~ WOW Current Conversation With The Earth Allies about An Event Which has Just Occurred!

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 03/08/2013 - 11:26



Event Occurred 4:59pm Pacific Time Zone: Conversation With The Earth Allies About the Event


 MotherGod: ok, WOW
[5:02:58 PM] Rain Faith: what's going on?
[5:03:02 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: i just went to the bathroom and of course a big event occurred
[5:03:08 PM] Rain Faith: what happened
[5:03:35 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: I saw and felt this huge Light explode from my Heart, right before that I said Love I am ready to Experience and give the Highest Joy to ALL
[5:03:47 PM] Rain Faith: wow
[5:03:54 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: and then a Huge amount of Light exploded from my heart
[5:04:08 PM] Rain Faith: WOO HOOO!
[5:04:18 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: when i got up to look in the mirror tears where flowing
[5:04:26 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: out of my eyes at the release
[5:04:30 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: wow
[5:04:32 PM] Rain Faith: this is SO OSSUM
[5:04:35 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: speechless
[5:04:40 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: right when this occurred
[5:04:44 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: the door slammed
[5:04:49 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: twice
[5:04:52 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: the train hooted
[5:04:58 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: the dogs barked
[5:04:59 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: LOL
[5:05:04 PM] Rain Faith: oh boy this is a big day
[5:05:16 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: i was like wow
[5:05:18 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Ok I got it
[5:05:30 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: you cannot make that stuff up
[5:05:32 PM] Rain Faith: this is so exciting!



Response to this Message from Earth Ally Momt


[5:11:28 PM] Momt: I can feel the power of this just from what you are saying here.  Have been crying since the video Rain posted, tears of joy and know that the trusting and letting go is making a difference.  Saw heart shaped clouds earlier today and knew it was a good sign.



Response From Earth Ally Desert Gpypsy [ Angela] to the Current Event

[5:14:10 PM] Angela : WOW!
[5:14:25 PM] Angela : Thank you for sharing that...amazing...
[5:14:55 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Your welocme, Thank You for being here and a Part of the Team
[5:15:01 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Of LOVE and equality
[5:15:20 PM] Angela Harris: Your welcome...I feel very connected to this group..all of the time!
[5:15:28 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Brilliant
[5:15:32 PM] Angela : So what does this mean...big incoming energies?
[5:15:40 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Not sure
[5:15:50 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: and I never put any thing on the info i recieve
[5:15:57 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: I just move through the experience and share
[5:16:06 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: as you will experience something similar
[5:16:19 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: i am like your future self
[5:16:27 PM] Angela: Well..its brilliant and I love to hear about it..
[5:16:40 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: I hope i explained that well... LOL...theres more
[5:17:12 PM] Angela : More that will be happening to us all?
[5:17:25 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Yes for Sure
[5:18:50 PM] Angela : I get these 'bliss waves" now that I havnt previously experienced...also much better connection with higher self...more like 'conversation'...instant..
[5:19:07 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Yes
[5:19:23 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Good Job The Higher Self is coming into Physical Manifesation
[5:19:33 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: and You are In process
[5:19:44 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: of this
[5:20:02 PM] Angela : Several times a day..that's what i meditate on, higher self coming fully into body...light body coming fully into physical...
[5:20:07 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Brilliant
[5:20:23 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: i do know if yo can do the spinning its very effective
[5:20:29 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: i totally forgot about that
[5:20:35 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: until cobra brought it up
[5:20:43 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: but you have to look at you thumb
[5:20:47 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: right
[5:20:51 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: and focus
[5:20:55 PM] Angela: I'll try it..yes like a dancer..
[5:21:07 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: and then spin 33 clockwise and then 33 counter
[5:21:22 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: wow, it was an amazing experince
[5:21:26 PM] Angela Harris: anything to visualize?
[5:21:57 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: I would just focus on Love everywhere Present
[5:22:07 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: and send Love
[5:22:11 PM] Angela : funny, been thinking of setting up another visit with you..and here u are...lol
[5:22:27 PM] Angela : yes, i can see that...amazing sparkling vortex
[5:22:28 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: LOL
[5:22:31 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Yes
[5:22:38 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: this is what the core of our being looks like
[5:22:41 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: in the 3rd eye
[5:22:55 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Pure Brilliant elelctric kinda blue light
[5:23:00 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: here anyway
[5:23:05 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: it grows brighter
[5:23:55 PM] Angela: stir it up baby,,,i've always said to the abraham hicks people, i am making my own vortex...
[5:24:58 PM] Angela : AAMicheal through ronna herman talked about all this years ago, so hearing it again from you..brings back all that information..
[5:25:23 PM] Angela: for example, what u spoke about today..MFG having to come incarnate to earth to help finish up this cycle...
[5:26:05 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Yes Love
[5:26:06 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: WOW
[5:26:20 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Funny I just wrote this on our naysayers page
[5:26:34 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Greetings Love Beings, As a representative of the Galactic Free Press, we just Would Like to Say, We Love You Unconditionally and We are Here On planet Earth=Heart In Service to The truth which is Only Love. We Are One In Love which is the Highest Thought! All our Love and If You can Hear Us Welcome Home Into All Love IS!
[5:27:45 PM] Angela : I hear your words quite often MG! It amazes me...I think u just made my day!
[5:28:16 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: LOL
[5:28:45 PM] Angela : FYI: The naysayers might accept u better if you get some fancy outfits, expensive furniture...etc... LOL U know what I mean...
[5:28:53 PM] Angela : needless to say
[5:28:53 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: lOL
[5:28:59 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: yeah good Luck
[5:29:15 PM] Angela : Well,,,,there's always the comets....wheeee bye bye
[5:29:35 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: YEP
[5:30:16 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: LOL
[5:30:29 PM] Angela: I am counting on the energies contiunuing to rise and clearing things up...crossed fingers...maybe i shouldnt do that...People just dont seem to respond...
[5:30:47 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Will jsut said Yeah if You charge a whole bunch of money then you will get closer to god
[5:31:02 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Yes Love is Here
[5:31:25 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: I mean this experince I had tonight, is jsut like a vision of the energy coming to US ALL
[5:31:47 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: that i just got to feel first and send to all of You
[5:32:01 PM] Angela : You came here in simple guise, made yourselves acceptable to the broad=base of the masses, and ur message is simple and puts the power back within each being..That is the truth...Mine and yours...
[5:32:27 PM] Angela : Maybe that's what I got while walking on my elliptical, went from tired to 'bliss" in a moment.
[5:32:54 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: WOW High Fives Love
[5:32:56 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: Way to GO
[5:33:04 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: brrb
[5:33:08 PM] Angela Harris: (handshake)
[5:36:13 PM] Angela: Just saw 6:33 as we were talking..looked it up..wow..The double 33 also resonates with the Master Number 33 (Master Teacher) which carries the vibrations of compassion, blessings, teaching and healing.  That's u babe! infinite-ly
[5:36:51 PM] Father~MotherGod Amon Ra: YEEHAW
[5:37:19 PM] Angela: Ya like striking GOLD...HECK..WE ARE GOLDEN! LOVE YOU!
[5:37:23 PM] Angela Harris: (inlove)
[5:37:44 PM] Angela I wonder/wander no more..I am Home!


Response from the Event~ Earth Ally Tan~ Andrea From earth Star Network


[6:02:45 PM] Andrea/Tan: Wow this is amazing MG....  I love you so much!  This sounds like a wonderful experience....
[6:02:48 PM] Andrea/Tan: It's a coming!


Love The Earth Allies, Love is Here, Love is Louder! and Love WINS!


In december I got similiarities in highest of all, events occured where my near future had been explained to me and on that same day nightime they came one after the next showing greater compassion to all meanings arriving as I had been shown. The incredible events came on full strenght and with each an every impossibility I could not believe how it was possible, I couldent stop them as they occured I even dropped on my side by withnessing even further events as miracles, tears were flowing and big clearings and alignements where being made on incredible levels. Had never felt the deepness of my joy within as these occured it was amazing and kept on going on a larger scale afterwards till 18th to 21st.


Take care, much peace and light


From brother Mario :)


Fri, 03/08/2013 - 13:57

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

How much are conscious awareness to all thoughs perceive within can manifest deeply on are reality. From are higher selves we see much of what an avatars capabilitys can do on all levels of truth as the physical realms, on an energetic scale the manifestations are vast and limitless. The profoundness of are beings have the abilitys to create events as miracles while they are hapenning constanly in many parts of the universal realms.


We are creators in timeless and spaceless states and withness to are creations as decreed by life from the universal laws of being.



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