Archangel Gabriel's Daily Channeled Messages

Submitted by Lia on Tue, 03/12/2013 - 13:22

Shelley's Note: Please note, these messages do not expire the day after they are posted. :) They are pertinent to the days, weeks and months ahead, and many are general spiritual guidance that would apply at any time. Please know that if you would like to read the daily messages on the day they are received, you can do so by liking Trinity Esoterics on Facebook, following us on twitter @trinityesoteric or checking our website

February 20, 2013

Many of you have become quite adept at consciously manifesting smaller things in your lives, but still struggle with manifesting what you consider the bigger things, be it a large amount of money, perfect health, a beautiful love relationship or a career that brings you joy and prosperity. If this is an issue for you, it is likely that you are carrying fear or doubt around the thing you wish to create. Fear and doubt, when present, will always create blockages to your deepest desires because they are very effective flow stoppers. How do you know if you have fear or doubt attached to your desire? Simply check in with your body. Think of what it is you would like to create. Pay attention to what happens within yourself as you think about it, particularly in the abdominal region. Do you feel tension? Clenching? Stress? Think about something you know you can easily draw to yourself. Feel your body. You will notice that it feels completely clear. You may feel a flow or you may even feel a feeling of being absolutely assured that you can create that experience. Go back to the larger creation you are feeling stuck with. Feel your fear and resistance, then imagine moving that energy up and releasing it out through your heart centre. Keep doing this until you can think about the thing you want to create without the fear and stress, until you can feel it and have a calm assuredness around it. If you like, you can ask your guides to help you release your fear and doubt around that particular creation. Dear Ones, please know the universe is always working to bring your desires to you. You must simply be in an energy of calm, grounded acceptance to draw it in. ~Archangel Gabriel

February 21, 2013

We often hear people saying, "If only I could do it all over again, knowing what I know now." Dear Ones, each Now moment offers you that exact opportunity! You always get to choose again, to demonstrate your wisdom and mastery in wondrous new ways. Release the idea of the missed opportunity and seize the day, right now, to start creating exactly what your soul wishes to experience as your next beautiful expression of self! That is exactly what the Shift is about. The world awaits your next creation. What are you waiting for? ~Archangel Gabriel

February 22, 2013

Dear Ones, it is all just fine. You are exactly where you need to be, in this right now moment. You know this because you simply cannot make a mistake. Please hear this. You simply cannot make a mistake. ALL movement is forward movement. Even if you make what you consider to be a wrong choice, it will give you further clarity on what you want to create for yourself. You are not judged! You are on the earth to have a myriad of experiences! Even if you make a choice that doesn't honour you, you will get so uncomfortable you will very quickly choose something different. Let us give it to you this way. Would you expect your child to sit on the couch, day after day, nice and clean and perfectly groomed, not moving lest he get dirty or make a mistake? Of course not! You want your child to have a life filled with fun, experiences and the joy of discovery! When did that change for you, Dear One? LIVE! Try things! Experiment! Get dirty! You are in the body to have the full human experience. How can you know who you really are, what brings you joy, if you do not allow yourself to experience what life has to offer? ~Archangel Gabriel

February 23, 2013

The ego self is very invested in the enlightening human being staying the same. It depends on separation consciousness to stay in charge, and will always seek to keep you small and out of your authentic power. It will use any manner of tactics to achieve this, including fear, doubt, making you overly concerned with what other people are doing, keeping you unconscious in activities that do not honour you, focused on what you do not want and consumed with negative self talk. In many ways, the ego is like a controlling, abusive partner who fears that if you get too far out on your own, you will realize the truth of the situation and never return. Please understand, the ego itself is not necessarily bad. It just has an agenda that is quite contrary to stepping into your authentic power and represents the myriad of ways a human being can give away their own power. So, in essence, you have two streams of consciousness available to you, one that resists your growth at all costs, and the other that supports blooming and growing, one that is no longer being energetically supported and the other being supported like never before. Which will you choose? Do you see which is the path of ease?~Archangel Gabriel

February 24, 2013

Dear Ones, as an experiment, why not practice surrendering today? Just surrender to Source and have your higher self and your guides and helpers take the wheel and follow the path of least resistance, knowing with all your being, that it will be for the highest outcome. And now that you have all that extra time on your hands, why not practice BEing, too? Just allow yourself to flow and to shine, all day long, and see how you feel, secure in the fact that you are loved and divinely guided and magnificent in your BEingness. If you can stay in that flow your entire day, you will be practicing your mastery and it is from that place the most spectacular things can happen. That is what we mean by following the path of ease and it is like healing balm for your soul. ~Archangel Gabriel

February 25, 2013

Have you ever considered accepting and allowing as being a way of demonstrating your faith? Every time you allow things to be, you defer to the higher knowledge of the universe in its divine wisdom. There is a still, beautiful, calm demeanour that comes with the deep knowingness that everything is divinely perfect and being taken care of for the highest good of all. ~Archangel Gabriel

February 26, 2013

People DO when they think something is wrong. People BE when they know things are divinely perfect. ~Archangel Gabriel

February 27, 2013

Have you ever noticed how wonderful a love relationship is in the beginning? You are freshly in love, you adore every single little thing about the other, and you feel like you are floating around all day long because you are existing in the high, pure energies of it all. And then, slowly over time, the feeling subsides, and before you know it, every little thing the other person does starts to annoy you. You even have a name for it, "the bloom is off the rose", you say. Then many people start to make sharing their annoyance with their partner their favourite pastime, spouting off about their many flaws as soon as they get near anyone who will listen. Many in your society just accept this is the way love goes, and stay in this energy until they simply cannot stand one another and decide to divorce. Do you know why this happens, Dear Ones? It has everything to do with gratitude. In the beginning of your relationship, you can't believe you found that person, and your heart sings with gratitude and appreciation for each moment. As time goes on, it is the gratitude that fades away, and slowly you begin to focus on what you do not care for in the person, and through your focus on what you do not want, you start to get more and more of it. You often hear partners lament, "He just doesn't appreciate me." If your relationship is not working for you, we highly encourage you start looking for all the things that are right within that relationship and practicing appreciation for them. You will be astounded at the difference it can make. ~Archangel Gabriel

February 28, 2013

If you wish to transform your love relationships, there are two major elements that will assist you in doing this. The first is practising gratitude, for both your partner and the relationship. The second is staying present in the Now. So many people continue to pollute their relationships by holding onto the perceived wrongs of yesterday and/or concern over the future. Humans would find their love relationships so much more harmonious if they simply started embracing each Now moment with appreciation for their loved one. That is what created what you call the "honeymoon period" in the first place, and that is what can create it again. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 1, 2013

A great number of human beings are picking up the reins of their spirituality and beginning to apply their knowledge in their day to day life. This is what is driving the Shift, and it is an awesome sight to behold! What we are finding though, is that they begin applying the principals to some parts of their lives, and are struggling to apply that new way of doing things to the areas of their lives that have been more challenging for them. Enlightening humans seem to have the most trouble applying their teachings to those who are closest to them because old habits are so deeply entrenched, and also because those who may not be enlightening at this time are invested in them staying the same, and meet their loved one's changes with great resistance. Dear Ones, sporadic spirituality will create sporadic results in your life. In order to truly have the life expression you dream of, you must apply your knowledge and skills to ALL areas of your life. Then you will be creating the solid foundation and balance required to move forward in earnest. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 2, 2013

Why not make it a point today to be uplifting to others? We are not suggesting you make things up or be insincere. Just make a commitment to leave people a feeling a little better for having been in your presence. If you do so, you will be blazing a trail of light everywhere you go. You will be supporting the higher energies of compassion, kindness, caring, honouring others and, of course, unconditional love. This would be service in motion, Dear Ones, and if each and every person on your planet followed through with the same intention, what a wonderful world it would be. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 3, 2013

You are, simply put, beings of love. We understand that many of you have become tired and jaded and find that difficult to accept. But deep in your core, at your essence, exists only that spark of divinity, which is pure, unconditional love. One of the most powerful meditations a human being can do, is to simply still yourself and go within to find that spark. What is so beautiful is for every time you acknowledge that divine energy, it expands and grows. With your attention and acknowledgment you nurture it, you allow it to shine, bigger and brighter, until before you know it you don't need to try very hard to find it. Soon it will grow so big that it can't help but spill out of you, and remind you of your truth, of that joyful being that you are. When you have allowed your love to fill you up and grow, you understand that there is a never ending surplus of that divine Source energy that flows through you, so you will share it freely, without fear or reservation. By sharing it so freely, by BEing love, you can only attract more love to your experience. And so it goes, receiving and giving, moving with that joyous flow, until you are all embracing your truth, expressing yourselves so beautifully. What a magnificent system. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 4, 2013

Many people become guarded when it comes to sharing love. This comes from a belief that they only have so much to give, and they don't want to "waste" it by giving it to the wrong person. In fact, the idea of scarcity is what creates all manner of separation between people and that self-protecting, us vs them attitude. Dear Ones, you are ALL part of the immensity that is Source, that endless, incredible, ever renewing and expanding vastness that contains everything you could ever desire or need. When you finally accept that you have unlimited ability to create your life expression, and have a lifetime pass that offers you free access to all the riches of the universe, you will start to live with a generosity of spirit and love that truly reflects who you are. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 5, 2013

Dear Ones, if you are air do you worry about getting air? If you are soaking wet, do you fret about how to get wet? If you are a buffet of food, do you worry about being hungry? The same is with love. You ARE love. How can you ever be without something that, by your very nature, you are? Perhaps from that perspective you are now able to see the wisdom of BEing. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 6, 2013

If you believe that you are all part of the same whole, and that the universe contains every last thing you could ever want or need, why on earth are you going without? Do you think the universe has decided that other people can have things and you cannot? Of course not!

The universe is one huge pool that contains everything. Dear Ones, if you are going without, it is because you have not aligned with what you desire. It is not personal, it is not punishment or some cross to bear. It comes down to your acceptance, your belief that you are deserving, or that you can create it.

Throw out all the excuses you tell yourself why you are not living the life of your dreams. Excuses are always an indicator of a blockage, of a lack of acceptance, fear, or an old belief system that does not support your desires. Once you accept that whatever it is you want is really, truly, a viable potential for yourself, as easy to create as all the things that are already present and working in your life, you will move into that alignment and get the results you desire.

Let us give it to you this way. If you received a catalogue in the mail filled with all kinds of wonderful things, would there ever be a page with an item that says, "Available to order for all human beings except you." Of course not! That would be ridiculous. So is the idea that there is anything in the universe that you cannot create for yourself. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 7, 2013

Many of you live with a fear of judgment. This comes from the belief systems that you have been raised in that say you will be judged at the end of your days and that there will be dire consequences if you have not lived well. Dear Ones, the only judgment you will be receiving is the judgment that humans seem to heap upon one another and themselves. What is ironic about that, is that when a human being is passing judgment, they are operating from a lower energy that, by its very nature, is not qualified to judge! If you were operating from the energies of your highest self, you would have no interest in judgment at all, knowing that all is divinely perfect. The energies of judgment serve no purpose than to keep you in distraction, fear and separation. Acceptance, allowing and unconditional love are the energetic antidotes to judgment and completely support the expression of the soul. Why not start to practice that with others and more importantly, with yourselves? If you do, you will be well on your way to more honest self expression and that would be the true essence of freedom. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 8, 2013

Freedom is the soul's ability to express itself, as is perfect for the soul's highest expression, without fear of judgment or the need to please or placate others. Again we say, that in order to truly allow your soul to soar, you must give yourself permission to be the expert of your life expression and live by following your internal guidance system. No one else is qualified to walk your unique path, or to give your unique contributions to the world. Once you start to honour your own sacred mission by following the path of joy, you will truly start living wholly, and your life expression will expand and improve in the most marvellous ways. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 9, 2013

Dear Ones, if you were to enter a department store looking for something and a clerk came and asked if they could be of assistance and your response was, "I don't know what I want", it would be very difficult for them to help you. They might make suggestions to you in their desire to assist, but you would be difficult to serve due to your lack of clarity. Then, imagine leaving the store and telling everyone how horrible it was because they could not give you what you wanted! Do you see? In order to have the life expression of your dreams, you must be clear about what you want, you must be able to ask the universe, with clarity, for assistance, and then enter into the dance of co-creation with grace and gratitude. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 10, 2013

When we suggest you start seeing yourselves as divinely perfect, we do not for a second suggest that there is no need for further growth or expansion. Quite the contrary, growth and expansion are the very nature of the universe and part of the flow of your life expression. What we are encouraging you to do, is to settle into the idea that each step forward, each new discovery, each experience whether you consider it good or bad, is part of the perfection that is you. Your divinity is the constant, and cannot be lost or ruined, as it is simply who you are as a part of Source. Once you let go of the idea that you must fear judgment, and start to love and support yourself with the unconditional love you would give a beloved child, you will find yourself willing to truly live your life expression, seeing it become so much more joyful and exciting, filled with ease and self discovery. You are in the body to LIVE, Dear Ones, so we encourage you to have the full experience. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 11, 2013

Dear Ones, we have spoken about the unconditional love, wisdom, acceptance and nurturing that is always available to you, from your guides, at all times. We have also spoken about the human beings of light becoming guides on earth for others, teaching by your wonderful example, and practicing unconditional love, acceptance and allowing for others. But have you ever considered assuming the role of guide for yourself? Why not take that same unconditional love, that same acceptance, that same patience, understanding and encouragement and offer it to yourself? The same source of wisdom exists within you, to tap into and apply to yourself any time you wish to. Do you see? You will find true balance when you are able to give, accept and BE the guidance. ~Archangel Gabriel

March 12, 2013

Many of you ask, "How do I get more love in my life?" It is quite simple, Dear Ones. To have more love, you must BE love. If you are feeling lack in the love department, we would ask how are you blocking it? Do you have gratitude for those in your life? Do you act in a loving way throughout your day? Are you accepting of expressions of love or do you shoo them away, preferring to do for yourself, or assuring people you are ok? It is very easy to shift this, you'll be happy to know. Simply BE more loving throughout your day. Smile at people. Be kind. Express appreciation. See the divinity in others and treat them in a way that honours that. Focus on what you want more of. Be thoughtful. Show love in the myriad of ways it can be shown! If you are waiting for others to do it first, you are operating from a place of lack and separation, which will only create more of the same. As the captain of your own ship, you must change the course if you are not content with how things are. You'll be surprised at how quickly the tide can shift with some simple expressions of your truth, which is that you are a being of love. ~Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young
Facebook: Trinity Esoterics
Twitter: @trinityesoteric

David Porter

Tue, 03/12/2013 - 20:36

Archangel Gabriel and Shelley, Talk about syncornistic for me right about now and I MEAN this in a myrid of ways. As I was reading this I said, "Gabriel, thank you so much, you have been watching over me and hearing my decrees with great acuracy. This time you amazed me,,,,,,,,,,thank you, thank you, thank you, I appreciate you and Love you deeply~

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