As one serfs the net you can clearly see that talk about E.T.s is every where. You see major governments, science and even the Vatican who are reversing their views and now admit that, 'Well, there may be other intelligent life out there.”
We see even in the MSM a blurb here and a blurb there and the History and Discovery channels have numerous major, in depth documentaries airing every day disclosing E.T. Life. In the libraries and book stores we see shelves and shelves of books on the topic.
A very large portion of humanity now believe that E.T.s exist or at least are open to the possibility thereof. Conversations around E.T.s are erupting every where and belief in them is now socially acceptable. The percentage of those who fear an invasion by other worldly forces is nearly a thing of the past which the powers that be are desperately trying to keep alive.
There is also a plethora of impatient pleadings for disclosure. When I scan the internet and I hear,
I ask myself, How can they not see it, nor hear it ?........ it's every where! Disclosure is happening right now and people are waking up to the truth every moment of every day........ yet, we are so focused on the journey that we can't see the bigger picture. Many sit waiting for this “STOP THE PRESSES!” moment while others diligently move the process forward, one day at a time and one person at a time.
If you are still waiting for disclosure, you are missing the boat. Disclosure is not an event, it is a process. A process that has been moving forward for some time now. Think back 5 years, or more. How much talk about E.T.s was on the net then? How often would you hear an open discussions about E.T.s in a social setting? Some, but not like today. How about 10 years ago? Or more?
Disclosure is happening right now......... one person at a time!!
It also makes me question the validity of these E.T. channels on the net. Channels who continually promise that “...disclosure is coming, sit tight and be patient, disclosure is coming.” ….... as if it is an event. It is those who sit tight, patiently waiting for someone else to make this grand disclosure who are delinquent in bringing about disclosure.
Wake up! Stop waiting for the change and BE the change you seek!
i couldnt agree with you more . and well said . people just need to see and wakeup to the truth