Lauren C Gorgo~Energetics of New Creation: magic in action

Submitted by Lia on Sat, 03/09/2013 - 15:04

PageLines- 5DreportLOGO.gifMarch is a big month.

March is always big month…a turning point, a period of closure before new beginnings, et all…but based on what I am hearing/feeling, this March is much more than that. We are march-ing directly into our destiny (for the record, I tried to resist that pun) in the next few weeks, and though we have faced many critical cruxes on the journey to arrive here, this particular juncture is absurdly significant.  The Pleiadian High Council tells me that the upcoming equinox (3/20) and the following full moon (3/27) respectively, carry the bulk of the significance…that these two gateways before us are encrypted with specific coded solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) frequencies set to sever our ties to duality and simultaneously activate & anchor our christed divinity deep within our physical lives and bodies…and therefore into the earth herself.

Right now, with Mercury still retrograde…and all that dagone Piscean energy…we are kind of floating around pretty aimlessly with no particular direction and without the ability to make any definitive choices…but this is a really good thing.  We are solidly in the retraction before expansion period that the unseens spoke of in the February 4th report and so now is not the time to decide anything, but instead a time to PLAY with the possibilities of choice. Well, not that we really have a choice to do anything but float this month, just that we can let go of trying, of resisting it.

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Energetics of New Creation

The Pleiadians tell me that the energies coming thru this first equinox, post 12/21, will literally fling the doors open to allow for our new cocreative powers to ground more fully in the physical dimensions.  You may already be noticing your manifestation magic revving up, but because we are sitting in park, we don’t really get anywhere when we hit the gas.  This may momentarily create the effect of shooting blanks, but I am told that by April/May much of that magic will begin to take physical form.

For the rest of March we will be transitioning into this new realm of human experience, preparing for what the Pleiadians call “the adventure of countless lifetimes…one that will be precipitated by a wave of transcendence that will wash over each of you as you begin to operate fully within the energetics of new creation”.

I have been told many times over the past few years that the ability to work with the energetics of new creation are part and parcel of the new human tool kit…that they are literally a part of our new cellular makeup.  These abilities come standard with the crystalline-core operating system and are the same (biological technologies) that our ancestors knew well.  It has also been made clear to me that we will have to remember how to apply and hone these abilities which is apparently what the equinox to solstice period commences.

We have said to you in the past that you would eventually long to create with a new set of tools and these new tools will be at your disposal momentarily.  They are not really new tools per se, they are just being reclaimed by those pioneers of cosmic consciousness…those at the front of this incredible climb to human freedom. -PHC

Having said that…and in order for this new system, or application of creation to work for us…I am reminded that our heart must sing in tune with the song of Universal LOVE (528Hz).

Actually, I stand corrected. Not only must our hearts sing in tune with the hum of the universe, but so must every cell of our being.  This cellular resonance is literally what harmonizes us with the universal forces of creation…it is the key code to unlock and activate the intelligence within and around us to wield to our command.

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A final word from the Pleiadian High Council:

The coming equinox is a special gathering place for those souls who truly wish to see their divinity through. This passage will be one of great healing..the resurrection of the human form into its divine template of light. This process has been underway for many years for most of you, however, it is in the final stages now. What we want for you to remember is that you are not transforming into something new or something foreign… quite contrary to that, you are coming home to yourself, within yourself. There is a magnificent journey ahead, one that will bring with it many new revelations, many new beginnings, and many new-human capabilities.

Following the equinox, each of you will be imbued with the light of the risen Christ. We say this to inspire you to co-create with your physical bodies now. To awaken within you the sacred codes that enable you to remember how to unlock the restorative essence that is contained within the body and blood of your rising christed-self.

Lastly, we would add that you are coming into a period of great expansion, and soon this will be all that you know. Not in the sense that there will no longer be periods of respite, of inner reflecting, but that once the transfiguration process completes, you will remain quarantined no longer. The metamorphosis period is drawing to a close and free you will fly. We assure you that this will be nothing short of miraculous for each of you to behold!

We are the Pleiadian High Council and we greet you in the House of the Christ. ©Expect Miracles, Inc. 2012 All rights reserved. Permission granted to copy and redistribute The 5D Report’s FREE VERSION ONLY on the condition that the content remains complete, in tact, full credit is given to the author, and that it’s distributed freely.

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Aaron Asphar

Sat, 03/09/2013 - 16:46

...therefore this is mere advertizing. Many of us are working hard and for free and for love: if ou are working hard and for love my hats off to you. Why on earth would they be selling  channelled information? Do you not think this is an ethical problem? What do you think that looks like? Proffeteering. We are trying to heal ourselves as a humanity, so unless the money is going towards bread and shelter then I find it hard to imagine how you justify this to yourselves...

Michael Merkabaman

Sat, 03/09/2013 - 17:20

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I have always had the same reaction as you. And I have had trouble with Lauren's approach when I see she withhold's part of her messages. 

But, Brother, even just reading the portion that she has gifted us with is enough to make my HEART sing.

Read it again and fill yourself with joy.

At the end she says that out period of quarantine is over!  And i beleive she is right.

This is most magnificent news!




Aaron Asphar

Sat, 03/09/2013 - 20:23

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Agreed Micheal, but honestly, the writer completely discredits all her work by charging for it: I cannot feel secure about the channelled information from a lightworker who charges for it. No doubt there are justifications but that does not alter the fact that sane human beings will be annoyed (as evinced above) but far more seriously, will become doubtful: it brings the entire cause into disrepute and that is intensely, instensely serious if you ask me. This aint a judgement but my honest perspective: Wake up L! xxx

Michael Merkabaman

Sat, 03/09/2013 - 20:44

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)


We are leaving quarantine in a couple  weeks!  I don;t care about anything else right now.  SO focus on what you will. I know I have focused on the negative for a long time.

And, I am glad I am seeing the gold here now!  I am ecstatic.  I wish it for all of you too.


Aaron Asphar

Sat, 03/09/2013 - 21:36

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Honestly, you state it like a fact Michael! Are you taking her word for it? Did you want to conveine this time in a coupla weeks to see if yr still smiling? (I'm not arguing - I'm curious! I actually think this stuff about quaranteen is utterly impossible to know unless it is a direct knowing. If you're going by what L says, or how you feel, rather than what you know, then this smile is that of want of intelligence and discernment if you ask me. Please, tell me it's the real thing...(so to speek - I aint takin yr word for it Mr Smiley!)

Michael Merkabaman

Sat, 03/09/2013 - 21:56

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Yes, Aaron, I resonate  with this message.  Maybe you are " a different wave"  

Just keep moving towards the light.  I am more of a FIRST WAVER.  Everyone has their own timing. 

I regret posting anything about this. 

It is bringing me down.


Michael Merkabaman

Sat, 03/09/2013 - 23:50

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Aaron, I don;t know if you are a paid disinfo agent, but you are clearly not going through the same ASCENSION process as I am going through.  And that is fine.  But , just so you know....  There are many people who are being energetically uplifted in a major way at every major astrological alignment.  At this point is happening constantly. I am one of those empaths who feels all the energy so, fo course, I have NO doubts about what us happening. I can only speak for myself.  It has been very painful and difficult.  However, at least I can be 100 percent sure that something magnicifent is happening . Today, I felt so light that I had to literally check to see if my feet were on the ground. SO, there is no room for me to wallow in doubt.

If you doubt it all so much,  perhaps your heart is not in the right place and perhaps ASCENSION is not for you.  That is fine. As Mother Father God often says in hsi/her messages, "It's all a matter of choice"  You can take advantage of the cleansing and uplifting energies or you may chose not to.

I wish you eternal health and happiness whatever it may be that you chose for yourself.

Yo uhavbe to decide for yourself if you want to reamin the same or if you want to evolve and ascend.

This is my last response to you, Dear Brother.

Love and Light,



Aaron Asphar

Sun, 03/10/2013 - 01:38

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

What I am saying now is out of love and I will not intend to carry this conversation on, but this is honestly the truth. I am also being energetically uplifted etc - I feel you have assumed I'm a doubter: no. I am concerned for those like yourself who are ascending but beleiving tyhings they hear just because it sounds wonderful. Not everythiing that sounds wonderful is true. Let's see if you understand my point in a few weeks time - but for my part, I've no interest in defending my own position or of making my personal self understood. Anyway, it is almost impossible not to sound argumentative here so on that note, have a nice day!

Michael Merkabaman

Sat, 03/09/2013 - 21:59

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I have been in qurantine.   I didn't know that that is what is was until I read abou tit and I realized, "OH, That is what is going on"  Not everyone has felt they were even in qurantine. But, I KNOW I am/was.  I wou;dn;t wish it on anyone.


Sat, 03/09/2013 - 18:16

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I'm siding with you, Aaron. I've been reading Lauren forever, and this new "pay up or you don't get the full message" game is annoying. Yes, we in the serious lightworking community need to pay our bills, and I AM grateful for the portion she DOES release, but it's just one more message I can no longer access because I just don't have the funds to help all my cohorts out here. So, I pay you and then you pay me? How stupid is that.....


nonetheless, this article is POWERFUL stuff. Just wishing I could read it in its entirety.


love and light,



Sat, 03/09/2013 - 18:33

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Its also unforutate that she charges for a Monthly Message when you can find the Information free here always at teh Galactic Free Press and We work for You 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I tried to contact her about this, but with no repsonse. All Our Love Everyone and We are Here for YOU!

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