Eden Clark: Is God a He (or She)?

Submitted by Phil Rowen on Sat, 12/08/2012 - 05:39


                      Evolve Your Soul




What I am about to say may be hard for some, or at the very least question what you may have been taught.  But I encourage you to discuss and look deep within for the Truth that resides within our world.

First: the nature of our Earth is polarized, both on the physical level (earth magnetic lines, the North & South poles, etc) and on the energetic level (consciousness, feelings, etc).  As we exist upon this Earth, we exist within this polarity.  It affects every aspect of our lives both consciously and unconsciously (again, a polarity!).  Science can easily measure the physical aspect of our polarity – human magnetics, resonance, etc – but many ancient spiritualities and indigenous tribes have understood theconsciousness aspect of this polarity – light/dark, love/hate, conscious/unconscious.

When we enter the Earth’s consciousness to be born we become polarized – first as separation from Source / God, then again separated into male vs. female.  This is replicated throughout our physical & emotional bodies – our brains are divided into left and right hemispheres, our emotions become polarized into love vs hate, acceptance vs judgment, and so forth.

If you believe there is one consciousness that flows through all things — call it God, Source, Divine, or whatever your choice – then by definition it exists through all things, everywhere, in all spaces of our greater Universe both known and unknown to the human mind.  Most people refer to this one flow of consciousness as pure LOVE; it is an intelligence far greater than anything that exists both within us, as us, and all around us.

The thing is, this one flow of consciousness and love – that is, God or Source – has no polarity. Thus it can not be male or female.  There is no hate, no fear in this space.  Source or God is pure love in its highest form and vibration.  But since Earth has held polarity and we as humans have sustained this belief, most religions have come to refer to God as “He” (or in rare cases, “She”). 

But by referring to God as “He” or “She” it automatically places this Consciousness back in to a world of polarity, which it is not. Thus why religions around the world have held the extremes of love & hate, angels & demons, peace & war, savior & persecutor.  They hold polarity, which by its very nature creates conflict both within & around its way of being.

When you are in a space of pure unconditional love within the deepest layers of your heart, no matter how you access it, any conflict ceases to exist. From this place you know no polarity. There is no doubt or fear, no hate or persecution, only unconditional love. It is for this reason why love heals the world and is known to overcome anything.  It has simply overcome our world of polarity.  It is this pure place of love from which we resonate with God/Source,because the energy of this consciousness exists without polarity. When we are truly in our hearts we become conscious to the love we have for others, our friends & family, the earth, the animals, and everything around us. Fear dissolves in this instant as the polarity dissolves.

Another way of looking at it, as most indigenous tribes for centuries have been saying, is that Mother Earth – the divine feminine – holds the female polarity. Father Sky – our (immediate) universe – holds the divine masculine. These two come together with God/Source to hold us, as a child, in a perfect Trinity of Love.

This pure space of love, the Trinity, originates in the inner space of the heart. This heart space is where you can source unconditional love and so much more. From this place deep within the heart there exists no polarity. There isonly Truth and Love.

When you can live from this place in the heart you can truly step into your full power, able to create an incredible life of abundance, joy, and harmony because polarity ceases to exist. You can recognize the polarities within and around you, but transcend them into the inner space of the heart of pure love.  That is, you come to recognize you are God with nothing but unconditional love and the power of unlimited creation. It is what yogis, ancient wisdom keepers, and ascended masters here on Earth know and practice.

I encourage you to go within your own heart and find that place of pure unconditional love you hold for yourself and your loved ones.  Feel what it feels like to be in this space.  Feel the connection you have with all things, everywhere.  Then feel, see, and realize that in this space there exists no fear, no limits, no scarcity and no darkness.  There is only a light that will always – always – hold you in love, truth, and connection to Source.

It is from this place that I say, I love you.

In love & light,


Is God a He (or She)? | EDEN

Eden Clark:http://www.edenclark.com

Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Sat, 12/08/2012 - 05:53

This pure space of love, the Trinity, originates in the inner space of the heart. This heart space is where you can source unconditional love and so much more. From this place deep within the heart there exists no polarity. There isonly Truth and Love.


That's a fact. I kinda always figured God was BOTH male and female. Being only male does not make sense to me, never did. My grandma used to say "Im not going to that church cause there is a woman preacher!."  Forgetting this, I also used to say that UNTIL I remembered GOD is ALL. I thank Spirit for that revelation.


Love Nageeta

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