Sheldon Nidle Update~ What lies ahead is the return of our spiritual and space families

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/08/2013 - 16:24


6 Etznab, 6 Chen, 9 Eb

Selamat Balik! We return! Many events on your world are waiting for the right divine time for Heaven to give the formal go-ahead. We, too, are subject to this constraint. The Divine has reached a point where the decrees of the Creator require that a series of new change points be met. Until then, the dark is being held in check by special Seraphim assigned to this sacred task. As a result we are now busy conferring with our sacred associates on Earth and in Heaven to coordinate what comes next. We have been instructed to carry things out in a certain sequence to assure everyone that the next steps happen without delay. Our liaison personnel have contact all those involved on your world and ensured that a solid communications network exists between all parties. The dark is most frustrated with how little it is able to do and we intend to put them completely out of business at the moment of the selected launch point. The numerous arrests and procedures to hasten and smooth out the affects of the actual launch date are in place. The projected moment is very close. We are ready to act when this moment occurs, so be patient and know that all is ready!

   Your planet is completing the preliminaries for a magnetic pole shift that will change your world from a dipolar realm to a true monopolar one. These changes will synchronize the energy fields of Inner Earth with the outer one. Gaia is most relieved that these transformations of her electrical, magnetic, and gravitational fields can happen soon, as they constitute the final preparations for the reunion of her outer and inner realms. Furthermore, these changes will allow the 5-D realm of Agartha to extend throughout the solar system. The strange developments recently witnessed throughout the solar system are simply signs of what is shortly to manifest as she returns to her former 5-D state. The Sun will also alter its color and the intensity of its energy. These changes signify that your solar system is preparing for her dimensional shift as she returns to take up her place in the multi-star system of Sirius. These changes were forecast by the Maya as well as a number of other calendar systems, such as that of ancient Egypt (the land of Kimi).

   The Galactic Federation has put in place several holographic Beings in financial and governmental circles whose duties will ensure that everything keeps moving forward. Our goal is to maintain a degree of normalcy in your societies and to make it look as if nothing much is changing. This is intended to be a temporary façade, as in reality much has changed and is nearly ready to manifest. This is being done for the sake of stability because back in the 1990s, we learned that your world was unable to handle huge surprise events, or even big change on an incremental scale. We have therefore instituted a number of stopgap measures which will secure the appearance of normalcy and keep largely under wraps what is about to happen. Until we reach the launch point, know that a grand change is on the near horizon which will bloom naturally and organically when the magic moment arrives. An important aspect of all this is your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual changes which Heaven is now accelerating, as these need to synchronize globally for the next step to materialize.

   The Agarthan Main Council and the Ascended Masters are coordinating the set of announcements which are to follow the initial ones made by by the new governance. These several broadcasts are to proclaim formally our benevolent presence and the nature of our mission. This is when the Ascended Masters will begin to educate you about your true spiritual and off-planet origins. Over the eons the dark concocted a set of deliberately false interpretations of the Ascended Masters' teachings and the time has come to correct these skewed notions and allow you to acquire certain essential, sacred truths. They will help you better comprehend the nature of physicality and its relationship to Heaven. You are approaching the moment for completing your metamorphosis into fully conscious Beings of Light by means of your individually tailored Light chambers, waiting for you in Agartha. This is the moment when you morph into being our true spiritual and physical Associates! It will be a moment of grand celebration and utter joy! And it is the start of your divinely bestowed project to bring everlasting peace to the Milky Way Galaxy!

   Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! Numerous wondrous events occurred since the time collapse of December. These massive shifts in your reality were the result of the blessed prophecies of the Creator and we are now set to expand upon them. The instructions to those who form the globe's many secret sacred societies include two major parts: the vast network of precious-metal depositories that lie at the core of your new financial system; and an ever-expanding number of nations which have formally signed on to the main treaty of Paris and the later codicil signed afterwards in Monaco. These documents are based upon agreements legally verified by international courts and by the globe's various ancient, indigenous councils. These councils of empowered Elders have sanctified the rise of new de jure governance, and these are ready to replace the present de facto regimes and thus begin a truly amazing new epoch for all humanity.

   What lies ahead is the return of our spiritual and space families. The Agarthans are our Lemurian ancestors. Various large motherships from the star-nations that colonized Lemuria are ready to return their citizens to their original home worlds. Many of you were incarnated on this world to prepare humanity for its return to full consciousness. Now, with this done, your fully conscious selves are to return and help explain to your fellows what has just happened on Earth! The majority of us is to remain and mingle joyously with our counterparts in Lemuria and then together, spread across the solar system, lovingly forging a new star-nation. This gracious occasion is the start of the glories planned for us by the Creator. We are to remain as your mentors and lead you in Love and Light to the fulfillment of our sacred missions.

   As you can see, much lies ahead for us all. We are ready to begin a new set of duties that are to produce a permanent peace for this galaxy and a special place in this Galactic Federation for your new star-nation. We are ecstatic about the fact that our many millennia of spiritual work are to be the precursor of a most magnificent mission. Humanity reunited is to forge the means for peace and, eventually, to become the prime meeting-place for many galaxies to discuss the carrying-out of the divine plan throughout this sector of physicality. Long ago, when each of us reached our point of enlightenment, we were assured that our special works were to lead to this most illustrious moment in our history. Blessing in the highest to Heaven and especially to humanity for overcoming all the obstacles set up by the dark!

   Today we continued our discussion of what is happening across your world. Those who live and work on your world are manifesting the various events that we mention. You have reached a point where you are finally to see a divine intervention happen, which is destined to positively transform your reality and usher in a new epoch of peace, prosperity, and first contact! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)


I am sure you believe all this to be true. I hope and pray it is true for the benefit of all.

We have heard this so many times with no result, delay after delay, we no longer believe it.  We are going back to our lives, to meet our earthly obligations, with Love and Good Spirit.  Call us when you are finally ready to do something, anything, tangible and real.  We will not be sitting by the phone waiting, so leave a message.  We can no longer wait a year, or ten years, or a hundred years for you to finally act. We wish you Love and Good Will, but pay little heade to your stories as they are but merely stories without substance.


Show us tangible results now. Do not retell the same old stories as we have grown tired of them.  We did really want to believe, but alas...


Love and Light,


I am tired of waiting. So I decided to stop expecting anything. I decided to start living with what they are teaching us, loving everyone and everything. I am still reading all this, and hoping, but not expecting so I wont be dissapointed again, if anything happens, good, if not we are good again :D, we can make the difference we dont really need them to contact us physically, they have already contacted us, and tought us, its up to us to bring them here, by acting like they would, by becoming them.

  In your reply to Sheldon's post Are you speaking as the head of some group?  Maybe you sould use the word "I" you are not speaking for me.  Love and Peace Fred

As a 37th Dimension super duper double ascended master with fully integrated diamond platinum soul monadic Logos in the past\present\future omnipresent multiverse of Now in the everpresnt dimension of Love Love, we are happy to say we. (wink, wink).


I am addressing the reality that there are a lot of pissed off people who feel jerked around and are walking away from this crap until something tangible happens.  Utopian message after Utopian message is becoming a form of Mental Illness.  Either something is going to happen or we need to stop wasting our time and our emotionanl energy.  Unless of course, you are looking for a Guru to follow.


One day, the Ascended Masters and Galatics are going to wake up to find everyone left the party and went home and they are the only ones left, sitting on the couch and watching TV.  They will be asking: Where did everybody go?


Love to You,


K soon tomorrow, planning, working on it, waiting, close, soon!

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