The Clock is Ticking

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 12/23/2012 - 13:19
Written by Steve Beckow

Note from Wes: It is great to see Steve beginning to feel some of the monumental effects accompanying what was a very powerful alignment and beginning-point. I am still feeling the wonderful recalibration taking place and I as well am feeling the continual want to write, write write it out and today, I’ve experienced another very wonderful and blissful meditation that was truly unlike any I have ever experienced. These energies are heightening in intensity with each day and I can only say to hold on to your hats!


I think I have my feet on the ground enough to give you a description of what has been transpiring in the last … nine hours.

It seems like nine days.

I had a dream last night and in it I saw the shape of the New World. You’re probably saying, well, let me see, yesterday you said the Company of Heaven had to step up to the bat, and today you’re saying…

And yes, that’s true.

However in the place of heightened bliss that I’ve been living in in the last nine hours, I see, or I think I see, and I knew for the time of the spiritual experience that I’ve just been through, that all is proceeding as planned.

Yes, we did get hit with a blast of light on Dec. 21st. (And here the bliss begins rising within me again and I begin almost to lose my train of thought and must wait for it to subside.)

But part of what I suspect – and on this I could be wrong, but it’s something I knew about many, many years ago from other spiritual experiences – part of where we’ve misjudged (or I’ve misjudged) some aspects of that event is that we may misunderstand the nature of light. I saw in two experiences, one which I called the Flame in the Heart and the other which I called the Silver Bullet, that light is not … well, not necessarily … like say a spotlight or a lighthouse beacon – all brightness and intensity.

Light is also like awareness or like consciousness itself.  In those two experiences, I realized what light was, at the same time as I was filled with love, and the conjunction of the two was what brought on the spiritual experience. (The bliss rises again and I almost lose my train of thought.)

Perhaps rather than “light” we might want to hear “consciousness” or “awareness” as the Vedantists say. And perhaps instead of “love” we might want to hear “bliss” as the Vedantists also say. Now I have experienced the two of them together, but I have not experienced the third – which Vedantists call “being” or “existence.” That part has not yet happened for me, but when it does, I would venture to say, wow.

Being, awareness, and bliss is the Vedantist’s definition of God. And so what we are talking about is Self-Realization. No, it hasn’t hit me yet. But it may. And it may also hit you so please be easy on me. Ask not for whom the bell tolls….

And I’m opening to the experience, as Archangel Michael recommended that we do. And even if I open to it for one in-breath, that in-breath is filled with bliss.

So to recap, I awoke from a dream last night in which I saw the New World operating. Everyone was so happy and content and they were all beavering away at things that they loved. But everyone was doing it for the collective. Those who were growing vegetables, as I said earlier, were growing them for the sake of all. And those who were teaching or helping others to understand what had happened, what it meant, what it promised, were also doing it for the sake of all.

And I realized that all we have talked about here – but this applies to the other sites as well – is indeed true and it is what we need to know. This blogsite in its totality, with all the channeled messages that you read day after day, is a gloss on what we can expect, what we are building and what will grow, gradually or suddenly, and gradually for some and suddenly for others as it happened suddenly for me last night – this is all that has been talked about on this site and on the other sites.

And I wrote about that experience from being in the midst of it, so you could see the emotions and the jumbledness of it and the spontaneity and aliveness. The writing? Well, hey.

During the entire course of that experience, I totally forgot all that had gone on before, all that we had talked about, all that we had felt and did not feel. Bliss is like that. It sweeps away the memories, the regrets, the worries. And even now, as the bliss wells up in me, as Archangel Michael said it would, I move into and out of remembrance of those days that we’ve gone through on this most unpredictable and remarkable of journeys.

Now as I say, I have not added beingness to awareness and bliss. The experience is not complete yet. I do not yet know who I am – the beingness part of it. But the awareness and the bliss part are magnificent.

I am feeling so vulnerable at this moment. There are those who would love to disparage. There are those who, in the face of one of us climbing up a few steps, would inadvertently pull the one off the ladder to comfort the other.  It’s a most precarious state and so I’m staying here on my own, quietly alone in my room.  And it isn’t complete yet so there’s nothing I can contribute generally anyways, save my descriptions of the process as it unfolds. This is all I can do right now, all I can manage.

I can’t search the Net for anything. I can hardly keep it together to post. And for that I can only say please forgive me.

I’ve said many times in the past that I know that one of my jobs here is to go through my Ascension publicly. Who else would bare themselves this way than one who has been assigned the task? That’s what I came for. That’s why I’m a writer. And that’s what writers do. This is me earning my heavenly keep.

You may heal the sick and wounded, create beautiful music, or grow the world’s food. This is what I do.

So now I’ve had a glimpse of the New World and it is magnificent. I’ve had a taste of the New Life and it is irresistible. And now I sit here, swaying back and forth in my chair, thinking of you, wishing you could feel the way I do, and missing all your company. I’m in the egg, in the womb, as are we all. And the clock is ticking.




Oh, Steve, I am so grateful for your words. They ignited my energetic being. It is soo important that we share the positive results of this shift, right now! The energy that you felt, when writing these words, is being transmitted energetically to those who are open. Like a flame igniting the flame of others! When I started to read this post , I was in a state of neutrality. Now, I am in a state of bliss as well. Thank you for being the way shower that you are!


Sun, 12/23/2012 - 18:25

Thank you,Steve for touching my heart = LOVE with your words. The word that touched me the most in your writing was the word..."bliss". Although I've known, through the late Joseph Campbell, that "bliss" is where we all want to be, I've never been able to really reach that state and hold onto that state.


Now, after Dec. 21, I'm kind of getting there. I feel a constant kind of stream from on high into my upper head at all times. I shared this with FatherGod in the chat room and he said this was my connection to Source. That is wonderful and it FEELS to me like I am now able to release my ego and enjoy BLISS on a rather constant basis.


I FEEL I am growing in my ability to create and I will enjoy when ALL are in bliss!



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