~ Nice Work, Everyone! Awareness of Disclosure if nothing else ~ Steve Beckow~

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 14:29

~ Nice Work, Everyone ~

2012 February 3
Posted by Steve Beckow

Well, just to let you know how it’s going. It’s 2:30 a.m. and wherever I turn, and I’m sure it’s the same way for BZ, we have hundreds of emails.  The “comments” and “article suggestion” forms (now closed), the grener11@gmail.com account, BZ’s and my personal email accounts, and any other means of communication – all choc-a-bloc with email.

In the “comments” section to the Flight List, which I’ve had to close as well, people are estimating fairness, etc. But I wonder if you can appreciate that, when one is awash in email, it isn’t possible to sit down here calmly and say, well, in this case, I did x so in this other case I must do the same. I must be consistent. I must take everyone into consideration. I must read every email in order of chronology. Etc.


How can one be consistent when one sits on a mountain of email and must watch for the one email that points to an urgent or special situation that needs to be addressed? I’m afraid one cannot. Mistakes will be made. Some emails will actually remain unread. It cannot be otherwise.


We’re already twice as large a group as Grener wanted. We hoped the galactics would allow us to expand the list, but apparently it isn’t to be so. And I can understand Grener’s wishes in the matter.

We hear your disappointment that perhaps the greatest number won’t be able to make this trip. And believe me, we’d like to include everyone. But we cannot.


Grener has said that people who wish to go part-time need not be on any list. But can we guarantee that simply sending a message telepathically to the galactics will work? I’m afraid we can’t.

I see that word of this trip is getting out there and people are raising their eyebrows.Typical comment:


I wonder – will the trip go to Planet X after first passing through Hollow Earth and perhaps include some shape-shifting trans-dimensional reptilians?

I don’t think so. But you can see the disbelief. Why would people want Disclosure so badly and then ridicule it when it comes? It escapes me.


Our motives are coming under scrutiny. I’m sure some are wanting to see if we’re somehow charging for it or making a killing off it.  So you can see how important it is for us to stay well away from any exchange of money here or even the slightest hint that anything untoward is happening.


Dave returned all contributions that came to my personal Paypal account. He did allow a few to come in to the Hope Chest and they did in fact help pay for our urgent hour-long reading with AAM and Grener yesterday and I thank you for that.


But apart from that, no one associated with this project stands to benefit in any way – and I guess I’m saying that for the benefit of those coming newly to the site and inspecting what is going on. This is not about us, new readers. This is about serving the Light.

For the sake of new readers, let me just review what did happen. Grener, the President of the Intergalactic Council, alerted Linda Dillon, our channel for the galactics and celestials, that he wished to speak to us on the Hour with an Angel show. We used the occasion to tell him how disappointed we were that ET/UFO Disclosure had not happened yet. We asked if a small group of us could be allowed to visit the ships to speed up the process and break the deadlock and he agreed.


Now here we are, with hundreds and hundreds of people wanting to be among the first to visit the ships.

We are going aboard Grener’s own mothership, the Neptune. We’ll stay for ten days in a Fifth-Dimensional environment to which we’ll be helped to acclimatize.  Yes, we apparently really will be picked up in limousines and some people are using that to speculate that this is a CIA operation. No, it’s not. But that is the way the galactics have arranged it.

Little did we suspect that we’d become the equivalent of a cosmic travel agency.

Some prominent lightworkers are sending me larger numbers of emails than I even have time to read. Another group of the usual suspects are saying I’m daft and irresponsible. Oh well, this is useful training in developing a thicker hide.


My biggest concern is that BZ and I in particular will arrive on the ship worn to a frazzle. If so, it’s off to the healing chamber right away. Forgive me if I look bedraggled.


We have one more day. We may have to cease from reading emails at some point to actually pack and get ready. We may have to look simply for emails that point to some urgent problem. (Perhaps put URGENT in your header. But please don’t send the same email to every account. That only multiplies our workload and increases the chances of mistakes being made.)


I guess I just want you all to know that we’re doing our best to cope with a remarkable situation, one in which your hearts are involved and we know it. We have only very limited staff to deal with all that’s required and no time to train others. We apologize that some will feel left out. It saddens us that it must be so, even if we had room for 600 people to go.


We’ll do all we can to see that everyone gets their chance to board the ships, if not now, then later.


That having been said, who would have thought half a year ago that, if we wanted ET/UFO Disclosure to happen, we’d have had to do it ourselves? Not I. It never occurred to me.


But here we are, ladies and gentlemen. In the end, it looks as if we’ve done it. We’ve brought the subject of ET/UFO Disclosure before the public in a way that it never has been brought before. Even if nothing happens after this moment, we may have broken through the wall of silence and for that I congratulate every one of you. The people who’ve been covering up the UFO presence will never be able to do it again.


We did it. We got the job done.

Nice work, everyone.



Solstice (not verified)

Fri, 02/03/2012 - 14:49

Blessed Be :-) I am ready and willing to serve my community. Our Galactic Brothers & Sisters know who I am and where I live if they so choose to include me on this excursion.  If I am not included in this particular event, I will remain grateful that I have the high privledge of serving GAIA and our Universe as light worker and will hold only love in my heart for your moments of joy. Blessed Be that we have been chosen as the one's with the ablility to see.


As they say in da hood - REPRESENT! Steve Beckow REPRESENT !


Blessed Be,


MIchael Solstice

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