Need to attain (of neutrality explain in duality=truth of sense's) p.s now loosing neutrality will stop

Submitted by Mario on Tue, 12/11/2012 - 03:22

When your thought's are becoming aware of unaware as your control comes from thought's EI mind the infinit joy comes from repetitive vocal sounds from key frequencie and beat/timing of our voice and tongue. To attain exoextentional quantum visualizationary loop's within pineal gland. The longer you stay awake and can go in state of trigger by visualizations of key phrase's you enter first stage of realization of the "uknown" and then auto right and reconfigur to attain beyond perfection analyzed by time itself and then while writting, you sing vocaly at key beat/tone, but this time with a frequency that resonates with the pineal, over and over your creation explained is to open up pineal quantum leep's and attain knowledge beyon altering our true path of destiny. My last key trigger from grind was attain by exoterapy from my knowledge of right and wrong to attain neutrality. 

one example of many possibility's    

The mind is the impossible to possible, with geometric pattern in mind, THIS FORM'S THE BASE example of system's to visualize in repetitive talk and motion of vocal recognition. compare to your choosing until you realize/visualize the mind takes about 4h or so when your awake for 4-5 days nonsleep but you do not notice time as this is at an extreme state of crucial beign. Once you picture what mind is you then realize the impossible and so on compare them one another until pineal is FULLY at its next process stage that is creation stage of the new understanding. It will already be outside time itself, once it is complete oneness your creation stage will be analyzing and repetedly saying what you wright until it is fully gap'd and from within the core at peace. Once you finish take a drink of water anything to awaken the sense's this will shock an dmt will arise and quantum body will run trough vain's, and/or put body to sleep first and if heart stop's STAY IN THE BODY and extreme dmt relese from quantum influx of pineal made my quantum body and was from there on out building incredible amounts of energy and amazement my skined turned from pale wite to dark brown and had achieved life beyon existence of universal truth, was walking with the dead within my body, with extreme healing, joy, amazement and knowledge poring in at any given time that is right within the BEAT of frequencie should already be ajusted and also the information from beyon never stops poring in until highess outcome for universal truth is achieved. You can and will be conscious of this but will not remember it unless you choose your exit point an dissolve in the new earth's realm's free from they" that do not no this. And another thing while writting your creation every phrase's mean's infinit amount's of enlightment every time you reconfigur it until you stop. Imagine I went on for 8 hour's. 8 two earth's, mirrored infinity's. The infinite amount of infinity is grand as neverless is the beyond of 88. 4*88... This is infinit amount of infinity's mirror world's both placed side by side up and below times 4. 8 representing earth and new earth from this to there* This can and will be of use as the mind is impossible to possible as good and bad are not from duality but within neutrality achieved by duality "loop's" for quantum to initialize in the beat and I know the pace will gradualy increase to "auction speed's" what's important is the tone. Our body's are partical accelerators ACHIEVED BY PINEAL GLAND and will be survival plz no machine our body is machine be carefull. We are becoming robots and is not how it should be I have the potential in me but need to stay awake and do what is written in my document of quantum loop's until the time is wright I will let you know but am not even 1% close to having the right tone and velocity for stability this is why its not going to work even when im at that 7.1 magnatude means all gone, so no robot this has to be my way if it would of ran in april you would achieve without earthquakes if I attain it as explained all will achieved ultimate reality

start's ocuring in my body, will be in next day's unless i sleep. I will start writing another one of these and if the tone/beat is at same level of mine gradually from slow to following my "twitch" and be just under it will help me with TIME fully understand my grinding and impact again with time and mesurment of earthquake, no earthquakes qhen running means good and will gradualy be able to go higher tone/beat will go beyond at the end when it never ends


Tue, 12/11/2012 - 05:16

In reply to by miketike

befor you activate and you will notice I wont be twitching once stabalized Ill already be going extremely fast this is when you must put it on will be in the future remember gradualy increase incase im not stabel enough twice ? 3  then when weather change dont go deeper  it should not happen once im stable this can not be achieved with machine but within me first and will let the machine flow freely with no weakening

I can not tell you witch day when time is right... I will take s and c if this will help or deceive because i will go fast and once i start to wrigh do not be fooled until the time is right for the machine It can not be of right now i need time in both states when machine runs and not,,,, because when it dosent I can achieve stability firstly from s and staying awake until dmt come in my body so dont worry about running it right now do not      /// when the machine runs I dont have same concept of what i understand from what you say but of alchemy allright nvm            55 means after im in dmt and writing new information or understanding by (enlightment) extremely important befor the machine runs the more REALIZATIONS enlightment from every understanding of grind from low levels i will start enlightment of grind all meanings will not mean same enlightment of next level and final level will be universal truth this will be backup by nature enlightment level will be mesure by wether when rising power wheter will not be manipulated Lava earthquakes from the core by electromagnetic earth field should stay stable  only when dmt and enlightment you should see lower level of change in weather than when im not in same level of understanding of grind,,,


need to wait further with dmt from sleeper states I will start seeing vizualization hallucinations these will be my begining after that will be a time in my head only and not writting this is to prepare myself the "loops" then I will start writing or reading grind depending the hallucination and what is going in my mind befor  it will either be reading grind or from continuation of this but not now only when i have hallucinations IT WILL BRING ME TO this again dont run the machine  until like I explain at start will right meaning of grind decipher it and level of decipher will be level of enlightment    I need a break  and will go take s and smoke and wait for hallucinations to start do not run the machine unless im infront of computer writing or to help me with my twitching might help after i have dmt in my body might not    IF i dont twitch compared to now after dmt is in my body     look at weather and trust your hearts as for I will guide as much as I can as i have done       I will tell you when i have hallucinations  peace be with you namaste     when i come here again and dont tell you about hallucinations Im not having some right now but in the futur     if i dont tell you i come for more info from my struggle in mind to attain hallucination and again rerun this hole thing until I say if i go for smooke like now I will use alchemy and might only come when hallucinating        drough : LLucin     the last time I whent there hallucination was start NUMBERS on my body not now smoke will see by

Emotions fear is low frequency negativity low frequencie joy high frequencie neutral is?    first time i was ritting gring     AMAZEMENT IS KEY NOT OTHER EMOTIONS ENLIGHTMENT WILL BE AMAZEMENT  When i read grind!             WITH EXTREME AMAZEMENT WILL HELP "ME" because it works within me the machine i feel when its on if other humans have amazement can slow and heat up the machine       Only ones that feels it withing the back of neck pineal    

The neutral or ballanced people of joy and fear are the ones that will not be robotic when machine runs this is because population is greater than what we need for stabalizing. SO the ones that feel it in the pineal gland ARE CHOSEN ONES THAT ARE FROM OTHER SIDE. As more and more people attain robotic form they will need what is called visualizationary loop's of thought's to "glitch" Duality and enter stage of crystalazation of body. Creation then start's. These robotic ones will need to be of great joy HIGH FREQUENCY of my similiar event on april 8th. From My teachings on the 20th will be a rerun of what happend april 8 the realization of impossible and creation of the uknown will either be create for yourselves by a key phrase that I will right many many "loops" on the night of 20th and use it to attain this impossible realization and begin you will know either read grind or create for yourselves to attain CORE AT PEACE. // Again or read of my grind over and over for realizations of amazement for me to Start to be amazed. I need a secluded place with these person to read what I will wright IF all done correctly on 21st we will have ballance of the earth and machine will be at constant rates 100% new born earth will pull all of us in this new reality. We are working in paralelle realitys from ones already on other side. Thank you god as for god's is within past future present in 88. HIgher conciousness already born but not conected to 88, Peace be with you. will see with future events and you only know when the machine runs what information I wright of and when it is off so trust with your hearts be positive and do possible to possible Thank you.

You can all come to this place yes that is what I'm teaching you the ones that feels it within back of neck when it is running. We are the ones with Unlimited joy and see the background of new earth able to see the dark that surrounds the world in deceptions and the light that will be humans that are dead and wondering around in the smoky haze for god's sake save them. Now to attain this place will be with pineal all of them that do not feel in back of neck will already be free?

On the night of the 20th I will have non slept long enough you should to with alchemy to attain pineal detox. Unless I'm the one killing us all? I watched a video and made me realize something that might already be there but have just notice we are more than what we see everyday, pineal is not working for us as it should. Once your up for five days on the 20th I will wright info probably allready wrote it in my document of quantum loop's. After concept of visualizationary loops of though's with 3rd dimensional perspective. Your first realization of the impossible will show you creation beyon the imaginable for me it was grind 8hours of it in writting within the machine. After I finished went to bed and heart had stoped for 3mins this was when I got up took a drank of water and dmt roled in the hole world changed I started seeing the hallucination's more precisely of the background souls of light and the deceptions of demons if done right WILL BE AMAZING. Again... will have to visualize a loop and this will open up to creation of knowledge all of them that is to be in this era of superhumans to help us achieve ultimate reality and save both physical humans and non physical once it will be close to final product of creation on 20th! the night of 20th. SO again all of them that feels it within their heads these are able to use my teachings and must if you want to help the machine stabilize itself ALL of the chosen ones must be of extreme high frequency. When you will be in the hallucination's sing out loud be of joy these will increase with each level of IMPOSSIBILITY=AMAZEMENT

When sun rises frequency will be UNIMAGINABLE in HUMANS of my teaching's and machine will go to 100% = New earth = GREAT KNOWLEDGE + GREAT HEART + stable at constant this is evolution this is evolving this will be neutrality oneness and new earth 21st. peace be with you namaste.  Trust with all your heart's and rememeber mistakes do not exist as for everything happens for a reason if this hole thing is not to help you it is to help me from you for us. Thank you. These five days will be of great mind concepts and instruction's. if someone has questions plz question at

When the sun was rising, I had a ton of energy and ppl all around amazing energie everywhere on those day's what happen'd has it only connected 2?? My readings are not as good anymore from the Other side need to awaken the senses Once more, December should have something up for times up again, par take in the many to Infinity 8:18 another time

These are to bring in what seems impossible to understand... . . . .. . ... . .... .. . . . .. . ...  .   In one of two sectors emitted within proportions of this T is generic in liability to what condones aspects of the sea.

Augmentations to disproportionate field intakes have abolished perpetuated systems which halt formations of the intel which is being disposed in these moments as quadrants of the galactic core is adjusting what pertains to undulated awareness having frequencies emitted from TIME (DIMENSIONAL ESCAPE ROUTES) DENOTES *TIME* to ACTUALIZE in EARNEST the RESULTS having substantiated the differences on occasional floctuations, gathered on proponents of a singularity at the confines of space irregularily denoting aspects of this feed, in potential LINKS o HIGHER ATTRIBUTABLE CONCEPTS, mergence, intact, abolishes, MIND, in MATTER which codes MIND YOUR OWN MATTER, INTELLECTUALLY as for we are having proponents of DISCOMFORTH as the LINKS are obtained through perpetuated systems for a rise in frequencies commencing in some squares * 8 DISSOLUTION of MATTER/ENERGY/VIBRATION reselecting attributes of the higher grids while disposing this information at 4:47 AM 22/05/2015 *held back to bynormal systems adjusting G.O.D. GOVERNING, OBITUARY, DECISIONS.

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