Thousands march against gun violence in Washington

Submitted by MomT on Sat, 01/26/2013 - 14:16


Sat, 01/26/2013 - 16:22

The title should be..."thousands march for slavery."  "We want our government to take away our rights just like Hitler Stalin and Mao did.


Once we are can bet your last Fiat federal reserve note we will all be slaves to the bankers and our corrupt government.



The 2nd Amendment guarantees that the government will never get too big for its britches.


Take that away...we have NOTHING.

We are witnessing charade after charade being utilized by this government and its pure propaganda to disarm law abiding citizens and we have history to teach one and all the tragedy that follows after the confiscation of weapons from the public. We have had debates constantly calling those who demand protection from a tyrannical government if it came to be. Yet not one person in these debates acknowledge that we have a president who murders innocent women and children daily using drones. A president claiming the never ending war against AL CIADAH and fighting against them or fighting with them as allies, whatever keeps the machine humming. We have an FDA posting on its website 17 approved drugs tat murder 100,000 annually, and they are proud of this. Our government is poisoning our food supply by forcing GMO food on the world, somthing rats would not eat, but were force fed!  We have every branch of law enforcement at the Federal and State level performing operations against citizens just trying to make life better by growing their own food or creating economic zones only to be harrassed or beaten. I could write a novel and get real specific, but you have to ask your self, when is it officially a tyranny?      

as sad as the use of guns by sick young people, may be, and that THE childs parents did not lock up the trigger with a trigger guard or locked up in a gun rack WAS NOT USED.


this is no excuse to to take our right to protect oursleves from tyrants and goons, and thugs who only attack the unarmed. 




this HAS BEEN  repeated thru out mankinds history many times now; IN that when the village or town as given up their weapons to the so called our holy goverments to protect us for our own good and of course,**** for the children sake ****(this is the VERY SAME STORY LINE USED TIME AND TIME AGAIN ALL THU MANKIND'S HISTORY THIS IS WELL DOCUMENTED)  AND THEN, right after there is no weapons in the village, all the town or village people are rounded up and the genicide procedures and protocols  happens to all the village people.


history of this sequence of events should be a WAKE UP CALL FOR ALL OF US.

when these same cry-babies find out how wrong they were, they come crying to us who knew better, wanting our protection using our weapons. very sad to thing navive people always start our demise, and run when T.S.H.T.F.

I agree with the previous post.

History has shown first registration then confiscation then genocide.

And increases in crime after guns have been banned.

The United States cities with the strictest gun laws have some of the highest crime and gun death.

The United States government sells guns and weapons all over the world.

They sold guns to Mexican drug cartel.

 Why aren’t they marching for a change in the drugs which appear to be related to violent crime? The movies, video games, books, and commercials glorifying this behavior. How many of these activists will go to the movies and support this type of film?

There are also plenty of questions surrounding Sandy Hook and Batman both of which are being used to promote changes in gun laws.

These types of events are news worthy but the constant coverage over and over for days sometimes graphic has a part in promoting this type gun crime in those committing the crime. Including giving them an idea and details how to do it.

I think background checks should be required with all gun sales. There is a loop hole with private sales and gun shows. But the other proposed changes have proven through history to have the opposite effect.   

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