We would Like to share with you the indicators to assist you in understanding if you are Awake and in Full Consciousness. Awareness is the key to Heaven which is The Doorway into Eternity. By Being Aware, you Are in process of Full Consciousness.
Your First Contact ground Crew Team[ Earth Allies], In which Every Being on this Planet is apart of once Awake, Are Awake and in Full Consciousness. If You Ask Any of US what We See with Our Eyes and Feel with Our Hearts, We See Atoms of Pure Consciousness Energy. These Atoms that We are Seeing and Feeling are Love, Love which is Everywhere Present. Wherever We Look, ALL WE See Is the Love that is Coming from the Inside of US. WE Understand that Love is ALL that Exists, not the shadows on the wall.
The Reflections that We see from Our Eyes are Like Rainbows of Beauty, Peace, Harmony and Unconditional Love. This Is The Balanced Harmonics energy which is arriving to all. All We Experience is Seeing this Love Everywhere, and Feeling this Love Everywhere In ALL Moments. The ones still in illusion, still sleeping, cannot see or feel anything, because all they are seeing through their eyes are the shadows on the wall. Shadows in a cave are not Love, therefore they do not exist. In True Reality, Heaven, Where A Human Being's True Home is, there are no shadows, and the wall is seen for the Energy it Is. It's the Energy of Atoms that Everything is made up of.
Everything You see through your eyes are just thought forms. Now, if you are in the lower vibrations the thought forms you see, are the illusionary shadows. When you See The Thought forms Of Only Love from within, this is When You are Awake. The shadows dissolve, because as lower thought forms they did not exist anyway, they were not REAL.
When You are Awake, you Bless Everything around you, you see beauty ALL around YOU. In Truth ALL you See is Love Everywhere Present. When You are Awake, Your Eyes See Rainbows, and You Feel the Joy of these Rainbows, that are the Reflection of your Inner Truth of Unconditional Love, Joy, and Beauty.
If You are Awake, You are a Gift Giver. WE are The Gift Givers. The Gift Givers are Inheriting this Earth. The empty shadows on the wall do not exist, therefore cannot inherit the Earth. What has Occurred on this Planet is that the people imagined the shadows were real. This began an illusion of take. Taking from others is how illusion is able to continue its non-existence. Mother Earth is not a taker, Real Human Beings are not takers, takers do not exist in The Kingdom Of Heaven.
If You Are Awake You Are In Complete and Total Service to Love In Every Moment. Being In Service Is You Being the Gift That We Give Each Other. Being the Love You are, Is Your Gift to The ALL.
"Who are these eyes awake and aware..eyes looking within and
discovering all is there...eyes of Heart wide open to hear and to
feel..The Grand Awakening is in progress, are all awake enough to
feel? Aware enough to hear?..The new energies are guiding each step
with Love and compassion as the Heart walks forward to the Land of
the FREE, a new age, The Age of Aquarius, Finally...Who are these
eyes awake and aware? Overflowing with love, vision, and
care....Where does one go? Who will one be? Who one truly is of pure
Light, pure Love and true glee, living in the present moment of NOW
or choosing the mind to stay stuck in the past and future still not
free... Do those awake silently hide in the corner? Or become the
couragous ones who are venturing into the unknown to show the way
pointing the flashlight and BOLDLY stating the truth, sharing the
heart, either way appears crazy for the Unawakened parts, who are
choosing to close the doors on their hearts...we bleed internally,
as each takes its course and suffer in silence with our unheard
voice, understanding the answers, solutions and cure for the
destruction, pain, and death that seems never ending to the mind,
that can never understand true love of self and of Humanity, awake
and aware we choose to step forward understanding the plan, the
part, and the vision taking our place in the Grand Decision, into
the Kingdom of Heaven...Who are these eyes of HEART awake and aware
watching and observing with Love and with Care..waiting on the
sidelines to share and to give the final piece of Heaven a gift of
Love in action...The mind/ego may not see or even understand who one
has become the "New Human" is at hand.. Gentle and passionate,
allowing the seeds of Real Truth to grow and blossom as a
ROSE...Being brave, Being true, Being the Couragous ones standing
strong as Pillars of LIGHT, observing the Magnificent Beauty unfold
onto The New Earth of only BRILLIANCE and HEART, The Divine
plan...Who are these Eyes awake and aware participating in a True
Love story of ALL TIME, a Fairy Tale, that NOW has become Real
inside this Realm......Awake and aware of the changes
destined..through the contract that was signed, dated, and
mastered.... ..we are the awakened eyes of Compassion and of grace,
entrusted with Grand Responsibility and Grand Redemption.. . We have
always understood we were different, apart from the mind and have
stood firm within our hearts from the status quo and have chosen a
path from only the Heart that has led us down the Yellow Brick Road
of Light and of Love, The real truth of reality ...So now we say to
each listening... .Be who you are.... are you ready? We are here as
examples to set you free....Shine and Pour the Light and the Love
from your true being, connecting all Hearts into ONE...NOW THEN WE
ARE FREE, is your Heart ready to "SEE"? For as the Real Truth steps
forward, paradise for all! Awaken and share the truth, Love and
Light with all"
Love The Earth Allies
Eye's ready!!! LOVE!
Eye's ready!!! LOVE!