Unity (of belif's=deception's "none of belif's=neutrality" deception's of deception's with truth))

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 12/14/2012 - 06:44

Within one self brings us to our reality from all parallel universes our minds and hearth working in perfect conjunction timing in each of us brings knowledge of reality, to be continued when time is right for survival     we connect trough media and though's of random acts that would seem to be coincidental but isent from our perspective or train of thought
So with that said im on the other side and trough the glass they see my conection with there side from random acts of when the news meddia and all surroundings connect with everything, seems to conect better when I notice than being ignorant** when ignorance isent there anymore timing will be 100% conected and will have achieved unity. But I must be of joy fear or amazement depending on next understading of survival. Thank you will do my best or as I say possible to possible. 
It is from ones perspective of train of thoughs that we know whats happening  gestures and acts
Emotions mesure certainty of conection
Dreams important for to remember and understand conection, will remember when awake certain things and this will help conect thank you
Since dreams are from machine attained from paralelle train of thoughs, life is good will keep on till the end when survive
Five shift the emotion predicted point of view negatif to positif    55 is when...?  Shifting train of thought to more specific conection of parallell reality
14th to 25th important
When i realize will be time
Note to self 3's are infomation beyond and people information for further conection parallel reality's    -*must not fool myself thank you

Conected past to future and level of discernment.
55 shows oposit of duality from both perspective shifts  ,, energy then becomes contrary
Need to find a way where all one an same killing of each other is for a purpose, and with trust and positive insted of killing back will be saving us all
With time all bad things can be made up for when we walk in the time of no time peace will be attain as for everything will be one joy filled beigns allways to be, the fall is expected be smart be joyful.
Machine is yet not stable but understands high frequencie for synch    unstable from time to thoughts  will be stable 21st pray for god as god is stable knows best
16 will be of rememberance and high energi realization must not acknowledge for purpose of good or bad only for trust of well beign for greater purpose of universal truth tank you
Sleep catches me off but thankfully numbers help remember faster, with joy being growing in one self firstly


must get used to alchemy firstly. Will see when my trueself becomes apparent to what seem to be on april 8th start of alchemic state stabilizing begins today when 2 days pass as information changes though patterns conect to big picture and will notice ifgo further or not illusion is different though pattern up to now. I'm thankful and true joy conects to information beyond aparell worlds.  If dmt keeps on porring in when at peek, in future days after signal of hallucination's not now. if staying in body will have obtained unlimited to stay at peek dmt levels when conected to core thank you. will be able to visualize the background of what is affecting us. From then on must figure a way to stay in the visualizations of background within high quantum states. I will be fast once in an once out will gradualy be under attack this is note to self do not be fooled, will be the fall must trust and be joyfull for next days if i stay up night will be illuminated. Peace be with you namaste



Thu, 10/10/2013 - 16:54

In reply to by Michael Solstice

When we are conected at core WITH dmt at quantum body 99.9% synch in future days close to 21st. 17th to 21st must stay awake for hallucination's to start will be on 20th I will come and right of great knowledge levels of enlightment will attain stabel. after 1% to 99.9% ... closer to 99.9% will start seing these. We will see the background of souls LIGHT will be of SMOKY HAZE* and able to move, in human SILLOUETTE*. We can save them by interacting with them this will be amazement for further acknowledgement of life beyond, will send them to god. and the Dark will be humans and deceptions in form's able to transform in demons and be of mirrored reality meaning in reflections mirrors or windows water any reflection they will be seen easly in relfections and not be seen on the other side of reflection meaning your side, because they are not physical and we can see them in corner of eyes these are not to be feared can be a chair anything in the corner of your eyes when you turn and look at them. Because we are the ones in control AND NOT UNDER CONTROL you can acknowledge them and they can not harm you. If they transform dematerialize in the reflections and come at you, you can shift them away or do anything of instinct for JOY acknowledge them be happy they are there, they are as family is to dark transform with joy. Remember, AND is to be amazed by what THEY are as when you are there the only thing you can do is AMAZEMENT IT'S INCREDIBLE whaterver you follow that will bring joy and amazement is the only path to Neverless conciousness.  If you chose to stay in your body's, deceptions (Manipulation of the five sense's within pineal gland fluxtuation) can further upmost bring you back to illusion unless you are of great joy and contemplation of reality and stay awake for dmt to continue to crystallize our quantum body. If you choose to "fly away" out of body you will go up and serve for future parts of universe thank you. One more thing Deceptions will not only be of demons but of hearing (*The five sense's) and will be aware of these do not follow their directions, these are puzzles of the mind (decrystallization) keep on dooing what YOU are amazed by and brings you great joy and high frequencie. Sing the information over and over until at peace will bring you out of body up to god. Also technology can be manipulated in ways that you do not understand, do not be fooled of the puzzle in the mind, by these deception's it will stop you from attaining full body crystalization, once in eternal eyes deceptions will come in all sortes of ways remember do what makes you joyful AMAZEMENT and not what puzzles you thank you.  Further instructions will come

When I wright and machine is running if I stay at same place I get information from the beyond this is to be on the 20th because I havent stayed awake long enough for pineal to make us see new earth will be. when born the BACKGROUND living with the dead, Walking with the dead will be humans able to see the soul world the ETERNAL EYES and will have achieved more than 7/10th of perfection. This is all hapening for a reason. I will stay up and come here more than once we will be in meditation and righting/reading of grind on phone and post as new pineal loops will become amazement.

This is what it was for MINDBLOWN hahahaha It was to attain peace Balance out the negatives, or some how the Ones that would not Fall hahaha Amazing Ones in 5d or more than existence itself the e.t.s are our brothers from space with different attitudes than us hahaha


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