Missions Accomplished ~We are Ready for the 12 12 12 Stargate

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 12/11/2012 - 18:38


 As Docmuneted by Earth Ally Rain and Performed with The Earth Allies As Representives for All of Humanity

Summary of Our Mission to Cut the Energetic Cords in DC and London

Please note that a full mission report will be ready soon.

Shortly after Andrea and the Earth Allies completed the mission to cut the energetic cords of the negative Beings who were affiliated with The Vatican, I got the feeling that I would be doing a similar mission in Washington D.C., centered on the Washington Monument and The Capitol Building.

While I was meditating on Saturday afternoon, AA Michael gave me the info to perform the mission at 5 pm eastern, during the Love Party. We informed The Team – me, Mother God, Andrea, and Lucas – and we all went to work at the appointed time.

This was a multi-dimensional mission and we all bi-located to DC. I assumed my usual mediative position and went to the Washington Monument, which I believe is a portal or some other type of energy structure. I received a massive download and then went into action clearing the negative energy from the area and bringing in Light and Love from above.

A big dome of Light formed in front of The Monument, then burst! I saw light shooting down all the streets of DC, which are primarily layed out in straight lines, angled lines, and right angles. I also saw a ring of Light - not like fire but more like lightbeams - shoot up in a circle around The Monument, like a fountain. I knew then that this Monument, an obelisk, was now the Beacon Of Light that it was always meant to be. The next day, Lucas reported that by accomplishing this, we had also reached London and cut energetic cords there.

I then went to the Capitol Building, into the room they call The Crypt, and transformed the energy. There were a few Beings there who represented the U.S. government and I told them that it was time to choose Love or be dissolved. That may sound harsh to some but I told them it was never too late to return to the Light and that we welcomed them back Home if they wanted to re~join us. They and we all know that The Game is over and that this time would come. I used Michael’s sword to cut their energetic cords. DONE!

On to the Supreme Court building where I basically did the same thing and spoke with some Beings who represented the U.S. judicial system.

Then I wasn’t sure where to go next but I quickly got the message that I was to go to The Pentagon. WOO HOO! I realized that I have been waiting a very, very long time to do that. I approached the Pentagon but it was a little different in that I could not just get right to it like the previous three places. There was an energetic wall around The Pentagon to keep Beings like us out! Well, it didn’t work. I broke through it and went to the courtyard in the center. I did the clearing thing but it was much more intense than anything I have ever experienced.

After that I went to the Big Boy’s Office  and saw Mother God, Lucas, Andrea, AA Michael and AA Raphael. Then who should appear but St. Germain! Haha! I gave him a big hug and said, “Fancy meeting You here.” I was thinking – of course he would not want to miss this.

Anyway, I spoke with some Beings who represented the U.S. military. I said the same thing ~ Come back to the Light or be taken off planet and dissolved. We all know that this is over. I represent The Company of Heaven and your time is up. You have no power and you can’t hurt us. I cut the cords – it was a dramatic, intense slashing.

And that was the end. The end of the mission and the end of The Cabal, as far as I can tell."

Anyway, I spoke with some Beings who represented the U.S. military. I said the same thing ~ Come back to the Light or be taken off planet and dissolved. We all know that this is over. I represent The Company of Heaven and your time is up. You have no power and you can’t hurt us. I cut the cords – it was a dramatic, intense slashing.

And that was the end. The end of the mission and the end of The Cabal, as far as I can tell."


Earth Ally Lucas

After our mission to clear Rome and the Vatican, Rain took the lead in the clearance of Washington DC as one of the three cities of control. We need the Feminine Energy to be the Lead in this transition as its the femine energy which brings in balance of creation and manifestation in 5D as did Andrea in the Vatican take the lead. The angels and gods we already are will be our manifestations to bring about the energetic cleansing of the energies and opening of the flow of energies again in the energy structures. The DC task was conducted with our ground angel team. The cords to the feeding of the dark energies were cut, The light was returned into the grid of DC and ascended masters and angels as Michael, Rafael and Gabriel as also Metatron, St. Germain and Sananda were helping the clearing. Metatron took the dodecahedron down over the DC Egyptian Needle/obelisk that will represent the spiritual awakening of earth's humanity. The light grid was pulled also into the grids of Rome and London. The Pentagon was also cleared and cleaned with all participating,



Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart and humanities heart. I cried and cried relief tears, joyous tears, and tears of immense gratitude for the work all of you do to liberate us all. May you be blessed beyond measure for the brave actions you take. 

I love you all!

Thank you for your wonderful comments and LOVEing support. This was an unforgettable experience and I AM thrilled beyond words to have shared it with the Team and all who read this. We are one - what one of us does, all of us do.

deine daemonen

Thu, 12/13/2012 - 05:00

For any claims of life-altering events predicted to happen when the Mayan calendar ends, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is none, and for all the fictional assertions over the Internet, there is no credible evidence for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events taking place in December 2012. (The agency responsible for all things space: NASA)

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