such negative ways, that I did have to make a second video on this subject... I AM STATING CLEARLY AGAIN THAT FOOD WILL NOT BRING YOU YOUR INNER LIGHT IN MENT! I hope you can remove your limitations to comprehend that statement... I say this in LOVE for you, so that YOU MAY REACH YOUR INNER LIGHT IN MENT! All one has to do is shift from that ego those of you were expressing in your attacks about yesterdays vid, from your head into your heart... There is only 1 WAY that en light en ment can be achieved, like it or not! LOVE!

He mentioned it in the beginning of the video. He was under heavy attack from vegans over his last video. It's something we can relate to, as we regularly get accused of being horrible people because we're not vegans. I don't think I can find another issue that causes such division and distraction among Lightworkers. We've got nothing against vegans, it's the fact that they try to impose their belief systems onto others.

Bill-I almost posted yesterday as felt your video was a hoot. I have about quit posting as too many have' attacked things I said also but I don't have your profile. I have been going through all the Kundalini, heart activations, memory of Atlantis, ability to transmute in an incredibably short time and really appreciate what you have said. I AM finding it hard to stay in 3D as the vibrations of 5D are so amazing. I AM feeling the 3D world fading from sight and am up flying with the birds-cruising the sky in the kind of bliss you have. I am sure I am nowhere close to where you are but I can say once you have made the turn to LOVE then judgement is real hard to even comprehend. Don't get me wrong I still have momentary twitches but am so into GRATITUDE and just want to stay there. The vibrations are so high though that it is hard to get rest. Once the financial system switches and we have the ability to start using our abilities I feel that will change. It seems I AM having daily spurts also. Sometimes it is hard to just catch my breath. I believe Jesus said judge not lest ye be judged. Do unto others and not judging are my core beliefs. There is much work for all of us ahead so I hope all can let each other have peace as that is sure what I want. If we aren't at peace with each other then as you say we need to look inward. You made me smile yesterday.












Wed, 12/05/2012 - 23:40

 When we come into our full consciousness and realize that EVERTHING is energy...everything is about intention and all beings are eternal, come back again and again and seek out the experience they live with full knowledge BEFORE incarnation, these types of "sticking points" in people's spiritual evolution would seem to be moot points--but they are not...


I used to be a food blogger and the joy of cooking was something that brought me to the stove for many many happy recipes and meals...and then, the food police simply turned it into a pile of crap on my plate...I then remembered SO STRONGLY and deeply and intuitively that it was the vibration that was important and so food can bring me joy, certainly, it can bring me nourishment, of course, but it certainly does nothing related to my enlightenment or karma...


Jesus was not a vegan....he ate fish for sure and as a Jew he certainly had traditional meat based dishes. In fact, in recorded history there has never been a sustainable vegan culture...you NEED b12 in animal product form to create healthy brain tissue and you need saturated fat--not every area has a source of vegetable saturated fat (none in the northern areas at all...)


After the shift and the lightening of our bodies, who knows...maybe we will all live happily on prana and pure water with the occasional piece of fruit when our body's needs are different.


One thing is CERTAIN...throwing harsh judgements and criticism at anyone from a place of perceived purity is hypocritical at best and of lower vibration, and ascension blocking at worst, so clear up those Vasanas folks and stop casting stones...do what feels right TO YOU and know that every other soveriegn divine being is on the path THEY chose...blessings...alex

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