~ A Lightworker Asks The Galactic Free Press For Some Guidance~ ~Am I Really Connecting with My Heart?

Submitted by Lia on Fri, 02/10/2012 - 14:25

~ A Lightworker Asks The Galactic Free Press For Some Guidance~ ~Am I Really Connecting with My Heart?




Hi to all the team,
I have been reading the various messages on this site for a few months now, just awakened last year. Thank you for them all, very inspirational and even make me weep sometimes!

I was wondering if anyone could advice me of the reason why I just cant seem to connect with my heart. I think its because i am only awake from my mind side of things, so sorting through information intellectually[ego]. Then I think, well maybe its not in my divine timing to connect to this sacred heart(still unsure of its location)at this time. But I get a feeling that my life depends on it.


All I want to do is talk with my higher self (not anyone else)and take things from there. Every guided mediatation i have done, i have felt nothing,seen nothing. I guess am feeling lost now. I so want to connect, I have loads of ideas for disclosure like getting printed t'shirts done with I AM on the front and on the back a big heart with the words I am that I am, go within or go without.


Also wanting to put an ad in my local newspaper but i have not got the words of wisdom to do it. sorry i am rambling now, just want someone who understands to have a chat, I think i am stuck in limbo land,meaning awake to the truth but its all mind, and unable to reach feelings or feel, so stuck in between. Any help would be appreciated. Keep up the wonderful work, woudnt know what to do without you.  x namaste




Response From the Staff:I want you to give up the idea that you aren't already connected with your heart. If the messages inspire you to the point you shed tears, you must be connected. That simply wouldn't occur if you weren't.

Your heart has already given you direction on how to fix the problem as well, as you mentioned "its because i am only awake from my mind side of things, so sorting through information intellectually". Real Awakening cannot be understood through the mind, it's felt through the Heart and experienced by the Being. Someone who knows "everything" about spirituality is going to have a difficult Awakening, someone who can let go of everything they believe they know will have an easy Awakening. You have to empty yourself first before the Divine Light can fill your vessel, the mind just makes things needlessly complicated.


Next Question from Lightworker:

Thank you for replying to me, its really appreciated as i have no-one to talk too about this, my friends/work colleagues/family already think i have lost the plot and are not interested.
The trouble is i have learnt a lot, but really i don't think i know anything, everything i thought i knew seems to have been turned upside down,inside out.
The things i am certain of are:-
1. I am not the same person that i was last year
2. I don't react to situations like I used to, i sort of am walking around in peace most of the time, but don't know how i got here. When i mean peace, nothing is rattling me like it used to before. its like a calmness, and only sometimes i react like my old behaviour before i stop it.
3. I have lost interest in things that used to fire me up, like money (lack of), material things, now i just don't care about stuff like that.
I have the knowing part of the Multidimensional infinite spirit, that's the knowing i have of what i truly am.
When you said ‘You have to empty yourself first  before the Divine light can fill your vessel’, That's what happened when i had my depression, i basically tore myself from the inside out, i know something happened that i cant explain, well three things really. I did literally go out of my mind.
The first thing that happened was I woke up one morning, switched on the TV news as usual and was watching the BBC World news, when i re-alised i had no emotional reaction to anything that i was watching (starving children and people in Africa) this would normally reduce me to tears. There was nothing, not one emotion, i don't know how to explain it but it was like, if you had placed a bomb in front of me and said it was going to explode, i would not re-act, it felt like a profound peace deep inside and nothing and no-one could hurt me, i sort of had no worry,cares about anything, it lasted a couple of hours where i was in this state. It did frighten me a bit, as i tried to conjure up an emotion/reaction and nothing came, i just couldn't. It was like my emotional side of me was switched off.
The other thing that happened was one night when i went to bed before i went to sleep i was daydreaming a conversation i was having with work colleagues about what i had discovered (i,e our true nature being energy and love etc.), and suddenly the words i was saying (in this imaginary conversation) were not my words, i don't speak like that, i knew after i had said it that it could not have been me as the words were far too intelligent and wise. I thought where did that come from, I keep wondering if it was my higher self doing the talking? it was only a couple of sentences.
The other weird thing that happened was when i was reading the Neal Donald Walsh books, the conversations with god, i think it was the last book, No 3, all of a sudden my whole body felt like it was alive, like literally alive every cell, i thought i was going into shock or something, it was like frightening but ok at the same time. My heart was beating so fast (but not like a panic attack) I cant remember what passage i was reading at the time. It lasted for a good 10 minutes before it stopped and my body calmed down.
So all this happened when i was deep within the depression, i picked up a book about NDE’s, which then led onto the next and the next ( I love reading), this am sure was the start of my own awakening.
Now the problem i have is i cant seem to be able to connect to my higher self, because i am certainly not going to loose my mind again, and go back to the dark place i was in.
Are you saying that one needs to stop thinking to get inside the sacred heart/mind  i don't really understand where these are?
So now i have been thinking, well how do i get back there, wherever there was, without going out of my mind?
It sort of feels like i am in some-kind of limbo, i cant go back to the person i was before (all that behaviour/reaction is gone) and I cant seem to move forward with all this profound heart felt feeling stuff everyone else seems to talk about. I think i am stuck. I am so tired now its like i just cant be bothered anymore with anything and just want to be, even though i don't understand what that really means.
Well if all this hasn't given you a headache now lol , time for a cuppa.
If you can shed any light on what you think may of happened to me, i would appreciate your input.


 Answer from The Press: The next part of your evolution is simple, though not necessarily easy. It's going to take a great deal of courage and intention on your part. I think your Heart has already shared with you what is needed because you mentioned your reluctance to do it a couple times in your message.

You've got to go "out of your mind" to really connect in with your Heart. People are trapped by all the thoughts in their minds, and it's fear that keeps them there. They believe they'll lose their "self" and their grip on "reality" if they lose their minds, but the "self" that's contained within the mind is only the ego, and the "reality" within the mind is the very core of the illusion. Neither of these things make you you, they didn't even originate from within, they were imposed upon you from society. Humanity is caught in a trap where they believe they'll lose themselves doing the very thing they need to do to find themselves. No wonder people have such a hard time.

Those "dark places" within you need to be faced directly. It's where you've stored all the painful emotions you've gathered up throughout your lives. It may look "big and scary" but that's only a facade. They're simply unprocessed emotions that need to be felt, and then released. They can't hurt you, though so long as you hold on to them, you're hurting yourself.


Blessings~ The Galactic Free Press Staff




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