Connecticut Shooting: The heart’s response, on hearing the news
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And through it all, we must
And through it all, we must keep loving as hard as we can—each other and the people around us, because if we do this, maybe we can finally make guns obsolete. If we can make our dealings with each other as full of understanding and acceptance and love as possible, maybe we can end the kind of insanity that makes a person crazy enough to grab a gun in the first place.
Love Geeta
And through it all
We must consider that there are evil, very evil people out there, with very evil agendas. These less than human or perhaps half human people, do ot consider life to be sacred and do not know what love is. All they know is control, domination and physcological programming. This shooting was part of their plan, like thee Batman shooyting in Colorado, to nullify the 2nd Amendment, as they have done to the First Amendment the the totally deceitful and evil War on Terror(izing the Citizens). Thin. Question. Verify. And keep love in your heart, but awareness in your mind.