Universal law of being

Submitted by Mario on Fri, 03/08/2013 - 19:38

Universal law of being

Life is decreed by our conscious awareness to perceive.

From any given moments, our ability within the creational realms of conscious energetics by universal laws of being, opens gateways to multidimensionality and becomes apparent throughout the augmentational value decreed by levels of time superposing the awareness originated from the natural states within the being.

The augmentational value within levels of time trough energetic gatherings shifts the being to supernatural states.

The alignments decreed by levels of awareness becomes apparent once the resonance reaches heights in clarity within creational constructs of time, supernatural states of being can enter within multidimensional realms.

Misconceptions can become apparent and destabilize the core if the natural perceptions of our being interacts within the greater conjunction decreed supernatural states, will conceive as a fall and many misconceptions will arise.

How we see manifestations, are from conscious energetics aligning within and transcends time on a given amount of awareness trough higher perspectives.

Are conscious ability starts to resonate within the core of our being and adjustments are made till the multidimensional planes are viewed upon earths physical realms.

The construct of reality in realms known to be physical, can traverse trough augmentations the value of time and trough universal laws of being, energetically connect to multidimensional experiences that are beyond comprehensible.

Our beingness is one from all of time, creations that have cycled in augmenting ability's to perceive things as clearly as given are from one of many universal laws within creational contexts.


The Comprehensions

If we stand in truth we are walking within our own understandings of whom we are. Our image is what we become as to what we really are is the beingness within as time originates within us decreed by life in constant universal laws.

To create, is as one is to withnessing life

To be is to see and from there to here we have in one creational context manifested in timeless and space-less perceptions within our beings acknowledgements to perceive in multidimensionality and are self known to withstand a never ending flow of awareness trough conscious energetics manifested on life to all creations perceive when one is all of time.

Decreed by us in realms beyond unimaginable sense's, if we witness our creations its because we are in the creation, this has been for so many years within Earth scales of reincarnations and more of available perspectives have gained to withdraw from the gift of one to all of time as decreed by experience trough universal laws.

What has been, is manifestations of separate awareness to many creations that have condone to their own perspectives within ability's of time space to space within time, an impact to one of many realizations of its own condolescense created a separate array of knowledge from one to all of time.

This has shown many misconceptions of whom we are as to what we are and decisions to experience life has been decreed by one law of attraction, "from within we can go without but without we can not go within" this creates a new level of awareness to manifest by intelligence and brings concepts to where we as humans live and are greatly in desperate need of awakening to our elongated journeys to expand in creative cycles within greater awareness of whom we are as shown by one of all time.

Thus all life is form, as one is all of time is to space as space is to time.

Within avatars witnessing time is none other than being space. Creations do manifest greatly upon understatements from the timeless states within. If you become one of all time, separation of all space is to one again from all creations augmenting to new incarnations from physical realms known as higher dimensions, reached in timeless reinforced states of energetic assembly.

Ultaihymæxtreme augments a greater awareness to one of all time as consciousness from polarity's within can augment the recreational value of lost states and are energetically being gathered to heightened awareness of the physical manifestations in multidimensional awareness, vise-verse.



Peace be with you, Namaste

I am wich I am, while reading this noise is made at interval stops shifting awareness from here to there "Limitless"


Tue, 06/25/2013 - 19:43

Now let me get this straight...

Misconceptions can become apparent and destabilize the core if the natural perceptions of our being interacts within the greater conjunction decreed supernatural states, will conceive as a fall and many misconceptions will arise.

I confess that I am at a loss to comprehend the above paragraph, no matter how many times I read it in whole or in part.

And now this...

Creations do manifest greatly upon understatements from the timeless states within.


If you become one of all time, separation of all space is to one again from all creations augmenting to new incarnations from physical realms known as higher dimensions,

...But the higher realms/dimensions are not physical.

reached in timeless reinforced states of energetic assembly.

Now I'm trippin'!

Honestly, if knowledge is to be shared, these things must be adhered to:

Clarity: sentence structure, punctuation, spelling and most of all, honesty

These are times, when transcendance arrives. When you go in limitless, hahaha ok look your higher self is an embodyment, there is a process happening on a subatomic level, dna/rna transcription, the "physical" is the old, the new is in timeless reinforced states of energetic assembly, meaning the 3 extremities at play on galactic level universal level and from source, to accelerations,... These are very hard to explain because some are explained when I am in the timeless states... All I do is constant inner alchemy, go deep within, when you read knowledge like this, it constantly rolls in your head if you get that, Click! Meaning connection to one of the 3 extremeties youll know whats going on, an will bring about physical manifestations viewed from your vehicle only to experience further constraints in unified fields. When you think about galactic their unified field its something humans have never been adhered to. Do you understand? I'm begining to connect just now. If you can connect all will be known.


We cant tell you how to manage your path, all is at their movements, freewill is by desing, something "new", its within your creations when you sit down and try to interpret, can start by automatic writting, then connect your truths within the creation the augmentational value decreed in time, (this is the energetic assembly) going over and over without noticing ?? Its hard to adhere to others.


Trust in what makes "you" and scale that in the 3 fields unity. "You" as I am will become expansive.


I'm trying to do my best. The more questions the deeper the universal laws will atract your truths.


Be at one, I could go on forever but must stop now? No reasons, all happens for a reason? ouff its like a mix of frequencys somethings catching up. "Go with it" just go with it, last thing I needed to say for when you attain "impossible" ? I make amends for any confusion, your subconscious and unconscious mind is at work when you read information. Your conscious mind may be trying to figure out, understand, and divine will also adhere to specific time in one of all time?? Numbers, random and coincidental is limitless...

not to be interpreted, coronal hole will bounce back the "possibilitys" many words I wright, I randomly go chek after posting and the definition augments multiple remarks.

Falls are not to be conceived by one reconstructing the falls it happens in greater conjunction for "vise-versa" hmm remember no attachments, beingness free from lower cycles...

The next point I got to in my "path" right after the post I CONCEIVE A FALL AHEAD was an article and Ron had posted something When I saw it, I litteraly realized into the fall and my heart started pounding ferrosciously,, It kept me from writting the fall at his post... Some days later after I viewed back my post in feburary after I had mentionned it "Dark particle" That day I went back Insynch on an intensive level... And I saw on this site posted videos about falls and Astrology, I was going to post something there to since I was over the veil it was intensive, I dont even know if others even get "there" all I know is when I AM there everyone IS and its just unbelievable THERES no WORD to describe what that place Is...

intriguing to say the least. Is the person "Ron" mentioned above myself or someone else?

Your writings are intensely cerebral and at times nearly, no, impossible to follow and comprehend. (once checked with my wife and she agreed). Now, if you would be so kind as to explain why the complex and lofty prose that you pontificate should be most beneficial to the reader rather than plain talk?

In Lak'ech, my friend

They are plain Triggers, Scattered everywhere, It is so I can remember to go back, at different Intervals.

Well thats what I think Anyways, But when I am there they all happen for a specific reason (to advance for me to understand) till I augment my sense and awarness further. If you could get there, you could see the world Litteraly change before your eyes constantly further up you go (In this sence I mean UNREAL, SURREAL, "SUPERNORMAL", SUPER NATURAL. And yeah, it was you I mentioned, but its nothing good or bad we go beyond that also once we hit that point of no return. And if the DNA at high frequency=Many points being affected (theres videos all over about these things) all good things to watch... Its many systems within our body that "awakens" and with the intellect driving the system... I say point of no return and that ends up with "Mastery" If you dont discern or undestand, I say these two words right now "discern or Understand", but when your there they are no problem... its after the fall where destabilizements happens and thats where if I would not of written I expect a fall and followed my path, It would of changed my entire path completly, either for worst (more time) or the better. (Recap) But as it seems HERE it is for the better.

All I know is I reached that point of no return in about 7 Times in 3 Years the first time it happened it took me about 4 months to figure out a little piece of the puzzle to get me back there... but inbetween if you cant master All the states we shift in,,, meaning higher ones to lower ones... we can end up going insanne and be stuck in that place "Never ending" Loops Cycles and the only way to get out is within the higher states. But this last trip has brought me many possibilitys and recovering is less of an option more of an acceleration "in procession of time"

It gets any one on their path to mastery to see "beyond reality" some kind of state of mind I found by "accident" a while back. MANY paths to get there... ALL follow their own. The "ALL" BEING creations. very powerful the magnitude of events perceived when there. I have a feeling many humans are finding these functions within all over Earth... Its an Acceleration* for evolution could also be known as ascension. Its important when one is there also for JOY. Greater levels of understandings are then easyer to explain.

Within you can go without, but without you can not go within*


Be at peace my friend

And thank you once again

Brother Mario, Namaste

It goes both ways now I understand, I realized this after posting your reply below* since we are one when we are there when I was constructing the fall its meanings are from now viewed... 55 doubles the trend to shift the unseen I Need more contemplation "I" AS WE AS I AM.... I just realized once again dont mind this post something incredible is tring to catch up I seen a glimpse of what that phrase meant when I was creating GRinD its conceived deep within time


Mon, 07/01/2013 - 09:32

In reply to by Mario

GRinD IS CONCEIVED DEEP WITHIN TIME mannn.... How the hell??? need some kind of universal mind to understand these laws and energetic assembly of time HOW DID I GET THERE ohhh ok its explained all over the place...... something is driving the "system" and we pertain to that system we are and create it when we Become one in all of time.... The post about simulation universal simulation from the ancients we are the ancients and this "simulation" is to master something? I AM not there yet Actually I AM is universal so on a scale.... Yes all the universe will augment... its like a calculation that under/design stands more than infinity in all matter of space and time?? The concepts of the Unseen IS GRAND meaning the explanation is constantly happening aware or not? so how do we solve this? I got no IDEE HAHAHA its crazy... wow even the ETS cant go over these things or can they?? It depends who I saw... already beyon yes It depends how deep you are in time. Further you go Bigger impacts you see from what is usually Unseen but these pertain to levels and the greatest masters have only gone so far... So that is why he told me could help yess Mario ohhh Something new... So once Earth or more than one human reaches that place, everything accelerates so we catch up with the "universal mind theory"

Still got a lot of processions to do ones that are already on a deeper level than Iam when writting will notice discernments "it goes both ways" the receiver becomes the transceiver when transmitting? One in the ALL

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