Hi everyone, some have written to me after my email the other day to ask what I thought about Pope Benedict resigning on February 11 (http://reut.rs/VVXrQy) especially since I didn't mention it. I wanted to avoid talking about it because of my negative view of this Pope, but I decided to weigh in anyway.
Lightning strikes St. Paul's Cathedral hours after the Pope resigns.
This resignation truly is a monumental occurrence - the last time a Pope resigned was in 1415, nearly 600 years ago. I was completely shocked - as many were. I didn't see it coming, especially astrologically.
From my perspective, the real fireworks of this year will begin in April/May with a triple eclipse season and the third of seven Uranus/Pluto squares. Eclipse effects can emerge several months before the actual eclipse, it's true, but I don't feel that's what was at work here. On the day the announcement was made, we were immersed in a sea of Piscean energy - the energy of Love, Oneness and Bliss. When something shocking like this happens, I immediately suspect Uranus and Pluto, but nothing on that day was glaring in that regard for me.
I believe that the astrology of this Pope's resignation has more to do with the general revolutionary energy of our times, i.e. with Pluto in Capricorn bringing down ancient corrupt structures and leaders. A close study of the natal chart of the Vatican would be interesting but that's not the type of astrology I do. Anyway, I feel that this resignation has more to do with powerful effects in the Pope's natal chart (Pluto and Uranus making serious aspects to his natal Moon-Pluto). It is personal to him and has rippled out to affect us - a global example of the nature of the beast at the turn of the 21st century.
This is a very significant event in terms of the hand-writing on the wall of the radical and stunning changes happening now, and yet to come. Consider the character of this Pope:
In 1981, as Cardinal Ratzinger, Pope Benedict was named Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the organization which until 1965 had been called the Holy Office of the Inquisition, making him successor to the Grand Inquisitor.
"The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (CDF) (Congregatio pro Doctrina Fidei), previously known as the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Roman and Universal Inquisition (wherefrom arose the names Roman Inquisition or Holy Inquisition popularly used in reference to the 16th century tribunals against witchcraft and heresy), and after 1904 called the Supreme Sacred Congregation of the Holy Office, is the oldest of the nine congregations of the Roman Curia. Among the most active of the congregations, it oversees Catholic Church doctrine. Its offices are housed at the Palace of the Holy Office at the Vatican." -wiki
As such, in this capacity, Ratzinger routed out heretics and brought them to task. For instance, and most notably in my opinion, Ratzinger went after Dr. Matthew Fox ( http://www.matthewfox.org/) a Dominican priest who in 1976 founded the Institute in Culture and Creation Spirituality (ICCS) - described as a school "based in ancient Judeo-Christian tradition, supported by leading-edge science, and bearing witness for social, environmental, and gender justice."
From Dr. Fox's website: "For ten years Cardinal Ratzinger as chief Inquisitor and head of the Congregation of Doctrine and Faith (called the Office of the Holy Inquisition until 1965), tried to shut the program down. Ratzinger silenced Dr. Fox for one year in 1989 and forced him to step down as director. Three years later he expelled Fox from the Dominican Order and shortly after the program was terminated at Holy Names College." http://bit.ly/WvpZgC
Later - just last year in fact - in his capacity as Pope Benedict, Ratzinger began to investigate nuns in the U.S. for promoting "radical feminist themes incompatible with the Catholic faith." http://natpo.st/WvvpZ6
Several hours after the Pope's announcement of his resignation, the Dome of St. Paul's Cathedral in Rome was struck by lightning. http://bit.ly/ I believe in some conspiracy theories, to a certain extent. (I don't talk about them much in these newsletters because I don't want to sound like a wacko. But truly, there is A LOT going on behind the scenes in our world, and I think most of us sense this instinctively, intuitively.)
And so I believe that a massive political coup took place behind the scenes. It would take something massive like that for a Pope to resign - blaming health concerns doesn't hold water with me because Pope John Paul II was in very ill health for years and yet continued his duties. Many on the web have been saying that Pope Benedict was about to be arrested for his collusion in the sex abuse scandal in the church. Who knows. My favorite conspiracy theory is that something happened concerning the Vatican bank - perhaps THE largest bank in the world - because of currency wars going on within the global banking cartel. It is said that at this moment more progressive forces are trying to rid banking and financial institutions, such as The Fed, of nefarious groups and influences.
The Pope's final tweet before announcing his resignation was: "We are all sinners, but His grace transforms us" That's a loaded tweet.
All of this is speculation, some of it far-fetched some of it truth. But what I do know is this: This kind of behavior has to stop, i.e. behavior like the Inquisition, even in its modern form, as well as the cover-up of seedy corruption, especially in so-called religious institutions. It has got to stop. And it will. That is the certain promise of these revolutionary and volatile times. Such corruption cannot survive in the Aquarian Age - Aquarius emphasize equality and freedom from the chains of oppression.
Perhaps the astrological underpinnings of this sudden turn of events DOES have to do with the Love, Oneness and Bliss of the Piscean energies of that day (February 11, 2013): perhaps the tide is turning toward a greater awareness of Oneness and moving away from judgmental, harsh, torturing beliefs and actions especially when they are done in the name of God. As Dr. Matthew Fox commented at the Pope's resignation: "Time to move from religion to spirituality."
Well, I am hibernating, so I will talk with you more at length shortly before or around the time of the Spring Equinox. Unless the Queen of England abdicates before then! ha ha! Hey, you never know:)
Speaking of events that have the potential to bring me out of hibernation: today a large meteor traveling at 33,000 mph hit earth, landing in Russia and injuring about 100 people. http://huff.to/15hfthE In addition, an asteroid made a verry close fly-by of earth today (coming as close as some satellites in our earth's orbit) http://bit.ly/XTYjlc. Of course, NASA says these two incidents are NOT related. hmmm:)
Anyway, the Spring Equinox is the new energetic beginning of every year in general, but especially this year as it opens up a portal that will stretch through the Summer Solstice on June 21. In between the Equinox and Solstice we have a triple eclipse event and other powerful configurations.
In the meantime, maybe YOU want to RESIGN from some of your current belief systems, or from an outworn path or career, in order to embrace a more light-filled and passionate path of service. OR maybe you want to RE-SIGN your spiritual contract of service in this world, and plan ahead for the next 5 years or so... If so, I am offering Astronology Consults to help guide you along your way. See below for details.
Blessings to all,
keep looking up
Carol Ann Ciocco
website: http://www.threemoonocean.com/
No one is a sinner
The way I see it if you remove guilt and condemnation from the equation grace and salvation have no meaning and relevance, the entire duality trap of greed ends, and we can search for spirituality
it does not do a person good to believe in sin . i do not see any human as anything other t han in a state of not being pristinely enlightened, and in that context sin is simply karma, and salvation is enlightenment. there is no need for this guilt based theology prison. ... in the name of Jeezus!
Yes we are all sinners-if you take into consideration that a sin is really an archery term meaning "to miss the mark", to miss the bullseye. I don't do archery, but I have missed the bullseye of my life many times. This religion is such a crock.
I'm looking forward to the Queen stepping down too. Can't wait!!
Thank you for such a good article!!