An Extraordinarily Important Woman

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Thu, 01/10/2013 - 09:21

Once you begin to awaken and realize that there is so much work to be done and someone HAS to do it; you tap into your Higher Self thru your Heart and thru the Spirit, certain information that is encoded into your dna will jump right out of certain literature and ask that you free it. Thats my truth, and I pray that you find your own.


Mary Magdalene


There are texts from early Christianity, which we will discuss further on, that claim that Mary Magdalene was "the woman who knew Everything," as well as the person who Jesus "loved more than his disciples,":  Can we believe these assertions?  If they are true, why did the Church launch a campaign to slander this woman?  Was she a sinner?  Or a prostitute?  OR WAS SHE JUST AN EXTRAORDINARILY  IMPORTANT WOMAN AND THEREFORE AN INCONVENIENCE FOR THE MALE LEADERSHIP OF THE NEW CHURCH?


The ecclesiastical leadership decided that women could not be disrespectful towards them, which meant they would have no say in the new religion.  They only attributed some inportance to Mary, Jesus' mother, BUT THEY PUT HER ON SUCH A HIGH PEDESTAL THAT OTHER WOMEN COULD NOT REACH HER.  For instance, we are told that she was impregnated by the Holy Spirit when everyone knows that it is impossible for a virgin to give birth (Nageeta; as stated by MotherGod AmonRa in a post, "the virgin status is of the Heart and not the flesh."  Those are not her exact words, but, that is the interpetation that I recieved from the information. Geeta).  AND SO WOMEN, AS WAS TRUE SINCE EVE WALKED AROUND UNCLOTHED IN THE GARDEN OF EDEN, WERE DEEMED INPURE.  MEN, OF COURSE, WERE NOT.  THEREFORE, THE MALE HEADS OF THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH GUARANTEED THEMSELVES A PERMANENT MONOPOLY ON THE LEADERSHIP.


The first suprising fact is that, a part from Jesus' mother, Mary Magdelene is the only other woman to be mentioned by her name-in the canonical gospels without this being the wife or sister of a man.  In other words, she appears as herself, LENDING HER AN AIR OF INDEPENDENCE WHICH IS CERTAINLY CHALLENGING TO MEN.  Secondly, we can add that she was an exceptional eyewitness to the greatest and most enigmatic moments of Jesus' vague life; His Unction, His Crufifition, and His Resurrection.  We could even state that she was the first "apostle" since it is to her that Jesus entrusted the publication of His Resurrection, at least in part because the men were in hiding and had lost the faith that they had previously shown.  Except that Mary Magdelene, and the others who were not apostles, KNEW THINGS THAT JESUS' SO CALLED DECIPLES DID NOT, QUITE SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY WERE NOT INCLUDED IN HIS ESOTERIC CIRCLE.


Excerts from Keys To The Da Vinci Code The Hidden Lineage of Jesus and Other Mysteries,paragraphs on page 34; 1, 2 and 4 and page 35, the ending of paragraph 4.




Love Nageetah

Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Thu, 01/10/2013 - 15:04

According to most or all of the teachings I personally know about Jesus, He had only 12 Apostles.


??? So....who was these folks that are in the SAME Bible that ALSO teaches He had only 12 Apostles??? Ever heard a sermon on this??? I sure have not or heard of anyone who has been taught this within a church.  hum...


Luke Chapter 10


VERSE 1: After these things the Lord appointed OTHER SEVENTY ALSO, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place whither He Himself would come.


Verse 2: Therefore He said unto them, "The harvest truely is great but the laborers are few; PRAY YE THEREFORE THE LORD OF THE HARVEST, THAT HE WOULD SEND FORTH LABORERS UNTO HIS HARVEST."


Being that my earnest is to educate, validate and reinstate, I therebye humbly set the other Apostles of Jesus FREE from the incorrect phaseology (Jesus had 12 apostles), TRANSFORMING IT INTO TRUTH AND REVERENCE. They, too had a great impact on His mission on earth. I thank them for thier humble service. Jesus had MANY unreconized or known Apostles. Were you one of them?


I thank Spirit for the ability of Discernment of Phaseology, and pray the ability spreads wide and far, IF it is for the TRUTH to be set free.




Love Geeta

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