Lucas And Steve Beckow ~ So Very Close ~ 5 February 2012

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 02/05/2012 - 08:47

Lucas And Steve Beckow ~ So Very Close ~ 5 February 2012


Lucas: Comment on his following article:  “I am sorry the intent and effort I see from Steve and others to make the change themselves to bring forward Disclosure is now surrounded by disbelief, ridicule, not trusting our Space Brothers and Sisters and not seeing the broader goal of this mission. Even Steve has expressed his doubt towards his own mission and made a (for me Not understandable) decision to stop with all if Grener not delivered.  I sincerely hope Steve will be going on with it all and leave all the criticism behind and show he is man enough to admit to himself he was doubting it all himself.

It is all about intent.That what you really visualize without fear in a strongly vast knowing that all is manifesting  for the better for all mankind in unconditional love from the source.  I myself advice Steve to speak with Grener and discuss how the situation can be brought forward in some sort of way and report  best afterward what has happened and what has been done and who visited  what or what information has been brought  back. I know all this will become a reality if we really are without any doubt and fear supporting the cause. Bringing disclosure forward.  Yes, there are maybe repercussions or difficulties in trying, but let us not be scared, let us not hold back on efforts making disclosure for all those who have been working for the light happen. We have to make it happen.

Love and Light,


now following Steve’s article:


Well, that was a fierce but brief summer storm. With the help of caring friends, I moved through those vasanas more quickly than I might have imagined – the loss of grounding, the discombobulation – and am surprised at how free of the emotional upset I now feel.


That doesn’t help you. I’m sure that there are people in varying degrees of upset and I want to be sensitive to that. It remains to learn the lessons of that experience so I or we don’t repeat them again.


I’m sure that will occupy us in the days and weeks ahead and, having learned them, perhaps we can avoid them when the next big opportunity looms.


In processing what arose for me. It took a lot of concentration and will to remain free of making decisions about how I would orient towards the galactics in the future, what I would or would not do, etc. I’m not sure I remained free of all of those self-limiting resolutions. I do feel wary but I also am aware that I feel capable of noticing that wariness and not being automatically the victim of it.

I get that the whole picture is a lot more complicated than I (or we) can probably understand. For instance, the galactics have far more of a sense, apparently, of where we’re coming from, how successful they’ll be at reaching us, what danger we may be placing ourselves in, and all manner of other considerations that are totally absent for me. I don’t even play in that arena, never mind play poorly.

I might add that two of our volunteers have noticed a van persistently outside their house so the threat that Grener mentioned may actually have existed.


I obviously do not understand all the factors at play and I’m not sure I could even understand them with a great deal more information than I presently have. And maybe the answer is as Grener said: to trust.


Evidently the galactics will still have us up to the ships but who and when remains to be seen. One of the difficulties with channeled messages is that there isn’t the time to sit back and really explore a topic. So at this point anyways, the full story is unknown and it may not be possible under the circumstances to know it either.



I can have Grener back on Monday night to go into more detail on what happened, if he can, but then you may be tired of the whole affair and want to move on. I could also have Sanat Kumara and begin to look at the Divine Plan for Earth or the levels of existence or whether the Elohim are more evolved than the Seraphim. Or Ashtar and discuss the composition of the fleet. Or St. Germain and discuss NESARA.


My trigger point in all of this will be if a firestorm erupts in the lightworker community and someone needs to take the responsibility for the failure of this event. Whether we call it a failure or something else doesn’t really matter to me. But if the repercussions are too great and can only be satisfied by someone needing to leave, then I intend that someone to be me.

What are we doing to try to forestall such a consequence? Well, if the galactics will take one person, and I suppose that person needs to be me, at least as far as I can see, then at least we can gather evidence and establish the reality of the galactic presence. At least we can dispel the charge that all of this was hocus-pocus.

I do hope he has me aboard and I hope it’s tomorrow. But I’m resigned to even that not happening if it doesn’t.

Grener has said that a group of seasoned lightworkers are going aboard and can provide that evidence. If I felt assured that they would and that they would do it with despatch, and not in ten day’s time, I would relax on that matter as well.


Unfortunately I can’t just pick up the phone and talk to Grener. I’m surprised that with the galactics’ technology he can’t just pick up the phone and talk to us either. We are hobbled by our communicational isolation.

If I were to relax and things did not develop as I think they need to (and the current visitors to the ship did not provide us with evidence), then I’d just be kicking myself more for having fallen asleep at this end of things as much as I appear to have miscalculated at the other end and allowed the total of attendees to surpass 150 by so much.

Barring an unforeseen tsunami of outrage and barring an outpouring of hurt on your part that things did not develop as we wished, even though they still might from smaller groups going aboard the Neptune, I’m carrying on.

The fact that this site had 110,000 hits at the height of our response to Grener’s invitation shows that lots and lots of people a


re aware of the galactic presence and want Disclosure as much as we do.

It was certainly an exciting week. It was wonderful to run through in my mind what ten days aboard the Neptune might have been like. Perhaps you also ran through the scenes in your mind and imagined all the events, facilities and people. Wouldn’t it have been great? To share the excitement with you all – it’s hard to let go of and return to the everyday world.


And it was certainly wonderful corresponding with so many of you, talking to some on Skype to get the mix-ups sorted out, working with the team of volunteers who made so much of it happen – Dave, BZ, Paul, Christina. Vina, Stephen in Australia, who have I left out?

A whirlwind week, a wonderful prospect that we all shared, at least in the planning. Three hundred would indeed have been too many. It would have been chaos on the ship, managed or otherwise. I’m confident that we’ll still get there and perhaps in smaller numbers and more numerous groups.

And even if we don’t, the events of this year will be anything but mundane. Perhaps that was a taste of it, even if we didn’t have the full event. We whet our appetite and probably doubled our intention.

I’ll leave the comment section open for anyone who wants to share an upset they have, something that continues to need handling. I know that many of you had confronting experiences with your family and many may be incomplete. Let’s see if we can now bring those incompletes to resolution and, if possible, move on to whatever is next. link to original article


Guest (not verified)

Sun, 02/05/2012 - 09:59

If you belive you  have been let down you are stilling playing the game its just part of it so let the rainbow cover you are the ones letting yourself down in the end go deeper

ireny (not verified)

Sun, 02/05/2012 - 17:22

In reply to by Guest (not verified)



M (not verified)

Sun, 02/05/2012 - 10:08

This kind of scenario was bound to play itself out in this fashion. The real truth will remain hidden to those who seek truth outside the self, perhaps this distraction will serve as the catalyst that will allow mr beckow to grow into himself. The universe is wise, it knows what it desires to create, we as the children are those instruments when we align ourselves with it. We can not force that whcih is unreal onto that which is real. When humanity rises suffeciently within itself humanity will then and only then see that which can only be seen with the intelligent heart, the clear heart.


The beings that exist in the realms above matter sit and wait as the energetics continues to create the impetus for the increase in the collective vibration here on this beautiful planet. Humanity is right at the threshold of this however, master Beckow will need to go deeper within the heart space so that when the time arrives he will be able to do such a thing as travel with higher beings if it is in his soul contract.


First steps first however is cleansing, as the cleansing must be thorough for our own good and others of high vibration. What is happening now is no joke, it can be very scary and should be viewed with the serious inner eye and open heart training of a master(you reading this). This is the time of the apocalypse where anything is possible, but you must put in the effort in order that your thoughts remain heart centered and reral. We are in the final stages of this current dispensation and much is to be gained from all of this. Surely if this scenario with master Steve has brought up certain issues, know that this needs to be brought out into the open and used properley to fuel the rest of your ascension. Clear clear clear ! is still the name of the game and shall be for some time in the not to distant future. I love all of you and me with great passion! The masters now walk the earth again and will be assisting more openly those who need the assistance and who is also braving the ascension path, in love and in service to you! 

Ya Knowe... I AGREE Wythe The Comments and Thoughtes That Steve  Expressed AND That You Have Also Expressed Regarding Thyse ENTYRE Scenario and ALL Experiences Lynked To/Wythe It. 


Althoughe There IS and Continue To BE A Great Delae Of Vybratyonal "Obstacles" To OverCome... WE ALL Can Take HEART In The Fact That WE ARE DOYNG THE INNER WORKE NECESSARY TO RAISE OUR VYBRATYONS To THe Level Needed To COMPLETELY TRANSCENDE ALL DOUBTS, FEARS and RECriminatyons Comeyng At US From WytheOut (Arounde Us/From Family Members-Friends and OTHERS) 






Sylver Tygres Lyght

Sun, 02/05/2012 - 18:11



You are to be commended on your work with our Galactic brothers and sisters. Things like this happen and should not deter you from continuing your mission with them and with the Light. One problem that I see here as I have addressed in another comment on a different article is the fact that Lightworkers are turning on lightworkers when in fact they should all be supporting and loving one another. So things don't work out. Why all the snarky attitude?


We as lightworkers need to lose the ego fast. All the storms that came just proved there is a way to go for some. This "I know better than you" attitude has got to go! This could indeed be the reason that the trip was postponed. Postponed mind you, not made up, not fictional regardless what some of our snarkier brothers and sisters have been saying.


Where is the heart ruling the mind and kicking out ego? Things get changed and nothing is ever written in stone.  Steve, does this mean you should give up just because something didn't happen as it was planned? Not by a long shot. It just wasn't time. Doubt crops up for all of us and kicks us. You should listen to your heart instead of all the negative naysayers and doom sayers that really have no clue at all as to the truth.


That truth is different for each of us, yes. However pulling an attitude of "I told you so" is mean to say the very least and not very like a lightworker. Your reality and mine may not be the same, but I will quote a phrase here that is true: "You walk your path. If you need it, I will walk with you on your path sharing in your experience and love you no matter what happens or doesn't happen."



Priestess of Light (not verified)

Mon, 02/06/2012 - 13:35

Hurray for your courage to lead.. be gentle and forgiving of yourself.  Pioneers of Light have their insights erupt from within.. not seeking from outside them.  Take a bit of time to regroup within you.  (whether 15 minutes.. or a day or so.. up to you).  Recharge your connection to self.. know that you are supported and appreciated.


Blessings, Love, Light & Truth.

Virginia/Priestess of Light

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