Perhaps you noticed a slight, subtle, or even extreme elevation of energies for your Twin Flame/Twin Soulsoulmate that happened on 11/11/11
The energetic boosts come again this year through the number eleven on 11/11 and 11:11 once again in 2012. 2012 is a very special year, and you can read more about it in my previous blog about 2012 as a Twin Flame number. As 2012 is the year of the Twin Flame, 11/11 is a powerful activation time for Twin Flame Love indeed. But what exactly does 11/11 or 11:11 stand for?
You are one with The One
Eleven represents two separate lineages of independent ones: for unity of two separate bodies standing parallel, side by side units that create the whole. Thus, 11s represent the paradox of separation vs. Oneness. As the Feminine is juxtaposed by the Masculine, Left by Right, and Spirit by Body/Earth, in the number 11, the veil is quite thin between the worlds. Cut through the veil of Illusion, to see that there is no separation, we are all one. It’s all good! It’s all God…Oneness!
Sacred Geometry of 11/11
It is through the sacred geometry of 11 11 that we feel harmonic frequencies. Of balance, of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine, and of Heaven and Earth. It is through the sacred geometrical nature of 11 11 that an ancient and Divine nature of pure love is discovered. 11/11 is the energetics of the independence and interdependence coming together that create the Zero Point.
It’s about connection and upgrading to higher levels of consciousness
11/11 and 11:11 bring in frequencies of opportunities for us to connect with Oneness. Though it is always time to feel this sense of Oneness, there is a collective upgrading on 11/11/12 through the subconscious. When we are conscious of the subconscious possibilities of the 11/11 or 11:11 sacred geometries, these potentials expand. The date of 11/11 holds particular vibrations that will activate you with your Higher Self through the purest forms of Twin Flame Love.
Sacred Snake and the Rise of Kundalini
Sacred sexuality through Twin Flame union is one of the fastest ways to tantric bliss enlightenment. Kundalini is primal Universe God/Goddess energy that rises and falls up and down the spine in a wave like motion from Divine Father and Earth Gaian Mother (Yin/Yang). These energies from Father Sky and Mother Earth mate within us through electro and biomagnetic fields within our spine and spinal fluid.
The 11 is also represented through the spines of the Sacred Union lovers. The kundalini rises up not only like an S, but spirals up like the DNA spiral, connecting the spines of the Twin Flame Lovers. Truly, it is the weaving of all chakras held within the spine, back and forth, back and forth, between the lovers that allows the 11 – parallel lovers – to become 1. So, in a sense, 1+1=1, so the 2 disappears; thus in a sense 2 becomes a 0, as two Twin Flame Lovers create a Zero Point Union. Also, 1+1 can = 3, in the sense that two lovers coming together create a sacred third energy of Divine Union Love, and even conception of a child is possible. So, 2012′s 11/11 is like a numeric orgy, holding all sorts of magical potentials where the reflection of 2 becomes both zero and one. When duality becomes infinity and emptiness, we know we have arrived at a celestial stairway to Heaven! Indeed, the date of 11/11 can be a powerful kundalini activator for Twin Flame couples, or for those calling in their Twin Flame, when used with intention in meditation.
I recommend incorporating sacred sexuality or sacred sensuality into your ritual in some way on 11/11, and whether or not you peak into orgasmic bliss, allow an orgasmic 11 energy to ride up your spine in a Twin Flame Love meditation.
Benefitting from the 11-11 frequencies
The potentials of 11/11 expand through intention, passion, and ritual. The more you intentionally tap into the potentials of 11/11 or 2012, the more it becomes real. Belief is powerful, especially thorugh the collective unconscious, even through the dream space. It is no wonder that societies create societal beliefst together, such as group fears, devestations, or triumphs.
Over the past 3,000+ years, there have been distorted consciousnesses that have blocked our true nature as humans to love from the Twin Flame perspective. These energies have been very deeply entrenched into our culture, systems, philosophies and psychologies. They are anything but true.
The 11/11 portals opening are allowing our real Twin Flame relationship potential to replace these patterns. We are here to align with Divine Truth! 11/11 holds the medicine for triumph over issues such as:
• Codependency
• Feelings of loneliness, emptiness
• Addictive patterns
• Being addicted to being a love-savior to everyone but yourself
• The belief that only a certain chosen population can have a Twin Flame
• Consciousness that you as an Earth Angel aren’t allowed to have your Twin Flame
• Mentality that the happiness from Twin Flame coupling is greedy
• Self-negation rather than self-love
• Distorted, disharmonious, energies on Earth
For most of us, our ability to find our “other half” has been deactivated for thousands of years. Yet in 2012, especially on the 11/11 awakening, we will feel this paradigm being shifted and repaired to one that reflects the Sacred. For the Dark Forces (truly, our own shadowy consciousness) that has controlled the Earth for millennia, has fallen, and the Twin Flame Divine Reality is our birthright.
You hold the 11/11 patterns within you. In fact the codex of your DNA is based on the 11, or the Roman numeral of II, which is a distorted version or limited version of the 11. The two strands of DNA that we are given are meant to be aligned so they become 1, then 2, then eventually 11 and 12. DNA is in fact simply a code of consciousness, it is a reflection of your consciousness. You have as many strands as you are holding through your consciousness, and this can always be changed. It is malleable.
You do not have to worry, Twin Flame seekers, there is nothing to do in specific on 11/11. However, it can bring in a fun passionate excitement that con expedite your Twin Flame Love arrival. Here is a lift meant to serve, excite, and inspire you for the 11/11 11:11 time period in 2012.
I just met someone I wasn't expecting
About 10 days ago I spent several hours with a very special healer who worked on me in a way that was totally from love (not physical) but I left in bliss and every time I think of him I get a feeling of wholeness. I have never had an experience like this. Nothing was asked but he knew me. Before I left he read my mind and told me things I needed to hear with such love it blew me away. Everytime I think of it I get such a desire to be there for just a while.
Heeheehee. Love Nageeta
Love Nageeta
Waves be crashin' ; ) true
Waves be crashin' ; )
true sexual healing
????????????????????????????? wtf ah ah ah
Some time last year, I told
Some time last year, I told the universe I would like to meet my twin. A few days later I had a very vivid 'dream' centered around him. It was absolutely wonderful to see him again. He smiled at me and hugged me and had such a great deep loving vibe. I half woke up before fully waking, and in this between state I could strongly feel his vibes. All so very positive: unconditional Love, Divine Light, Humility, Peace, Strength, Joy, Safety, and a very very strong sense of Protection. His smile was so warm and wonderful, his hug was so deep and full of unconditional Love. I know that he telepathically told me a lot of information all at once, but what that was, I do not know. I really really want to meet him again and maybe I can use the 11/11/12 energies to do so. Thank you for writing this article, and thank you for posting it. Interesting times indeed.
wonderful, I have seen many
wonderful, I have seen many videos and heard many teachings that relate to the same thing. I can't wait :)
Thank you!
We are two sides of one stone. But I still don't know who my twin flame is.
I am glad to hear what you have said.
Love, Astreia
Hi everyone, I am new to the
Hi everyone,
I am new to the topic about twin flames.
I just wanna ask about your opinion about my situation.
I just want to confirm if me and my ex are twin flames or am I just living a delusion?
About 7 years ago, I felt the need to move to a bigger city in which I do not know anyone.
I then met a guy in the university that I have been going to.
We instantly clicked even though I knew that I just came from a break-up from my 1st ex.
Little did I know that a year before we were together he was once committed to another girl for a short time.
When we became an item, I was amazed to know that we had so many things in common.
I mean life circumstances which I think are so impossible to be so aligned.
It is like we have mirror lives.
* I was born 7/7, he was born 8/8.
* a few months after we became a couple, we realized that even if we came from the opposite sides of the country, our dads share the same profession, same position. Same company.
* The order in our family: 3 girls, 1 boy. His: 3 boys, 1 girl.
* Our sisters both are of the same age, got married at the age of 25 and both delivered their first baby on February of the same year.
* The sibling both next to us, were studying in the same university. This happened even before we became a couple.
* I have a grandfather who came from their town who married my grandmother who came from my city.
* He has a grandmother who came from my city who married their grandfather from their city.
* Their family driver has the same name as our family driver.
* When we were still together, whenever he feels sick, I also feel sick. (that happens even if we do not communicate)
* I don't know If I am crazy but sometimes I think I could hear his thoughts and when I ask him about it, he always say that it creeps him out whenever I say so.
* My friends said we look alike. (seriously, I am just fairer and shorter)
Unfortunately, we broke up.
What I want is to shut of this some sort of shared thoughts that we had because even if it has been 2 years and we both moved on, he still haunts me in my dreams. Specific messages to be exact.
What I hate is that even if i moved somewhere else, it is as if we are both being pulled together to experience the same things. And yes, this strengthened late this year.
I just need your opinion if I am just delusional or is this the real thing?
How can I shut this off? I don't want to be caught in the same dilemma again.
Can I do something to get rid of this twin flame thing?
I appreciate if you guys could help me out.
Thank you very much!
Did You Meet With Synchronostic events occurring? If You are actual twin flames this relationship is inevitable.. let it play out naturally and ask for the Highest outcome...to occur... Letting go is important! if You Love Something set it free if it comes back to you then it was meant to be yours! Love Mother and Father God
Yes, indeed everyone is amazed on how we used to live mirror lives. So all these events say that he is my twin flame?
I don't want to be with him again.
I don't like having one.
Thank you very much!