Update from Cobra:The Omega Grid

Submitted by Lia on Thu, 12/06/2012 - 16:09
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Commentary from the Galactic Free Press~ No Matter What, The Light Has Been and Will Continue to Be Victorious. The food source for them has been cut off, we will share more about this event in our Upcoming Update. Love The Earth Allies
Tactical readiness of the Light forces on the surface of our planet to trigger the Event was reached on November 22nd at the opening of the eleventh gate of the 11:11.
The first crucial factor to achive this was a general decision of the critical mass of key people within positive surface groups that they will cooperate with Resistance surface operatives when the Event will be triggered. Therefore we now have enough consensus within top echelons of positive groups on the planet. Disharmony between lower echelons of positive groups can no longer delay the Event. 
Continuos testing of the software installed by the Resistance operatives into the Rothschild operated computer banking system has proven that we can crash the current banking system and create the Reset at the push of a button. In extensive Resistance operation in the beginning of this year, vast majority of physical gold, including Yamashita and Nazi gold,  gold from Philippines undergroud bunkers, gold from below Kloten airport, most gold from central banks and gold hidden below Rothschild villas, has been removed from the hands of the Cabal and is now waiting in the Resistance underground bases to be returned to humanity after the Event when it will form the backbone of the new financial system.
Without physical gold in hand, the Cabal was forced to manufacture gold-plated tungsten bars to ship them to central banks to maintain the impression that they still have control in their hands. Their banking system is now just a thoughtform that is maintained by the belief and trust of general population in the central bank operated slave working system. 
The only factor now preventing the Event is the Omega Grid.
The Omega Grid is a small group of physical Archons within the black nobility families in Italy that have access to biochemical weapons through Jesuits controllers (which include Hans Peter Kolvenbach) that handle people within negative military worldwide that have access to biochemical weapons, of which chemical weapons are the most dangerous:
They now hinder the progress of the Light forces by threatening to release chemical weapons in Syria. Chemical weapons in northern Syria add up to hundreds of tonnes, enough to kill hundreds of millions of people. Even with the direct intervention of the Galactic Confederation, casualities would be many. Northern Syria is the area of a very important energy vortex which triggered the rise of the Goddess conscious Halafian neolithic culture:
The Cabal is controllng this vortex for the last 5500 years and not willing to let go, since it is one of the most important Goddess vortexes on the planet.
The other vortex that the Cabal is controlling tightly is the Israel vortex, which holds the light key codes for Atlantis. This area was the first to be re-colonized after the fall of Atlantis and was the home of Natufian culture:
The top Archon on the physical plane, who belongs to the Pallavicini family according to some unconfirmed sources, holds contol of the situation through a special technology, called Black Box.
Black Box is called such because it physically looks like a small box, black in colour. It is actually a dimensional chamber that translates intel gathered from Archons' etheric spy network into physical computer data which is stored into the hard disk attached to the Black Box dimensional chamber and can be connected to a large mainframe computer for data analysis and evaluation. 
Archons' etheric spy network consists of a network of etheric electromagnetic standing wave generators which can immediatelly detect any increase of Light on the etheric plane. If that Light would increase above a certain limit, which would of course be crossed in the case of any direct physical intervention of the Galactic Confederation, the Black Box would send an alert to the top physcial Archon which would immediately trigger the biochemical weapons. 
The Black Box technology has been in use for a very long time, effectively preventing the Galactic Confederation to stop the pentagram of evil Jesuit concentration camp holocaust during World War II. If the Confederation would intervene at that time, the Cabal would call in negative ET races which would effectively wipe out humanity from the surface of the planet in retalliation. All those negative ET races have already been cleared or have crossed to the Light side so you do not have to worry about them. 
The same technology was used after the war to prevent the Galactic Confederation from stopping the Monarch mind programming activities of the Cabal. 
The non-physical part of the Omega Grid are the Archons who control the etheric spy network. They are the ones that maintain the quarantine. They are the ones that have ordered the dissemination of mind programs about non existance of extraterrestrial life and impossibility of travel beyond the confines of the quarantine Earth. They are the reason why the surface population has not yet discovered the way to reach the stars. They are the ones that have pushed many people into a corner, without having an option to lead a happy life. 
They use their non-phyiscal technology to keep the illuison that nothing will ever change. They are violently against love, especially against love between a man and a woman because the energy of that love effectively dissolves the quarantine. Through that love, a Goddess vortex is created and it creates a crack in the Matrix of their programming. 
The Omega Grid wants to prevent the opening of the Portal on December 21st. For that reason, they have initiated a series of attacks with their non-physical technology and with their non-physical reptilian minions on the key Light warriors on the surface of the planet. Those attacks started on November 25th and are ongoing. They also threaten with chemical weapons, fearing that December 21st may trigger the Event and they want to prevent that. 
When the Omega Grid is taken care of, the Event will happen. I do not know yet when that will be. I will report about the situation as it unfolds.

Anyway, timewave graph for December hints at very interesting times ahead:



Thu, 12/06/2012 - 17:55

The devine will of Mother Father God is irreversable! We're riding the wave. The dark can splash like little pouty kids but the wave has too much momentum. Its like law of nature. Its coming and will lift us up!!!


Love and light!


Pat (Star)

David Porter

Thu, 12/06/2012 - 19:00

If it don't make one feel good it's of the dark.


Dear Cobra, thanks for stepping up to the plate for the cabal in spreading this in the garden of Love that is now too much for the Archons or any other dark race, society or cabal natured beings of darkness.


Obviouly you didn't get the memo on "The Omega Grid." As of December 3rd it is in-op and is now dismantaled to such degree that all the kings horses and all the kings men will forever more be powerless to reassemble it.


Cobra, I have a novel question for you, why don't you come back to the winning side? The side your attention is on is going out of business soon, and what I mean be soon is 12/13/12. On or about 12:01AM UT on this date their outer and innerdimensional technological divices will be render non opperational. In the mean time, they are being deffered by those with much "HIGHER" means.


Step out of fear based progams and join the One's that are now leading the new way. We will assist you in a good ol' fashion cleansing and PRESTO!!! You will Lighten up~



Is there a way for us, umm let's say easyer to defend from these? because they attack when I'm asleep and recover but about a month ago it was non-physical dark entity and took about 3 days to recover about 25% had to recover over greater time period 

Red Rythmic Sk…

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 03:18

First problem I got with this is any real tactician would never post this kinda intel this is comic book stuff. Wake up Sheeple !  This is some rediculous stuff to be telling the general public. I also smell puppet supporters up on this blog. Beware

Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 04:23

In reply to by IndigoDream432

What I wanna say, I can't.  So, I will say this, "NO ONE BUT     Y-O-U is forcing you to this site ( or, does your Spirit understand what your mind won't allow you to see hum?), for, there are zillions." SECOND, out of respect for others here, im ah gonna say;



Now you'll know that's not what I REALLY wanna say. hehehe


May you get it right so you wont be watching us leave, and wonder why you don't have a seat on the ship (of Zion that is). I will make sure I wave to you okay. I won't even say to you, "we tried to tell yah!"  Keep yo head up.


Love Nageeta


P.S. Lets not get on smells okay, that's not fair to you. hehehe

Red Rythmic Sk…

Sat, 12/08/2012 - 02:35

In reply to by GLR Wes Annac

Whatever you want to say you would never say to my face so save the BS.  B4 you find self on Visitation list.

Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Fri, 12/07/2012 - 04:28

In reference to attacks on Lightworkers, not a concern of mines. Mess with me and watch what happen. Mite boomarang that mess back to them, actually, thats more probable than I myself understand. Grin I AM NOT AFRAID. I AM MORE THAN A CONQUEROR, BOTH OF ME. "Weebles wobble but they don't fall down." Bring it.


Love Nageeta

You supposed to be commenting on blog not me.  The energy of your lies resonates with your intent.  Fiberoptics Foolish one

Your all doing well keep up the good work and thank's for the coment's. Will see what's really going on after 21st. And wasting my time dosen't exist everything happens for a reason. Remember awakening is freeing our live's in eternal eye's,  peace be with you namaste

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