She's Crying Right Now

Submitted by drmoe on Sat, 12/15/2012 - 10:11

Who could have thought that when this song was selected for Heart Song of the day on Friday December 14 that it would coincide with the mass shooting in NewTown CT. All the more poignant because of that tragedy and what the whole Nation of USA is feeling, let alone the whole world. 20 little kids massacred along with 6 adults in that little school.


I dedicate this song to all those whose hearts are aching, to all those who feel this loss deep inside, to all those families directly affected by this crazy act of violence.


Now is a time for Grieving.  Later on, and hopefully soon, I sincerely Hope that President Obama brings down the Hammer on this nonsensical attachment to firearms.


She’s Crying Right Now

Copyright: Maurice Turmel PhD – 1997, 2012




She’s cryin right now

She’s hurting inside

It’s been a long time coming

And it’s burnin real bad


She’s cryin right now

It’s hurting inside

She’s crying,

But soon she’ll be alive




Been waking to that pain

For some time now

Been coming to terms

With her - Inner Child


That pain came long ago

Before she knew about them

It came from others

Before she was ready to begin




Thunder and lightning

Were easier to take

Then the pain she felt

Deep within her heart


All the worlds around her

Spun out of control

Until – she learned – to take hold



Out into the nighttime

Her sorrows did swell

Out towards Heaven

Out of that Hell


She’s found freedom

She’s found a way to thrive

She’s found out

How to be Alive



Thunder and lightning

Were easier to take

Then the pain she felt

Deep within her heart


All the worlds around her

Spun out of control

Until – she learned – to take hold



She’s cryin right now

She’s hurting inside

It’s been a long time coming

And it’s burnin real bad


She’s cryin right now

It’s hurting inside


She’s crying,

But soon she’ll be alive (2)


Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Sat, 12/15/2012 - 11:22

Very tragic situation indeed. I AM sorry that the person who did this did not realize what they were doing. May he find his perfect place, where ever that may be.  


Let's hope that good comes out of this situation. There MUST be a solution to these types of problems.  My roommate stated that VIOLENCE must be erraticated, not only guns.  She is right,  violent people will find other ways to harm. 


Let's pray that this (violence) is elliminated, for the betterment of mankind.  I hope the families of the victims recover and find peace.



Love Geeta


Sat, 12/15/2012 - 12:43

Uhhh... So let me get this straight.


Its ok for Drug companies to peddle mind-scrambling anti-depressants that are known to cause ill effects and also homicides/suicides...but you want to go after law-abiding, sane gun owners who are exercising their 2nd Amemendment Constitutional rights. Do you really think everything will be alright if we just "bring the hammer down" and hav evn more government control and regulation over our lives? How about suing the drug companies and going after them for peddling poisons that the CT shooter was CLEARLY on, go after big pharma, and leave us law abiding firearm owners in peace.

If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns.  Its not a new-age, kum-ba-yah, lets all hold hands world out there. You need to wake up.



Just live in reality...not fantasyland. There are VERY wicked people out there. I see it every day in the city i work in.


Taking peoples rights away to defend themselves from criminals and murders is not the answer.


Pharmacutical "Anti-depression" drugs SRI's have rotted more peoples brains, disconnected thm from their 3rd eye, and turned people into criminals much more than guns ever have. The people (shrinks) that prescribed them and the drug companies who pushed them should be behind bars.

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