Message from Mark of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~3~12~ ‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/03/2012 - 17:15

Message from Mark of the Galactic Federation of Light 2~3~12~ ‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party





‘Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party.’ These are very wise words indeed. Today is the day that you come to the aid of others that need, and will need, your calming voice of reason through these challenging times. Events are now to be set into motion, and the people of your world will now learn once and for all that you are not alone, you have never been alone, and that many others from parts all across this universe are here. Why we are here will be a cause of great speculation. There will be the fear mongers who shout that our presence is for the purpose of invasion. There will be others who will try to use our announcements to further instill fear within the masses to further control you, and there will be those of you such as yourselves who know the truth; that are intentions are strictly honorable and that we are only here to assist humanity make the necessary changes to take a great leap in your advancement, to enter a new age of Galactic partnership. To reverse the devastating effects your industrialization has had on your planet and to help you rid your world of the parasites that have clung to you and have fed off your labors to feed their unquenchable thirst for more money and power. We are here to assist you with these tasks, nothing more, nothing less.
We of the Galactic Federation of Light are ascended beings, all of us. We come here in service from worlds of plenty. We need or want for nothing, as we have the power to create anything it is that we wish. There is nothing of your world we desire, but to extend our hand in humble service and assist you to join us as a member of our Galactic community. You have been through so much struggle throughout your many incarnations and it is time for you to put all this behind you in the name of spiritual growth and education, and now leave these difficult memories behind you, taking with you only the wisdom you obtained through these difficult lessons.
There will be those who resist our offers of assistance. They will allow fear and distrust to block them from receiving the benefits of our help. We will try to allow all to see our intentions are of the purest of intent, and we ask your assistance in this regard. You, being their fellow brethren, may have a greater chance to break through the walls that have been built through fear and disinformation. We believe in you, and we know you can get the job done.
The people of your world will now learn of our presence through the use of your media that will be anxious to cover this breaking story. From one to another and then to another media outlet, the news  of our mission to assist you right the wrongs of your world will spread like a wildfire, and in no time at all complete coverage of this life-changing event will reach everyone in every corner of the globe. This is a crucial period. This is where it is imperative of you, our trusted ground crew, to launch into action and spread your calming voices over the seas of confusion and distrust. We know you can do it, and we know you will succeed, opening the door to further implementation of the overall plan. This is the point that will begin to get fun for you. This is the point where all of your world will quickly begin to reap the benefits of our assistance. Changes will commence quickly and efficiently, and the obstacles that have been so stubbornly seeded in your paths to a better life will be removed one by one, leaving clear lanes for all of you to proceed on your journey the way you were meant to.
Life does not have to be hard. Your journey does not have to be so difficult, with little reward in the way of happiness. Life is meant to be enjoyed with each day bringing more happiness and excitement. There is a better way for you. Allow us to show you that better way. Allow us the chance to show you what our lives are like. That is all we ask of you. We are confident when you see what your lives can easily be like with just a few modifications to your present set up, we feel you will all agree the time for change had come a long time ago.
You are being called to duty at this time, in service to this planet and her people to help facilitate these changes that will mean so much to so many all across this great land. This is quite a responsibility, is it not? You volunteered your talents for this day, and this day has now arrived. You and others like you, with our assistance, will see these needed changes made manifest, and a new world will shine through from the ashes of the old.
I am Mark from the Galactic Federation of Light, and it was a pleasure to speak with you today. We will speak again, until then, be well and see that your assignments are carried out in good faith.
As channeled through Greg Giles

hello     i read your galactic news every day because i thrist to know what is new that is happening with  the advent of 2012. i have a belief in what you print here but some of it is way out of context and i see a couple of contradictions among the channelers. anyway alot of the things that we suppose to recieve as new technologies remind me about what the 3rd antichrist suppose to give to the people. and after the people believe in this savior, the antichrist turns around and makes all hell on earth. do you understand what is said in the bible? i know the bible has been messed with but do you know who the antichrist is? i hope i haven'nt offended you. the 3d life is full of mistrust and painfull lessons.  thanks bobbyauto

In my opinion, "the anti-christ" that the bible refers to is the Illuminati.  As with the technology, the Illuminati control all aspects of society, and also what technologies are released to whom, when.  These technologies, such as the computer I am typing on now, apparently give off vibes that are not so good for us.  Anyways, use discernments always, which is following our intuition.  The intuition is subtle.  The soul gently wispers to us, never will it shout.  It wispers, so that it does not override the free will of the other aspects of our being, for the soul is pure divinity and would never command anything, merely suggest softly.  Also, in my opinion, from the knowing that comes from my heart, the GFOL is certainly not part of the group of people that are "the anti-christ".  They are on par with the Angels, Beings of Christed Light.

don't worry about the illuminatti or the anti-christ -not even about the government! they porwerless :)
they are a thing of the past
and they were never that much of a danger to a god like us anyway... don't you guys remember? know thyself...

"30 I and the Father are one.”

31 Again his Jewish opponents picked up stones to stone him, 32 but Jesus said to them, “I have shown you many good works from the Father. For which of these do you stone me?”

33 “We are not stoning you for any good work,” they replied, “but for blasphemy, because you, a mere man, claim to be God.”

34 Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are “gods”’[a]?" (John 10:30-34)

 * * *

we -thus is, "god"- were a single solitary consciousness existing in The Void for all eternity. back then, before the original big-bang, we were the eternal energy of consciousnesses/time, or infinite potential, not yet manifested

...but it feels so lonely in eternity being just one
being one (or the One), the only way for us to enjoy company is by forgetting our true nature of eternal communion by dividing or bifurcating ourselves repeatedly until, in a huge cosmic explosion, we gave birth to what we know as existence: the mind/dream of the goddess/god, whose purpose for the process is one suffused with infinite empathy, aka divine love

 as deeper as we divide ourselves, as more feeble the memory of being all One becomes; therefore making the illusion of being separated in a universe of separated objects or beings feel more and more real.
as real this illusion of separation feels, as further we get to know ourselves (or shall i say: "figments of ourselves"), by perceiving and experiencing our
disparage behaviours, attitudes, perceptions, dreams, inventions etc -the acts we experience as *living*

the one and only thing that prevents us from directly experiencing ourselves as the Unitary Energy Being that we are is our ego and the beliefs, ideas, and illusions that our ego uses to artificially construct its/our sense of self

in the end, what i'm writing about is liberation from fear. liberation from fear of being oneself. liberation from the fear of reality. liberation from the fear of life and the fear of death. liberation from the fear of succeeding or failing. liberation from trying and relaxing into infinite nature of being, right here, right now

“‘Liberation,’ Dr. Robert began again, ‘the ending of sorrow, ceasing to be what you ignorantly think you are and becoming what you are in fact. For a little while, thanks to the moksha-medicine, you will know what it’s like to be what in fact you are, what in fact you always have been. What a timeless bliss! But, like everything else, this timelessness is transient. Like everything else, it will pass. And when it has passed, what will you do with this experience?’ […]
 ‘Will you merely enjoy them as you would enjoy an evening at the puppet show, and then go back to business as usual. Or, having glimpsed, will you devote your lives to the business, not at all as usual, of being what you are in fact?’ ("the Island", Aldous Huxley, Ch. 10, p. 208)

"Between sentient Awareness and insentient matter is an illusion formed in the mind. Moksha is seen as a final release from this illusion when one's worldly conception of self is erased and there takes place a loosening of the shackle of experiential duality, accompanied by the realization of one's own fundamental nature: sat (true being), cit (pure consciousness), and ananda, an experience which is ineffable and beyond sensation (see satcitananda).
Advaita holds that Atman, Brahman, and Paramatman are all one and the same - the formless Nirguna Brahman which is beyond the being/non-being distinction, tangibility, and comprehension."
 * * *
"29. For I am divided for love's sake, for the chance of union.

30. This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all."

(Liber AL vel Legis sub figura CCXX (The Book of the Law), Chapter 1)"


I am ready, waiting and looking forward to it.

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