What to do if your dream is being manipulated to evoke fear.

Submitted by cloud9 on Sun, 12/09/2012 - 12:34

There is another phenomenon that is going on among  us that i

would like to address.


In the past two weeks, I had three dreams that looked to me like

nightmares.  When I looked at what precipitated these , I noted that

my attention has been on this coming ascension.


So this message is for those ascending...

hopefully all of you.


I dream very infrequently. I remember my dreams only if these

were important. Such as , things I have been ignoring.


These particular nightmares are directly related to ascension.

In these dreams, I was travelling   on and on into unknown, convoluted, weird

landscapes . I never did get to my destination.  I sensed that  the

feeling  these nightmares  want  to evoke is fear , hopelessness

and defeat.


So, why would I dream this way when I know that there is no fear

frequency in my body..? What gives..?


Then it dawned to me that my dreamscapes have been invaded. 

Somebody without a body wants me to start being afraid.


Duh........ nice  try.


So, I talked to Spirit and closed the loophole.


Should you experience any of these  invasion of your dreams,

stay close to your Spirit. Never hesitate to command their

banishment from your reality. 


If you are feeling anxious about anything,

learn to command your physical, mental and emotional bodies to spin

clockwise and release these negative stuff. As you spin them at the speed of light, you will see or sense a dark gritty material go upwards. Ask your Christ-self to

re-pattern them to light.  You will feel light and at ease when done.

Do this all day long, as it will prevent the astral sticky stuff from splattering

on to you. Then in a counterclockwise spin, ask your Christ-self to return the repatterned energies to you.  Ask your guide to create a space for this procedure.

A space might be one of those metatronic geometries, an icosahedron, shaped like a top, the top pointing upwards.  You can do this anytime.


Dear Ones, the Superwave that is coming towards the Earth. Its frequency is

delight, joy ,love, bliss. All the changes , planetary and personal during ascension, will be this uplifting  highly charged energy of bliss, an energy of orgasm that the physical body  can hardly stand.  Of course, you know who this "superwave" is. 

Remember....No need to fear.










because either you need to wake up, its a nonsence dream from a spirit clinging to you...or as it was in SAN DIEGO shortly after the power drop....DRACO broadcasting loudly via MENTAL telepathy, trying to trap anyone anyways they can.Thats how they work.Thats how they come about.


Most likely your getting a non-sence dream, or what-if scenarios flodding your mind before you sleep. WAKE THE HELL UP! Shake it off, go get some water, YES, WATER...or JUICE(APPLE CIDER?) and WAKE UP for a little while.


If it feels demonic, it is. Not necessary a witch or warlock casting a spell on you so much as trying to reduce your vibrations and energies.Once they trap you, they can tease you to thier content. They cannot HARM YOU. Not even the most avid MAGE can harm you with most profound black magic spells. They are looking to instil fear in you, keep you playing the energy game by sending it thier way. DO NOT FEED the MAGIC ENERGY.


DO NOT FEED DARK PEOPLE. It is a rule of thumb and they think Im ignoring them and they HATE it with a PASSION. But thats how you keep your energy and cut ties with that energy sapper/person.


You take back your power, your energy , your will, and you WAKE UP, and you summon yourself back to your house, back to happy place where you are safe.


As I said, THEY CANNOT harm you.


...and if they do pull a 'Jack the ripper' or 'nightmare on elm st.' they were never spirits to begin with.In that case, Id suggest a gun or knife.


..AND ONLY in that case.


Do not confuse paranoia for reality. One is in your head, the other is in front of you.

Look up banishment spells when you get a chance. Not counter spells, spell breakers, (I cant concentrate on the words right now) they only cancel out spells, they dont cast a spell back to the sender.


Counter spells:

THOSE spells are reflectors, they only return the energy sent to you, not your energy torwards the caster.In most cases this harms the MAGE or spirit more than sending your energy back to the originator as they are forced to deal with thier own spell/energy backfiring on them.

Thank you for your kind words.


I simply do  not work with 4th dimensional tools, although i would consult

a healer using 4th dimensional tools if i can't understand a situation.


Having said that, I do not work with ascended masters, saints,saviors, lords, and gurus.

l have replaced all my guides that do not resonate with who i am becoming..


I like to download info from my Spirit, and so far, so good.


Blessings of Peace,



Red Rythmic Sk…

Mon, 12/10/2012 - 02:41

You cannot be that far down the road cause if you were you would feel the protection already. Exacatly what are you trying to do here.  I kiked entity butt when I was in fourth grade. You believe in God but you are afraid and your only move is to tell others youre afraid. Man up.

I know you think you're the biggest badass on this site, but I'm not sure you're impressing anybody but yourself. Your big ego's gonna get the better of you sooner or later.

You do not know what I think. But one thing you did get right is I am Badass. So bad I feel no need to impress and sittin here wondering where you got your nonfunctioning EGO meter from. You come off like HS kid. I make no profits from this site maybe you be better suited addressing them with the subject, they love to talk bout ego seem like its all they do. Seems like they already got to you.

Hmmm... my projection detector is going off, but I'm sure you'll tell me that's broke as well. It's been a while since I was in HS, but I seem to remember things like bragging and telling others how "badass" you are being quite popular there.

You know why we talk about ego so often here? Because it's the main problem people have on this Planet. I know people's egos get pissed when we even mention the word, but that's not surprising as the ego itself is based upon fear-based avoidance.

There is no claim that "I am far down the road'.

This sharing is for those who might have some bad experiences

in their alternate   (dream) reality.  And what can be done about it.


So, if this does not resonate with you, please move on .

This article is not for you.





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