Submitted by Lia on Thu, 02/02/2012 - 17:42





Dear Ones,
I AM AA Michael,
Today, tomorrow for some everybody watches Steve Beckow and "the voyage to the stars" he is organizing which is supposed to commence on Saturday this week. Link
Well, there are many options still open, and it has to be seen whether they will happen or not.
It all depends not on us who have proposed our meeting and invited you, but it depends entirely on you all who are participating in what ever way you have your attention on this event. 
Everybody is adding with their thought and emotional energy to it, and also with their energy of physical action.
All of this creates a new pattern and depending on this pattern as a whole, we will carry out this project or not.
It is not Steve alone who is responsible, this is a thoroughly wrong perception he has, because everything is, as all happenings are on your world (and in other worlds), always a group process. Everybody involved therefore is responsible for the outcome. Whether they participate directly or they are observing from far. Whatever they think and whatever energy they produce, it all adds to the overall outcome. You ARE and act as one humanity, whether you are aware of it or not,  and there is in reality no separation. In so far, everybody is responsible for the result.
So you will understand that we do not look at you as single individuals, we look at you as a combined force of energies which are patterned as thoughts, emotions, actions and which include all your energy bodies.
What we have initiated by our invitation serves several purposes:
One, to set actively in motion a new pattern regarding humanity’s involvement with us, your space family. This pattern is the womb of which a new constellation of our interconnectedness can be born, a new understanding how in reality things evolve and that there are always many different parts involved who all must fit together so that tangible results can be achieved.
The second purpose is to make more people aware of our presence and how natural our friendship and mutual meeting would be. It is like visiting your human family from another country, only that we are off your planet. You will soon get fully used to it. In reality nothing is new and most of you will quickly remember your past natural exchanges with your space family.
The third purpose is to actually change and awaken certain dormant codes of your galactic consciousness. By inviting you on our ships, these codes of the visiting group will be triggered and activated, which in turn will awaken also successively these codes in your human family altogether. In your past humanity always has been interacting with your space family. And this memory is still stored in your cells. This memory will be awakened again.
There is another purpose in addition to the other ones: we are eager to directly communicate with you, because this communication will set in motion, as you are residents and physical offsprings of your Mother Earth, a further opening of Gaia’s atmosphere to cosmic influence which will have an important influence on Her’s and your imminent ascension process.
By directly communicating with us, not only your own Galactic heritage will be strengthened and reactivated, but - as a chain reaction - also earth’s still asleep star seeds will awaken. This is a process which will free Gaia further from her galactic isolation as a planetary body and connect her directly to universal energy points, which in turn empowers her and your ascension process.
You see, you are all inherently connected not only to your human family and to your planet, but of course also to your surrounding universe. And our meeting will initiate and reinstate the actual inherent connectedness between earth and the galaxy.
Nothing is separate, but most of you are used to consider not only your human brothers and sisters as separate beings, but also your own planet, and therefore also all your space brothers and sisters and other planets and universes.
In truth we are all created from one single source field, in which we are one and single, and this singleness of the totality of creation, is felt in the heart which we all share.
We come in love, and this invitation is an invitation of love, and the uniting of what has been seemingly separate for so long.
Our invitation stands, but it is up to you whether you who are participating in thought, emotion and action are able to transcend the idea of separation and fear. Whether you, as a group consciousness, bear the clarity and determination of unity and love in which we desire to unite.
And this exactly is the main purpose of our meeting. This uniting force which we must all share in our hearts so that we can stand face to face.
I greet you with love and respect!
I AM AA Michael
Message conveyed by Ute

I'm jumping at this opportunity!  Not that I would be dissapointed if nothing happened, because I've become a little use to that lol...  Several times in my life I found myself "waiting" for things that never happened and dealt with it, with ever increasing efficientcy.  I've resigned myself to living in the moment of always hoping that something will.  From what little I know about this, the possibility is exciting for those fortunate ones off to a 10 day trip in the Universe.  Such a short notice too!  I just read of this in the last 48 hours or so and the event is scheduled in the next 48 or so.


Like everyone who has any lenght of connection, to the metaphysical developments occuring on this planet, I am on high alert for sudden change.  I have done my homework and I am constantly at the banquet table, which by the way, is pretty generous these days.  I don't really know what you expect us to do in order to facilitate your entry into physical human affairs, but I can write this letter of welcome... Welcome! 


The Galactic Free Press is like a sanctuary for free speech.  Here we can express ourselves as we wish, without judgement, because we just don't accept that kind of stuff anymore.  It can be equated to water on a duck's back, as the saying goes.


Anyway, I don't want to ramble on to long.  I just wish you a nice trip and I hope you send down some updates.  I hope also that some type of physical manifestation occurs as a widespread wake up call.  Whatever... lol


All in good nature, much love and peace,



PS If you fly by my place beam me up :)



Wishing all of those invited and our dear hosts and hostesses...Bless you and have a wonderful time!!!  I can't wait to hear all about your journey upon your return and see what happens after....


Witam serdecznie.
Piszę z Polski. Proszę zabrać na spotkanie z Federacją Gakaktyczną moje stanowisko odnośnie wzniesienia.
Uważam że głębokie, duchowe przemiany są konieczne - bardzo szybko.
Każda chwila jest cenna. Nie można już dłużej czekać z ujawnieniem.
Ludzie muszą dostać wręcz namacalny dowód na to że w kosmosie są nasi bracia i siostry.
Ujawnienie może bardzo pomóc nam wszystkim w szybszym przygotowaniu całej spoleczności do transformacji.
Społeczeństwo jest tak wychowane przez system że samo gadanie o ET, 5D czy innych kwestiach o których do tej poru nie mieli pojęcia nie wiele pomoże.
Może tylko spowodować nowe liczne problemy w społeczeństwie.
Jest konieczna zdecydowana i skuteczna postawa Federacji co do ujawnienia.
Ujawnienie pozwoli na zastanowienie i przemyślenia tych którzy do tej pory gonią za złotym cielcem i nic nie iwdzą i nic nie słyszą poza tym co oferują media.
System już zbyt długo i skutecznie tresuje swoich niewolników.
I czekanie na obudzenie dużej ilości społeczeństwa w krótkim czasie jest wręcz nie możliwe.
Dlatego domagam się zdecydowanych i skutecznych dzialań na Ziemi przez Federację Galaktyczną.
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