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Just found out Morgan Freeman did not say this...
but still true! & good quote! It's an internet hoax, sorry, it's viral... Google 'morgan freeman shooting' = ) Joy~*
Hate to say it but...
while it is a great point and the reason why in Canada a person who commits a crime CANNOT be mentioned by name until they are convicted of a crime (and why these things don't seem to happen in canada at least to my knowledge...) it is also Telling that the author chose to place the words NOT under their own name and have them stand on their own merit but puts them under the name of a celebrity...because celebrities are paid attention to as if they "know more than the average person and are a role model to follow..."
while I do love morgan freeman, I also love mindeful, intelligent, caring people who have no fame, who are the majority of the people in this world and who are the ones shining their light quietly into the dark because it matters not if they are famous, it only matters that they love...
Morgan Freeman message
Morgan Freeman has said it all here, and very inteligentally too. Now if we can only get the right people to listen...
- Yes, Morgan what you say is
Ultimately, the teevee's switches are under our control......
Tell the Truth
People think these are isolated cases and throughout society is the lone sick demented soul striking out for fame. Total BS, these are government sponsored attacks with one motive to disarm America. The government has worked lock in step with drug manufacturers who peddle pure poison to these young minds driven insane by the most vile psychiatrist produced by a conscience. Law enforcement and media are accomplices in this grand scheme, along with FDA, USDA, and their marriage to Big Pharma. All government agency and corporate monsters must be purged or they will purge us. We are a country of 300 million, Germany, England, France have access to weapons but they won't allow these drugs to be endorsed by media and swallowed by the public:
This article in part is put out by Jon Rappoport author of the Matrix.
They know about the psychiatric-drug connection to murders and suicides. But they won't say the magic words. They'll just keep biting their tongues.
And "out of respect for the victims," the drug companies aren't running ads anywhere near this media coverage. Translation: the companies don't want to encourage the public to make the connection between meds and murder.
Prozac, murder. Zoloft, murder. Paxil, murder. Ritalin, murder.
Bloomberg is playing the shill for new gun control. He's the point man of the moment, insisting "the president do something meaningful" right now. It's an orchestrated little play.
"Let's ask Michael Moore what he thinks."
"Oh good, Rupert Murdoch is weighing in against guns." Yes, he's providing the "balanced" in "fair and balanced," so people stop associating FOX News with "right-wing gun advocates" for a few hours.
And the Boston mayor is chiming in, too.
Meanwhile, the public is under the spell of mass hypnosis. Can't stop watching the tube. Never stops to think, "Hey, why don't they put Lanza's doctor on the screen and have him talk about his patient?"
There are other elements of this mass trance. People bolster their belief that what happens in life is out of their hands. "See, it's just like I thought. We have no power. I have no power. All we can do is grieve and try to heal. Light a candle."
Let's wise up and stop being manipulated by media and False Flag events.
You make an excellent
You make an excellent point.
From NY Magazine -
Adam Lanza's mother had been increasingly concerned over her son's well-being in the weeks before the tragedy, telling a friend just a week before that he was "getting worse" and that "she was losing him," the New York Daily News reported. That report makes no mention of Asperger's syndrome, but it cites Adam's uncle who said he was taking an anti-psychotic drug called Fanapt.
See also: Fanapt: Deconstructing A Promotional Slide Deck
{Fanapt was named after the Greek word "phaneros" which means to manifest, ''to make obvious.''}
Morgan Freeman Did Not Say This
Morgan Freeman issued a statement that this quote did not come from him. It doesn't even sound like something this wise man would say.