IMPORTANT MESSAGE White Brotherhood on Earth, the Galaxy and the Cosmos

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 01/28/2012 - 18:40

Guest (not verified)

Sun, 01/29/2012 - 10:19

Say I'm in 3d illusion when I present this question if you must, but it is not for my sake. It is for the sake of those who are still asleep that I question whether to share your messages with for I think that if we keep sending them the love,light and blessings they will eventually awaken but in the meantime, what does it mean and why does it have to be called, The "White" Brotherhood of the earth? That to me seems to be opening another can of illusion that I do not wish to revisit. I so want to share these messages but can not bring myself to for the sake of having to defend the title of the brotherhood. I mean I understand Light and Dark and again I don't agree but it's just the way it is and those who have problems with it, I understand it is their problem but we have to understand that whatever is their problem is our problem for we are only wanting to move past that and onto the higher vibrations not lower anyones by presenting such titles. Does that make any sense? I am just very sensitive to others feelings is all. Thanks:)

True unity consciousness transcends use of the word God.  The word God contains male imagery exclusive of the sacred feminine. The words "The White Brotherhood" contain racist and exclusive imagery.  The word "God" and the phrase "The White Brotherhood" need to be banished.  How about envisioning and speaking of a Great Tree of Life instead?  Your words will not ring true until you do.

True unity consciousness doesn't exclude anything. If the word God means male to you, or if "The White Brotherhood" seems racist and exclusive, it's your perception, not something inherit in the words themselves. If we could use words that didn't invoke negative imagery in anyone, we certainly would, but those words simply do not exist. The language we use is, by it's very nature, limited and a word like God can mean 7 billion different things to 7 billion different people.

When ALL colours MERGE, WHITE LIGHT results. WHITE is the colour you see in the aura of those who have mastered all colours and all rays - as the Ascended Masters.


Brotherhood includes brothers and sisters - the term is OLD and at that time men and women were usually going separated spiritual ways. Today we are all UNITING - so we can add the Sisterhood - or just be conscious that this term is beyond gender.


I am very happy to have encountered this message here in English as I also feel a DEEP resonance in me and I posted the Spanish version on my site already - asking members for help to translate into English. Now I know why no-one volunteered: I had to find you all here :-)))


About May 1st: Please know that this is the date of the BIG HUG!


A chain of people from Alaska to Chile along the Panamerican Highway is the goal - and here in Europe we will open the Sacred Pathway of energy between East and West - from Santiago de Compostela to the Altai Mountains.


I see the Big Hug as the perfect starter ;-)


Sending and seeding Love and Light and Divine Empowerment,


Sonja Myriel

Maria de la Luz

Tue, 01/31/2012 - 17:05


Dear ones,


My name is Maria-luz and I am a new a member of Galactic Free Press "Maria". 


I have waited three days to have my say in this particular post which I intend to re-send with additional comments on my behalf when I belief the time is more right for it to be listened to through the heart and less through the analitical mind.


I translated this message from the original one I received I believe from Argentina in Spanish.


I am holding this particular message very dear and very close to my heart for several reasons  which I will now explain to you.


Throughout the end months of 2011, I had come to the conclussion that there needed to be altogether three mass demostrations of unified brotherhood amongst people of all beliefs, races and cultures. I felt that we needed to DISCLOSE ourselves FIRST as a UNITED ONENESS of LIGHT BEINGS on the surface of Planet Earth in order to make a quantum leap into the fifth dimensional process.


I felt that a big show of LOVE, GRATITUDE AND FRATERNAL BROTHERHOOD was long overdue for the enormous help and generosity received from Mother Earth, in particular.. given by de animals we feed from, the minerals we use indiscriminately, including all that we take and dont give back to mother earth.. and also a BIG DISPLAY of love and gratitude for those guides, angels, and masters of light always watching over us.. and that includes our Galactic brothers and sisters.


Meaning A MASSIVE display of brotherhood and acknowledgment that what bonds us togheter is THE POWER of LOVE that is present in our hearts and it is waiting for all of  us to shout out clear and loud WE ARE ALL UNITED IN ONE HEART, ONE  GOD, AND ONE LOVE.


When I envisaged the idea, I sought three main dates in my mind and started thinking about May, but somehow it did not feel quite right. However, by December, I had decided it would be towards the end of June. Still, nothing was clear yet as to how and when to start..


Having spoken about my dream for the planet to several people over the last year mainly, I had them waiting to hear about the dates and the idea I had in mind in more detail.


I was expecting  a very clear confirmation sign and was not in a hurry for that.


On January 24th it came VERY CLEAR in my mind that the first date would be June 24th, and the other two dates, three months after and so on for de month of december. I had decided to do the other two celebratiosn on day 23 or 24th waiting until I had them clarified when looking them up on them the calendar.


Once I had very clear in my mind that the 24th of June would be the initial date, I asked for a TOTAL CONFIRMATION about the dates, months, and body of the work to be done to see if it fitted completely the description of what I had in my HEART. And I asked for that Confirmation in the next three days following the 23th of January, asking also to receive it  from a completely unknown and unexpected source.


Can you imagine what was my humongous surprise when I happened to get this message in my incomming mail just on the third day after I had received the final piece of information I required?..  The message was channelled on the 26th of February..


It COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY confirmed every single point I wanted supported by a further signal.


Not only that, but in the body of the text my son Omar, believed they were talking to him, since he specialised in doing just what it says in the text.


And today.. my daughter who was a bit worried about me being so HYPER about this.. confessed rather embarrased something that happened to her last night..


She said that she was NOT dreaming and that she was quite worried about me following my heart to make the contents of this message to become real.. then as she went to sleep, she asked her higher self about me (she has a great connection with him/her in times of worry.. well.. she just says she asks something from the heart and all of a sudden she sees herself entering a tube of light where whatever she asks is answered). When she mentioned how worried she was about me.. guess what? ... A voice comes to her and tells her that she MUST HELP ME with THIS!!!


She said that she what she was shown was not as a dream but  COMPLETELY VIVID AND REALISTIC. She saw herself leading a demonstration with people of many races and colours united and holding hands and banners on the streets of London.. many .. many of them on THAT FIRST date. She said that they were chanting the following “UN PENSAMIENTO, UN CORAZÓN, Y TODOS EN UNIÓN” translation (ONE THOUGHT, ONE HEART, WE ALL ARE ONE).. Then she saw herself in a “Spanish speaking” Christian Church (her husband´s family are Christians) and telling everybody to take with them provisions of food and water for it was going to be a loooong day.. Then a man came and told her, “I am not particular keen at all on walking the streets of London holding hands with a Muslim”.. and she said that she reprimanded him quite clearly (she is only 23..) and said.. anyone with this particular thought should think about getting over those inner blockages and ressistance since the problem is theirs and only theirs to overcome. There is absolutely nothing more than wonderful to hold hands with EVERYONE.. AND ANYONE..


Finally, she said to me that she heard a noise like soundwaves that could be felt in the air (like water ripples on a lake but of sound) and that she said belonged to a huge starship that she did not dare to look out the window to watch..She was certain about it.


My daughter is extremely down to Earth and only in times of serious worry she consults the tube of light.. prior to going to sleep. Otherwise she is quite happy handling 3D reality with mastery and insight..


I am very glad someone has explained about the White Brotherhood today in another post and I did not have to do it myself for it would have made this message even longer!!!


All my love to anyone who took the time to read through this long message which will be resent by me with a little clarification about it further on as it starts to became REAL..


Maria-luz Martin

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