Submitted by Lia on Tue, 05/10/2011 - 18:25







Well it seems once again it is that time of the week … and so soon!! I have a few things on my mind today, so I am not sure how this is going to go. I know White Cloud gave me ultimate proof that you are of The Light and that’s all good. Yet still I am sent letters saying … although my heart is in the right place I have ‘Negative’ energies creeping in, because no “Positive’ energies would give an actual date of an appearance etc etc. Sort of ‘Cruisin for a bruisin’ so to speak! And that I should perhaps be more discerning! And I guess in all honesty today … I feel like … Oh Bog off world!… This is all in the too hard basket. MMM!! What a lovely place of Love and Light I’m in! I know it’s about listening to my own heart, so why am I bothered today about what others people’s opinions of me are? Deflated ego perhaps? I’m only human after all! Aren’t I?


Yes indeed you are in the human flesh. We find much interest in the workings of the human mind and how one uses so little of it. What one must try to understand and accept is that each one is from the whole. We are aware of our repetitive formula, but we find it necessary, in order for it to be instilled. ‘At the end of the day’ as you would say dearest Blossom … does is really matter who says what about who?


 Well, maybe not in your eyes, but down here I think it is respectful to speak only good things about people or not to bother saying anything at all.


Yes, but in the eyes of whom?’


 I don’t know what you mean?


 In the eyes of whom?


 US! Those of us who reside on planet earth.


 You say this and yet we see so little of this. So you say that in our eyes it may not matter and we would say this is correct. This you seem uncomfortable with, but you are not looking at in from within our eyes.


 And if I did, what would I see my friends, what would I see? I would so LOVE to see things from within your eyes. Sometimes this planet seems to me to have gotten so out of hand, one wonders what indeed IS going to allow the change into The New World that is talked about. We are all moving forward as you say, and sometimes we can feel this, but it also seems that the more info that I am sent the more I realize how doomed we could be, and although I am aware of all the Light in the world I am also aware of the opposites. Yes, with respect, I know we need opposites.


 Dearest soul and to all souls. We ask of you few things. We ask of you to always allow yourself to be in the Truth of who you are. It is so easy is it not to be ‘misguided’ by what maybe Truth for one and yet not a Truth for the self?


This is my dilemma! WHAT IS THE TRUTH?


And if we were to say … There is not one TRUTH?


… Surely there has to be?




Just because!!! If there isn’t ONE REAL TRUTH then how will we ever know THE TRUTH? What is the point of following and searching for THE TRUTH if there isn’t one?


 THAT is the point.




Searching for it.


 But you said there isn’t one.




 And this is getting us where exactly?


Much further than you think.


You see, there’s another thing, some say that you never really answer and negative energies talk in riddles.


BLOSSOM … what is YOUR TRUTH about us… if there were to be a Truth?


IN ALL TRUTH … for that is all I know in myself … I have no doubt that you are of Love and Light, for you have never shown me otherwise. Even when you didn’t appear, I know it was for very good reasons … I just couldn’t NOT LOVE YOU. Because that is what you are to me … LOVE. But I have been thinking lately about this whole ‘PROOF” thing. I mean … there is no proof. I mean … that you are from elsewhere as opposed to a fantasy of mine, a figment of my imagination.


 And you feel you are needing proof NOW, after all you have done for us in faith that we are who we say we are?


 I am just a little under par and we all have days like this do we not? It’s just not all of us are in a place where we have our vulnerability on show. I know I don’t HAVE to publish this, but then that would seem dishonest to me. People have asked me before if I have any channellings that I haven’t published and the answer is NO. It is what it is. No more, no less. I have nothing to hide. I am just doing what I feel I am supposed to be doing. After all, some are going to go with it, some not, freedom of choice I guess. AND THE THING IS … as I am writing this, in this moment, there is a huge banging on the head going on saying … BLOSSOM … THE ROSES! … and I am reminded of The White Cloud story and confirmation of who YOU are, and this is just a classic case of allowing others to influence you, instead of holding on to what THE SELF KNOWS. And … that knowing is MY TRUTH and I guess that is all that matters. So what if there is no ONE REAL TRUTH … although … still can’t understand that… I just feel there has to be …


Or is it that you feel there SHOULD be?


 Yes. I suppose that’s it really. If there is no ONE REAL TRUTH then what is right? How do we know what to follow … what one considers to be a great wrong doing by one, maybe another’s Truth … and you are saying that is ok?


WE are not saying …


it is simply that this is how it is. But do you see?


No … not clearly … clearly!!! The Truth within oneself is the TRUTH for the self at that given time. And we know there is no time. It is just a passing through if you like, a journey, a place where one is learning of what is suitable to the soul. You have touched on this with the honourable White Cloud we are aware. For it is that your Truths change as you become more knowledgeable. What was once sensible to you … as you grow in awareness … is no longer the case.


 But surely … sorry to go on, round and round in circles … as we grow, are we not all being guided toward THE GREAT TRUTH? There has to be ONE GREAT TRUTH, of what actually IS. I believe LOVE is an ENERGY …is that the TRUTH?


 To you.


 Is it a Truth to you?


 Without doubt.


 So would you call that ONE REAL TRUTH?




But you said there isn’t one. It is the ONE REAL TRUTH to you and me, yet not to everyone. This is why there cannot be ONE REAL TRUTH.


So what are we searching for, what is this quest that our souls are on? What are we seeking and why?


 We smile dear Lady … for someone who is not that keen on asking questions you are excelling yourself this day. And in answer … Each one of you is searching for your Ticket home. Each one of you comes from a place outside of this planet, and yet some find that inconceivable. Yet, this is what this yearning is within your beings. This connection that is sought is simply your souls KNOWING that it will one day return home. And that home is that ENERGY OF LOVE.


 And you know what I am to say … isn’t that not the ONE REAL TRUTH then?






donna grant

Tue, 05/10/2011 - 19:24

I had this dream the air talked 2 me...at that time I knew not who was the air...then a mountain appeared...I stood on top as the smoke was coming out & I went into the fire in the mountain...their appeared a man...who once I had known...but had forgot...beckening me into earth...I looked over and another man appeared waving at me...from the water...he to was familial though I could not remember how I did not know how I could forget...then I saw myself with a man I had held & hold close 2 my heart...in a water craft exploring the water under ground...then I was in front of a big seeing eye...it was so wonderful...so beautiful...I did not want 2 leave...I stood their & I was happy...so as I seek the truth of who I am...I ask 4 forgiveness of forgetting...in time my truth will open many doors of my life...I extend my hand in love & kindness & yes forgiveness...as so many live in fear of the unknown...as we expand our brain energy...we will learn to except each other as we r for who we r...their r many differences in our races & beliefs...yet we must respect each other or we continue 2 fight...we can either join together respecting each other...educating each other on our differences & our sameness...or we will all wonder what happened...let us all extend our hand in kindneess & tollorance...thank-u 4 sharing your truth & 4 listening 2 mine

Guest (not verified)

Wed, 05/11/2011 - 06:23

The World of Illusion" wants to project that We are exploding apart, when in Truth, We are imploding into One... <3

yes I feel the oneness...when it left me I could not understand why...or how to revive this gift again of love in my life...the world of illusion stepped in & boy oh boy did it turn me around...even though I went on I have waited...keeping love in my heart...seeking my truth...that eluded me...more better now...but so many people have so many different truths...so now 2 implode into One...the rights of so many r impeded downtroden...one union of we the people 2 impode into light with love...

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