~ Update from Sheldan Nidle~ Your World Continues to Move Forward

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 01/15/2013 - 16:55

Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ We have been observing Sheldon's Messages for Months now and our concern with these is that he seems to Put out there that someone is coming to save You and all of Humanity and you do not have to participate and this is clearly not the truth. You and All of Humanity must save Yourselves by Waking Up and By Participating. This is the Most important part of the mission right now.  Also, he does not speak to you about how to raise your Consciousness and Vibrations which is what we all should be accomplishing on a daily basis. Humanity is to meet our craft half way in energy and we clearly have not accomplsished this yet. We will post today's Update with a Discernment Notice. He also mentioned that 3d was some type of foundation. Its clearly no foudation as its not even real. 3d is an illusion. On the Plus side to this Message Things are happening and much is in motionLove The Earth Allies


13 Chicchan, 13 Chicchan, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! Your world continues to move forward toward the day chosen by Heaven for manifesting your new reality. Our Agarthan family informs us that their part in this operation has reached completion. Likewise, our secret sacred allies confirm that their activities have reached the point chosen for them by Heaven. We continue to allow the use of our technology to assist everyone in ensuring that all these interlinked operations are manifested exactly as planned. The one thing now remaining is for us to obtain the final green light from our heavenly hosts. This signal is shortly to be given to us. Until then we wait, watch, and oversee what is so close to happening. Meanwhile, the dark panics and wonders how and when the arrests will take place. At present, they are in a state of some anxiety because many of their co-workers have simply 'disappeared,' and thus they can no longer ignore the fact that the about their non-compliance that have long been presented to them are inescapably real, and that their positions of power are not to last much longer. Their vast fortunes have dwindled and the banking system they control is close to being shut down.

   As all these dramas play out, your world appears on the surface to muddle along as before. Yet the dark knows that this charade is nearly over and that new governance is in place in America, ready to assume authority. The changeover will start with a series of announcements that are sure to astound most of you. Then the new financial reality will bring a huge sigh of relief to each of you, as freedom from want and anxiety allows you to move into joy and abundance. Debt forgiveness on this scale will heal the many deeply entrenched rifts in a society that has been badly lopsided for millennia. The rich and powerful have used this double-standard system to hammer the masses and force them to do their bidding. Now all of this is to be removed and a level playing field has replaced the unjust world that has tormented you for so long. Moreover, governance more to your liking is beginning to 'call this new tune.' But do bear in mind that these improvements in your circumstances merely herald much greater changes to come, including disclosure. Here you get to the magic moment when we can formally introduce ourselves to you.

   Our arrival changes everything. Your sense of global identity is based on the fact of being unique in the cosmos. In fact, you are not alone. You came, long ago, from all over the galaxy to colonize this world. Your original colony of Lemuria was the start of your time on Gaia. Presently you are locked in the state of amnesia created by limited consciousness, and the moment has now arrived for you to be freed from this inability to know who you are and why you came to this beautiful blue-green world. The task of removing your amnesia has been given to us, and after a few decades of preparation we are ready to take you on a journey of discovery that will return to you the joys and wonders that are full consciousness. The first part of this journey begins with our broadcasts explaining what is to happen. Shortly after that, we will land and start a series of open and thorough discussions, coupled with technology transfers which will provide you with the wherewithal to return to your original, natural state. Then you can begin the individual full consciousness training that will allow you to begin setting up your new star-nation.

   Our core reason for coming to your solar system is not merely to watch over you but to return you to your spiritual and space families. Your Agarthan ancestors, too, are looking forward to taking up their own roles in the mentoring process. Until now Heaven restrained them from many of the things they wished to do for you, but now these limitations have been lifted and we expect them to play a large part in advising your new governance and in drawing up a number of policy statements regarding the new regulations of your banking and finance system. It is vital that you pass quickly beyond the first stages of your new prosperity and learn how to operate without the need for money as such. Our galactic societies function by direct manifestation of what we need, without resorting to being dependent on the energy resources of our home world. We also understand that our task is to nurture and support our living world, and our society is a divine culture that takes its place as a truly magnificent part of divine co-creation in our most wondrous galaxy.

   Namaste! We are your Ascended Masters! The march toward a blessed new reality continues. Our sacred associates are at the point where, with Heaven's blessing, a new world can swiftly manifest. This sacred approval will shortly be given. Heaven is to proclaim a sacred day and this reality will finally come to pass. The dark has been informed that all our work to date will, on that day, be swiftly completed. This includes new governance and a series of broadcasts that will introduce you to those souls who have worked so courageously to make your new world possible. The success of this most ambitious undertaking is also dependent on the contribution of the Agarthans and a network of personnel from our space families. We the Ascended Masters are very grateful for all that is being done to prepare you for your life as a fully conscious Being. Our own mentoring of you will also serve you well, as it prepares you for what first contact will bring.

   Mentoring you for full consciousness requires that we come among you physically and begin teaching you to understand how this limited-conscious realm operates. We ourselves learned about this as we worked our way up into higher states of consciousness. It is important for you to know how 3-D operates because it lays the foundation for the greater wisdom of how the higher dimensions operate. This knowledge allows you to prepare for what your metamorphosis will bring. You are transitioning from a state where you are surrounded by many arcane beliefs to one that is fully transparent and truly amazing! This is a transition that each one of us made. Now it is your turn, and you are to be guided in this most graciously to enable you to reach that sacred destination.

   What is shortly to happen on your surface realm is more than just a metamorphosis; it is to be a major feat whereby you will integrate the many different parts of you into a most glorious unity, both individually and collectively. This process will undo a collective experience that lasted for nearly 13,000 years and is the culmination of a sacred promise made to you by Heaven. The dark and its innumerable blasphemies are to fade away. A new Age of Light will dawn and the time of the sacred prophets of the Creator will again be seen. Every one of you is a potential prophet and a deliverer of Good News! You are to form a society based upon your great Light, which is to shine in glory and multifarious service to the Creator. You will join us, as we guide you along those sacred paths assigned to us by the wondrous workings of Heaven and the divine plan.

   Today, we reviewed what is shortly to happen. Your surface realm is on the verge of reuniting with its inner complement, Inner Earth. This new, conjoined realm is to be the staging area for your metamorphosis into full consciousness and for the creation of a new star-nation. We rejoice, and wait patiently for this glorious time to manifest. Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)



David Porter

Tue, 01/15/2013 - 18:19

Thank you for bravely hanging in there Sheldan,


And GFP thank you for the your clearification, I should hope that the ones that benifit from your site understand that you edit what you think you should and can and I'm confindent that you don't allow some to even blog on your site.


I don't wish to blow out someone else's candles, just want to make sure they are those of the true Light.


I just love hearing from SaLuSa and these guys with Sheldan, but don't we all. They bring inspiration and excitement to the table and much valid truth, until of course their "soon" becomes last years "soon" that never made it agian and again. And that is a concern of you, us and all the ones that have resigned from pulling them up any longer.


The most important issue of this is that cabal is better at deceit and subterfuge than the average bearer of Light. Any entity that can pull the wool over sheep while subduing them on a continual basis is to be challanged and scrutinized consistantly.


On one hand I would like to hear from these ones NEXT,,,,,ONLY after at least ONE of their claims are valid as promised. And how could we not be concerned when we have all been advised to beware of "those with false promises and gifts."


If these guys are for real then I can see what "job" I will have when we connect,,,,,,,their editor. I don't claim to be the best with words to advise people, but none of us like being what we have to term as "lied" to repeditively, or at the least miss informed.


So even if my aticulation of verbage and linquistic terminologies of varnacular pale like John Coffe of The Green Mile compared to Terance McKenna, I can certainly asssit these ones.


Although I have a "feeling" that we are about to "rock & roll" on this little blue planet this year myself!! My the Force be with you, as what would it be without you?





Tue, 01/15/2013 - 19:54

One of the blessings of the galactic free press is that it is a way to see truth reflected through many facets.  Put all the facets together,and behold the light shining in all its glory.



Tue, 01/15/2013 - 20:25

First of all, I love you MFG as you are doing a great service! Secondly, both are correct from my perspective. Us lightworkers, earth allies, love holders, pillars, starseeds, and simply awakened Beings of light are grounding these higher frequency energies of LOVE as they are literally knocking me on my butt. We are the way showers in creating the new EARTH=HEART. This is why we incarnated.
These higher frequencies are penetrating everyone and every being within, on the surface, and throughout Mother Gaia. Those who are slowly awakening need our help for guidance just as we helped each other during our early and fast paced awakenings. Inevitably, all will choose to awaken or leave. The love energy is only getting stronger and stronger.
Sheldan is correct as the Galactics are here NOW helping tremendously. Not just in the sky. I am now able to see them around me uncloaking themselves briefly for me to witness so that I get used to seeing them without going into shock. They also carry a very intense human like energy as when they touch you it feels like a human but stronger and feels much different than spirit guides and earth spirits. I KNOW this as I have a team of five helping tune me along with the angelics and my spirit guides. This is truth from my heart thus our heart as ONE. Much love and keep up the hard work. Love reigns supreme!

I think the comments by the Earth Allies above represent a sincere effort to assist and guide readers in their interpretation of Sheldon's message. They urge discernment when reading Sheldon's uplifting messages. I urge discernment when reading the Earth Allies opinions about what humanity needs "to do". 


I believe the time has come to, instead, encourage people to follow their own truth, according to what they "discern".  I discern that much of humanity has "awakened" and is "participating". Nothing more is required.  We have "saved" ourselves and we've done an outstanding job, according to many sources. I further "discern" that we will receive guidance and much assistance from the higher realms, as promised many, many times. That should not be interpreted as "saving", but a cooperative and compassionate gesture by our galactic brothers and sisters.  


We have all done the work required during and up to the time of 21 Dec 2012.  Nothing more is required of us except to "be" the divine and perfect beings that we each are and be at peace with ourselves and our world. Our light shines for all to see and feel, regardless of whether or not we are yet aware of the changes that took place after Ascension.


I align with K.P.'s recent message that Guidance comes from the "Higher Self", not other people, such as Light workers that say people "have to do this or that" in order to progress, ascend, or move forward. Our Mission is whatever we choose it to be. It's a choice we each make.


Our vibrations and consciousness are raised.  We have done the work. We have arrived and we look forward to now becoming "aware" of all that is here and all that awaits is this miraculous year of 2013!






The work is absolutely not over yet, and I can prove that because people are still killing each other on Planet Earth. Consciousness is not done shifting (though it never is), and there's still a huge amount each person can do to help this along. Sheldan's messages seem to say that everything's being done behind the scenes, and they often contain little to nothing that fosters each person's own evolution. Even years before Dec 21st, Sheldan encourages this worldview where everything is being done for us and there doesn't seem to be much each individual can do to help. The Galactic Free Press was not created to promote that sort of complacency, we encourage Every Human Being to stand up as the God They Are, and live their whole Life in service to Humanity's Awakening. Sheldan's messages keep people focused upon the future, the Galactic Free Press is here to keep people focused upon The NOW.

We thank you for your generous donations, but if you're looking for messages that tell you everything's already done, you might want to look elsewhere. Consider if what I said is true, and Humanity's Awakening still needs Humanity's participation? What if they still need to truly Love each other to be Awake, and that's a choice that's up to each inidivdual to make? If that's the case, and I have no doubt it is, that means telling people things like "everything's being taken care of for you behind the scenes", and "the work's already done" just encourages people to sit on their butts and not actively participate. That actually helps the ones who don't want Humanity to Awaken, as it encourages complacency among the populace instead of going out and Creating Change. People continue their illusionary lives and keep feeding into illusionary systems since they believe the work's being done for them and Humanity has done all they need to do. This kind of attitude makes a Global Awakening very difficult, and it's a huge part of why it's taken so long. 

I heard a wise man once say you can tell your work isn't done yet because you're still incarnated.

I too have felt a shift occuring after Dec. 21, 2012.  Not a dramatic pulse pounding shift but something smoother like when your car's automatic transmission shifts to a higher gear and the engine's revs slow down again to match the new momentum with a whole lot stress than what it took to get to that point. I feel like I'm cruising now, still paying attention, still doing the awareness work, but not panicked about it or working feverishly like pre 12/21/12. I have also made stronger contact with my Higher Self and it is to that part of me that I look now for guidance and support.


I get that we individually have to continue to do our inner work, but these messages are a good reinforcement and serve to encourage and support what I and so many other Lightworkers are learning from the inside. We are definitely at a different level and we can easily expect the outer world to catch up at some point despite the negativity that some commentators here choose to cling to.  That's where discernment comes in. What does your Heart resonate with? That's all you need to know.


Good Review,


Dr Moe


Tue, 01/22/2013 - 16:11

I also appreciate this website, as well as Golden Age of Gaia, and your inclusion of Shelan Nidle as a member of your "Light Family" - who brings messages from the Agarthans and Ascended Masters. I just read the one for Jan. 15th. The part you must have been referring to (regarding 3-D) reads: "It is important for you to know how 3-D operates because it lays the foundation for the greater wisdom of how the higher dimensions operate. This Knowledge allows you to prepare for what your metamorphosis will bring." So, it's the KNOWLEDGE that is the foundation - not 3-D itself! Also, the Agarthans speak of other "missions" they specifically have with us as well - you can read about it yourself if interested. I listened to Linda Dillon's chaneling of AAM Monday night, and something he was very firm about was the criticism and/or judgment of those who are in direct contact with the Galactics by the ground crew and lightworkers. Let's all work together! Although unable to do much physically right now, I have contributed a couple times to the Hope Chest, and continue to "hold the light." I grew up in a family who prayed about every little thing - including heaing and physical supply - so this is not new to me. I've read many testimonys over the years of needs being met directly through acknowledging God's loving presence, and expecting supply to be manifested. Love does hear our prayers, and guides us each step of the way, if we listen. I do feel that the Galactics in contact with us now are trained to do the same - and my intuition tells me to trust them!

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