~Changes A Letter to Steve Beckow~ We Love You No Matter What~

Submitted by Lia on Mon, 02/06/2012 - 16:50



You are to be commended on your work with our Galactic brothers and sisters. Things like this happen and should not deter you from continuing your mission with them and with the Light. One problem that I see here as I have addressed in another comment on a different article is the fact that Lightworkers are turning on lightworkers when in fact they should all be supporting and loving one another. So things don't work out. Why all the snarky attitude?


We as lightworkers need to lose the ego fast. All the storms that came just proved there is a way to go for some. This "I know better than you" attitude has got to go! This could indeed be the reason that the trip was postponed. Postponed mind you, not made up, not fictional regardless what some of our snarkier brothers and sisters have been saying.


Where is the heart ruling the mind and kicking out ego? Things get changed and nothing is ever written in stone.  Steve, does this mean you should give up just because something didn't happen as it was planned? Not by a long shot. It just wasn't time. Doubt crops up for all of us and kicks us. You should listen to your heart instead of all the negative naysayers and doom sayers that really have no clue at all as to the truth.


That truth is different for each of us, yes. However pulling an attitude of "I told you so" is mean to say the very least and not very like a lightworker. Your reality and mine may not be the same, but I will quote a phrase here that is true: "You walk your path. If you need it, I will walk with you on your path sharing in your experience and love you no matter what happens or doesn't happen."




Guest (not verified)

Mon, 02/06/2012 - 20:08

I think that Steve could have handled the situation a bit more responsibly, however, that doesn't mean he should be crucified, especially by a community that should be offering support, compassion, love and light.  It is a huge disappointment how "Lightworkers" are reacting to this.  Having a mighter than thou attitude, is certainly not being Lightfilled.  Not holding understanding and comfort, is not behaving in a high fashion.  Pouring anger and frustration on Steve is not taking the high road.  If even Lightworkers cannot pull together and support eachother in Unity and Love when a situation doesn't turn out as planned, then what does that say about the evolution of Humanity's consciousness.  As stated above, perhaps this circumstance came about so that Lightworkers, that still have apparently a considerable amount of ego to work on, could realize that.  Lightworkers are supposed to hold the space of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, and shooting Steve with mass amounts of negative, low energies, is NOT being of UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, UNCONDTIONAL ACCEPTENCE, and UNCONDITIONAL FORGIVENESS.  So please, let's all take a step back and realize what is happening.  This situation was not out of control because it didn't go off without a hitch, it is out of control because of the reactions to the postponement.  Holding a high consciousness has a lot to do with how people respond to frustrating situations.  Let it roll off, or wallow in the lower vibrations?  Steve needs our Love and Understanding, not our wrath and spite.  So very disappointed in this community.

Guest (not verified)

Mon, 02/06/2012 - 22:36

We all have different paths and different ways to travel those paths. Steve has been tireless in his efforts to bring Star Families and Humanity together.  I, too, felt the disappointment and had to acknowledge it and work through it.  I can only imagine the depth of emotion Steve is dealing with.  We are living in a deeply emotional phase of our evolution, and must work though it.  My interpretation of Steve's predicament is that he was overwhelmed with emotion and perhaps felt powerless under the onslaught of it all and maybe imposed a retirement punishment on himself out of that disappointment and frustration.  His feelings are his to deal with and not for others to thunbscrew him with.  Disclosure, in my heart, is within.  If anyone is expecting Steve to provide everyone with disclosure, I hope all will seek these answers and knowings inside their own hearts, rather than play a blame game.  Own your own disappointment and deal with it, so to speak.  Steve is not responsible for the status of the joyride.  All he is responsible for is his own heart and emotions.  I hope he understands this and can let go of the control of the situation.  I KNOW my Star Family is anxious and enthusiastic about reuniting with me, with ALL of us.  I know this with every fibre of my Being.  Steve, I do not hold you responsible, in any way. I ask each and every one of us to acknowledge our own feelings and not lay blame with anyone else.  I will ask that Steve not impose a punishment upon himself for something he could not control.  If he needs to take time to work through his feelings, I completely understand.  This is tireless and apparently somewhat thankless work.  Steve, please do not sanction yourself, but rather take time to heal.


My heart to ALL.

Doreen Smith

Tue, 02/07/2012 - 01:41

I am so thankful for Steve Beckow... If it wasn't for him and An Hour with an Angel, I wouldn't have known about ex-Commander, now President Grener, or the invitation for the  Galactic JoyRide. I probably wouldn't have had one of the best days I've experienced in a long time, if I wasn't waiting to be beamed up...


I know to the core of my being, in my heart and soul, there are many ships with many angels in our skies from other universes and planets with only LOVE in their hearts for all of mankind... Brothers and sisters, ArchAngels, Angels and Masters, coming in Divine Love from Source....


I knew the  invitation was real. The original invite was only for 20 people... a very small group being chosen to go. There were many of us wanting to go as well... When I read more people were going, I felt for sure I would be one of them...God knew I wanted to go.. My intent was to be ready to be beamed up or picked up in one of those bicycle ships and taken to the Neptune... Of course I wasn't picked up and taken to the Mothership. I didn't know the JoyRide was somewhat cancelled... Somewhat cancelled, because, from what I understand and read here today, about 25 people are aboard the Neptune even now...Sounds like the mission is succeeding...I love the fact we all now realise we still have much to work on in our hearts to release all ego, pointing fingers and doubt and be filled with LOVE ...


I packed my bag with clothes, paints, brushes, and all sorts of stuff even though Grener said they had everything we would need....even running shoes. So, I informed some of my friends and family, (some, who, by the way, thought I'd lost my marbles... LOL)

I went to where I believed my beam up place was..God knows, I had some real revelations during this time...The day was beautiful...


Steve Beckow had asked Grener on Monday what we should pack to be ready for this trip..Grener suggested whatever we felt would make us comfortable... I realized as I was putting this jammed packed bag into my car that, I didn't need to pack..I only needed to bring ME!.....I was reminded in my soul that it was Yahshua (Jesus) who said, "Don't be anxious for what you shall eat, or what you shall wear, but, seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be given to you." I didn't need to bring a thing! What a relief! I still have too much baggage... Gotta lighten up! lol...This is a test, brought to us by the one who loves us!!!


Isn't what we desire, Heaven? Peace, Joy, Light and LOVE?...God's will to be done on earth as it is in Heaven? Proof of Source...Brothers and Sisters from far away galaxies... Visitors to planet Earth...wanting to finally be free enough to knock on our door without humanity panicing and share with ALL of humanity, the Love they've come to bless ALL with.. Our brothers and sisters only have LOVE in their hearts..

I thank Steve Beckow for being a forerunner in helping bring awareness and communication to us from wonderful people like Grener..Don't give up Steve...Keep asking questions and getting answers... We need YOU! We love You!!


On a personal note, Saturday Feb. 4th, 2012 was one of the most wonderful uplifting, soulful Godly days I've had the pure pleasure of enjoying.... My friend took pictures and videos the whole time I was waiting to be beamed up... They're on YouTube at DeeplyBreathing...Titled: 2 4 JOY RIDE 2012... or at my YouTube @ Happyneerod..in my playlist..I'm sorry, I don't know how to include a video here yet... Still learning...


If you look at the videos, any one of them, you'll see the beauty of the day. The weather was extremely mild for this time of year in northwestern Michigan...No snow and frigid temps...the sky, the sun, sand, water and fun we were having was so divinely beautiful.. A pair of swans even flew overhead...Divine...A Father and son skipping ice on a manmade lake while ice fishing...Divine....Many blessings on our head...Solar flares were causing shots of the sun to look like a brilliant spaceship... We were beamed up, not physically, but in our heart and spirit...joining the ship overhead with its passengers already on board... In Spirit and in LOVE... Much Peace, Joy, Light, Love and Laughter to you Steve, and to ALL! <3 :) NOW!

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