How does one move beyond ignorance? Well first, one must admit to themselves it's there. This can be quite difficult as nothing offends ignorance more than being called ignorant. When a person gets offended their emotions take control and rational thoughts are few and far between. This is what holds ignorance in place, ignorance can only be ignorant as long as it's ignored and emotional reactions keep people from seeing anything outside their box. People are bound and chained by their belief systems and this is their box. Thanks to ignorance, everything outside people's boxes might as well not exist, to them. Everything that's not inside their box doesn't fit into their world-view, so it isn't part of their world. The problem with this is that Reality doesn't fit inside of any boxes. Reality is only experienced directly, in the Moment, any beliefs you have about it are necessarily less than what Reality is. When you walk outside and see a blue sky, you don't believe the sky is blue, it's a direct experience of the sky being blue. Reality works the same way.
Currently, there's an effort to promote religious and spiritual unity by respecting everyone else's beliefs. This hasn't achieved unity at all, it's only allowed everyone to have their own separate fantasy. If people really want to be unified, they have to be on the same page and that page is already here. It's the Reality that already is Everyone and Everything. The only reason people don't see it is they're so caught up in their beliefs they ignore everything else. A bird doesn't need to believe in air to fly, it has Unconditional Trust in Creation and just spreads it's wings. If people trusted Creation like this, there'd be no need for any religions or beliefs. People would simply live their lives in Freedom and Joy.
Let go of everything you think is real. All of your beliefs, about yourself, about the world, and especially about God. This is how to move beyond ignorance, let go of all your beliefs. People need to be right so badly that they just ignore what contradicts or goes beyond their beliefs. For instance, the belief that God lies outside of the individual stops one from looking within, is there any question why so few have really found God? Now, you likely have a belief that your beliefs are correct or you wouldn't have those beliefs, now would you? Are you looking for Freedom and Joy? Do your beliefs provide you with Freedom and Joy? Or only a false sense of security? Do they truly satisfy, or just keep you busy, running in circles? Ignorance is going to resist these questions, it doesn't want people to be honest with themselves. Those in the thrall of ignorance will either ignore what I'm saying, tell themselves it's not true, stuff any fear they may feel back down, or blame it all on me. Being truly honest with yourself about any and everything you feel is the only way beyond ignorance.
Don't be afraid of moving beyond your beliefs. It seems that one of people's greatest fears is that their beliefs are wrong. Guess what? They are! Isn't that great news? You no longer have to fight against Reality to keep your beliefs, you can just let them go. Get over your fear of being wrong as quickly as possible as it only leads to ignorance of what is outside your beliefs (also known as Reality). Once you let go of your beliefs, those based upon illusion can be seen for what they really are, ignorance of Reality. The beliefs based upon Reality can be let go of also, because without the filter of beliefs you're Free to experience Reality directly. I can tell you that Love Is Everywhere Present, you can believe Love Is Everywhere Present, but without experience of Love Being Everywhere Present, it's only a belief within the mind. Would you rather have the belief or the experience? I'll mention it again, beliefs get in the way of the experience to the point the experience is ignored altogether. At this point people don't really live their life, they just endure it.
What is a belief? Is it reality? If you're so caught up within the mind, the internal dialog, all you can see are your beliefs. You believe your beliefs are reality. They aren't, they're only your mind's beliefs about what's Real held in place by ignoring an Ever-Changing Ever-Present Reality that is always more than you could ever believe about it. Again, would you rather have beliefs about Reality or direct experience? Choose wisely.
Love from the Kingdom of Heaven and Mother and FatherGod, Present within the manifest. Heaven is already Here, on Planet Earth=Heart. Love is already Here too, within you. Everything is found Here in the Present, when one can finally let go of the past.
Everything happen's for a reason I now see clearly I had worry'd I was wrong and forgot about unity created self belief's you corrected by universal law of attraction, goe's by itself when one has pure intention's. If I woulden't of wrote manipulation's in my context of worrying=reality would of been of pure self and cycle begin's for auto correction. We begin to understand. Thank you, augmenting awarness of unexplainable awarness of background law's consciousness. Peace and prosperity, namaste
Beautifully put! People who
Beautifully put! People who just sought to get their head around this once will save themselves many lifetimes of confusion...
''Let go of everything you
''Let go of everything you think is real.''
This first sentence of the third paragraph is the necessary step one must take. Let go.
However, I think most people of Earth think reality is something that they're in, so the idea of letting it go makes little sense to them. ''How do I let go of everything around me?'', they say. And every institution, every religion, and society itself, were all formed to direct us away from the truth we possess within and to look for all answers and validation from without. The parent, the teacher, the rabbi/minister/imam.
The first one teaches you their beliefs to help you survive, the second teaches their beliefs so you can be useful to society and therefore of some value (depending upon what is considered valuable at the time). And the last teaches their beliefs to inform you what all that other stuff means. Therefore the most important. They do all this from day one and will even have you believing a fat man will come down your chimney in a red velvet white fur trimmed suit and bring you toys and candy. Even when you don’t have a chimney, you believe it. For a while.

So the difficulty here must be understood for what it is. This is a one-hundred eighty degree direction for one's thinking. The opposite of all we've been told. what we believe is reality. Totally right-brain. Quite a turn for most to make. And we've grown weak with the use of these easy-to-use, packaged explanations we were taught to use from infancy. Just add water and stir, and wait a couple of minutes. You can do your nails while you wait for life's answers. No fuss, no muss. And so we believed them. Even after we realized there were a lot of lies and half-truths in those beliefs. Yeah, most of it, lies.
But as the pervading energies we're now being inundated by, in and through -- to the point some days when you feel like a piece of wilted spaghetti -- will OUT it all. Everything that is of the dark. I like to visualize it as a purging by LIGHT. Sort of a LIGHT Enema for 3D. All darkness and negativity is being squeezed out of every nook and cranny of reality, ever so slowly, and yet ultimately creating and transforming everything into what is referred to as The Fifth Dimension.
I'm working on the ''Let Go' idea myself right now. I guess we all are, whether we realize it or not.
''In Lak'ech Ala K'in''