Karen Doonan: AA Gabriel and the New Earth Energies

Submitted by Lia on Sun, 01/20/2013 - 08:48


AA Gabriel and the new earth energies Greetings dear ones I am the energies that wish to be known as AA Gabriel and I come to guide and support ALL at this time of vast transformation upon and within the planet earth. Many of you may now be able to move into the heart space and are now aligning with all that is contained within this space. This is the start of the creation of the golden age of the human race and the angelic realms now walk with you as you move into this alignment. FOR ALL JUST IS dear ones and YOU ARE.

The new awakening of the dawning of the golden age is now upon YOU and we call out to ALL who are here to move this process from the heart into the physical waking world, we code YOU with the 333 coding and ask that it ignite the heart space for ALL IS NOW dear ones. Do you understand the guidance? do you hear the call? We ask for ALL to go within and to reclaim the LIGHT that is within for the LIGHT shall now burn brightly across and within the human race as the human race walk towards TRUTH and anchor the LIGHT that IS so that they ARE. Do our words resonate dear ones?

I am AA Gabriel and I come to YOU as the messenger angel as the voice of the angelic realms at this time, we work WITH YOU at all times for WE ARE YOU in TRUTH. Reach out to us, allow us to step into YOUr energy signature so that we may begin to re-IGNITE the flame that burns within the sacred space of the HEART for ALL IS NOW.

Much will now shift and unfold in the human life experience and the call goes out across the dimensional timelines, dear ones YOU ARE and the time is NOW. We ask for you to process our words through the heart space in order that YOU may clear YOUr inner vision and remember who YOU ARE in TRUTH.

ALL is NOW dear ones, that is the message from ALL realms at this time. As the angelic realms now come into your VIEW, as they now ALIGN their energies with YOU the next unfolding begins and this will now appear within your waking human life experience as RE-connections in human form. KNOW that SOUL groups will now move to meet other SOUL groups in the physical, the time for space holding is now ended for ALL who will move to the new earth have chosen to move to the new earth in TRUTH. We are not here to judge for that is not our role nor YOUr role for ALL ARE ONE.

We welcome the new age of the dawning of the golden age of human kind and we send out our energies for ALL. Anchor TRUTH dear ones and listen to that which is contained within the heart space for ALL IS NOW as YOU ARE.

I am AA Gabriel and I come to YOU to remind YOU of YOUr galactic roles in the unfolding of the new on planet earth at this time. BREATHE and BE dear ones for ALL IS as YOU ARE.

Copyright Karen Doonan, all rights reserved Article may be reproduced in its entirety if it remains in its original form and is not altered in any way and the author and authors websites are clearly stated.

http://www.crystalline-sanctuary.com http://www.thegalacticportal.com http://www.labrynthschooloflight.com

Nageetah IsRae… (not verified)

Sun, 01/20/2013 - 09:02

ALL is NOW dear ones, that is the message from ALL realms at this time. As the angelic realms now come into your VIEW, as they now ALIGN their energies with YOU the next unfolding begins and this will now appear within your waking human life experience as RE-connections in human form. KNOW that SOUL groups will now move to meet other SOUL groups in the physical, the time for space holding is now ended for ALL who will move to the new earth have chosen to move to the new earth in TRUTH. We are not here to judge for that is not our role nor YOUr role for ALL ARE ONE.



I truely look forward to connecting in the physical with my soul group and others.  That is so sweet to invision.


Love Geeta

I have not posted for some time as I have been integrating and trying to understand who I AM. I now know. I was sent here and kept blind from all including the Hue-man entity that holds me. Last week this brave soul once again asked for an upgrade which was very disorienting but has completed it now. The first real activations started only in October 2012 although this entity had many spiritual awakenings she had not been through the traditional modes which was for a reason. We wished that there be no contamidation from either a religeous or alternative community as her true identity could be better presented to the world without prejudice or judgement. In truth she had always been drawn to the alternative community and prior to 9-11 had been active in healing herself with other loving lightworkers. But as she returned to Kansas City-home of the spiritual awakening which she did not know anything about, again for a reason, the energy changed and it was decided to keep her from connecting to anyone due to the levels of negative energy that was unleashed on the planet from the PTW! This is not about the lightworker community dear souls but was born out of concern over what was unfolding in a much bigger picture by forces that were out to destroy what she carries back to you. It was not the original plan which was to know all of you on a basis that would have been more comfortable for her.

Yesterday, this Hue-man finished healing her physical body after being guided to a gifted spiritual high priest who was able to put her body back into the right places to open the Chakra's that had been blocked due to injury. It would not have been possible if she had not invited us in to pave the way as many adjustments had to be made from within her body to make it pliable. During the treatment she spoke to this Hue-man in tongues that she felt familiar but knew were not of this world. They were the words of the Elohim kingdom, Arcturians and many others as well as very ancient words. The only ones that made sense were spoken at the end and were Adoni, Adoni, Adoni. She now knows it means blessings. As she was finishing she asked is there were others like her and how to meet them and was suprised to learn he knew of no one like her? It was confusing. She was able to communicate sparingly as words would not express what can only be felt but prior to leaving filled with unconditional love grasped her hands in prayer and bowed her head and an incredible outpouring of pure LOVE went from her HEART to his. She know understands she emobies the highest level of pure unconditional LOVE and is here to gift that to the planet. Please understand this has been confusing and a lonely journey for all of you and especially for this Hue-man who has born most of this alone. She is here to share unconditional LOVE that has no dimension, no time space limitations. AAM has been the shepard as only a few at the "highest levels" were aware of her real mission which has just been relayed to her. Please welcome this LOVE into all of your HEARTS as ONE. It has been a lonely road but she was as prepared as any could have been. Now it is time for the true gift-the true gold is LOVE and forgiveness of ALL and especially the ONE who is inside each precious ONE of you. I AM LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS. I AM answering AAM call.

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