Mind Control

Submitted by notmindcontrol on Wed, 03/13/2013 - 09:47

I very much enjoyed Cobras Blog of mind control.  Thankyou to the posting.

Whilst we wish to all concentrate on love and light, what is really going on here, is a battle.

I meditated last night, and did some good work again, Im so tired , really of doing the work, but do it I do.  I returned to my body, covered in ticks, more aptly negative archons, all over my body.  Before this I was so at peace.  They are relentless. I read today, my root chakra is blocked, and - ungrounded. No it is not.  I am being bombarded with negative archon energies yet again, and this is the real work, lightworkers are here to do.  It would be great to all go around - as I once did - wishing the world into peace.  They are on their last legs now.  I was subjected to 'shame' a moment ago too.- I returned this energy, as it is not my energy .......have it back I yelled.


Well Dear ARchons.. though you have thoroughly ruined my physical life in every way possible.  I no longer allow you to project your filth onto me.  Filth it is.


The real reason Jesus is here, is to demolish these negative mind programs - if you study any and all prayers, the only one that can disintegrate these energies is our Lord Jesus Christ, as the power of Creator and Uncreator.


They are on their last legs now........well to be fair, they have put me on my last legs for about 3.5 years.....and I am still here, just.  


Special legions of light have been created from the Great Central Sun to combat these disgusting energies.  Disgusting they are.


Terrible to think, we are in a war.  Here is us lightworkers wanting to raise our energies into light and love, and then 'bam' we are subjected to more.  Where the lights shines brightest, will the dark seek.....No it is not fair at all is it?


This explains the weather, as father god is now really P*ssed off...with good reason!


Lightwarriors no less.



The war continues.........




Oh and the work I did last night was to unify all in the 13th for today. No change yet.  This work was unifying the mother/father god, without the old energies, and yes there is a newness of this.  However, this energy felt uponmyself, suggests that the energy I am attempting to unite IS NOT PURE.  Why so?  better take a look in your own mirror the one who owns shame now.......for yet still unable to look into the eyes of God.



I was a very succesful lady, and have always bounced back against adversity, one day, God spoke to me, that I had to change.  To help others self realize.  I did this.  It almost cost me my life, to be against all that I AM.  This is self sacrifice.  When God asks - it is a command though politely asked, one who is of god, will always do.  


And all has been dumped on me time and time again. As others issues are NOT CONFRONTED.  


I want to tell you..........

Perhaps you might not be ready to hear.......

No Jesus is coming to your rescue.


You are a big boy now.


You have to go up and do the werk.

Unify all levels of your being up to SOURCE.

and command as SOURCE.


About these Archons.

These vilifying and condemning the Archons.


Better drop that.


Heaven requires us to release all judjmnts .

this is called "US Versus Them" Light Versus Dark..etc.

You guys are prolonging this program called "Enemy Patterning"

How  else  can you become MEEK...?


The Meek are ready.  Are you......?


In the upper dimensions, the Archons are not enemies.

THIS persistant abusing them  IS A RUSE.  A LIE.    If you persist,

it will tie you down to this 3d matrix.  Law of Resonance.

Ask yourself....Who would benefit if I continue to vilify the bad guys....?

You know who.  


Choose your new-age guru well.


The Archons were given the job by the Creator/ Source to

create  learning programs for the Soul.

WE, Souls,agreed to go thru these programs to enhance /enlarge our

data base on who we really are.


Now that you are awake, it is time to let go. Surrender. Forgive, Accept,

and Love yourself completely and unconditionally. In meditation is a good start.

There is no one to forgive, only the false perception that you did wrong.

Or that the Archons are doing you wrong.


WE ARE THE ARCHONS.........  We are in their genetic and spiritual line.

WE ARE THE REPTILIANS.... we  even have a piece of reptilian brain to prove it.


You are totally pure and innocent, just a tad insane ....for participating in these

games of Separation and Limitation while asleep.


Time to make peace with every level of our being.





Wed, 03/13/2013 - 12:35

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

well you are entitled to your PROGRAMMED belief.  


Archons are real, mind control is real. And yep the one to destroy it is Lord Jesus. I speak not in religious terms, but in ability and power. 


Peace may prevail when all forms of mind control are eradicated. That is the need for JC here now as before, check your history.  


Sounds like you are are under the influence of Archons!


Wed, 03/13/2013 - 13:51

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

 I allowed evil into my life, and it killed me.  That is what Fathergod is here for.  For love is continually abused.


He is NOW THE BOSS.  And what he desires is is.


It is strange in this world, that we need a man/male as boss when we have kids, = any woman will tell you that we do.  WE do try our best, but when a male son kicks up and abuses a mother, the only one to kill that anger and abuse is the FATHER.


My decision is based upon this as below so above.  No respect to the mother from these terrible cold blooded ones that hurt their mother so.  Me included. 


In my respite I have called to Father, to God to now deal with all - though I tried my very best, and now I stop as my very being is threatened once again.


Reptiles and ARchons.  


Wed, 03/13/2013 - 14:17

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

the son that destroyed the mother in the great central sun, is now to be destroyed and rectify history.  As my wish so is the FAther to decree. And so it is.


Unification IS RESTORED. As the original mother father are restored also.  This has occured through the last few days.


It occured, as the energies present of the rectification were not of purity. those that were , were. 


Does that make sense?


It is done, and those that lay in waste are.


This amends all timelines.  It means the followers of lucifer are to be not more. Satan is not .Eradicated.  All energies will naturally die.


The loop of life, looped upon itself and found itself within utter love of love, that God - even god did not think could be present.  So it fooled the fool.




Forgiveness through all granted. and my work is done. 



ASk any child experiencing divorce.  I want my mother and father back together, and so this was as Michael asked to me, with tears, granted.


Timelines altered.



Forgiveness, and the child that came between and destroyed, is destroyed/ and the mother father allow this in unity.


Thus Unification in love is achieved, as God had asked of me all those years ago.



Harmonic Convergence is restored.


The one that wished to kill it - love eventually through many years revolted and protected love, as God has asked of me.  Heal thy daughter, heal thy husband, and leave thy son of ill ruput to burn.


This is love winning .  Here there and everywhere.  Because the owner of mind control and archons - is dis - owned.  Not more.


I have only 1 daughter and shall speak this for the remainder of my life also.


Wed, 03/13/2013 - 14:27

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

And though this son destroyed my marriage, in his quest.  I am always married as others have spoken, such loyalty.  It is god driven.


The God seed is pure.  And proves that God is is.  


Wed, 03/13/2013 - 18:38

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Wow, Not mind control,


Your slip is showing.

It is dark and murky.

(not a judjmnt. just a statemnt.)




You might check not only your mind ,for

foreign control.


I send you much blessings,



Wed, 03/13/2013 - 12:42

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

You clearly are a reptilian wishing exile!  yet you will not receive in your current awareness. that is what Our Lord Jesus is here to do.  Your ignorance adores you.  Yet you wish to be released into the kingdom of heaven.  



Wed, 03/13/2013 - 12:46

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Oh and Jesus is in your heart, that is the reasoning behind the energy of Jesus LOVE.


Would we wish the vile energies of not love to enter the kingdom of heaven and ravage all that is. 


Yes I AM a servant of christ, and all that is not pure violates my I AM PRESENCE.


Cause enough when the ills make you vomit and itch.  Pure evil.  


Unify with the ills, or better cleanse them


Read up on Archons dear ones, as I have been subject to them for a long time now.


To know thy enemy.


Wed, 03/13/2013 - 13:08

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

There is a light that shines beyond all time and space. And it is of love and God.


The ones that hinder this and destroy this love, are beyond love.  So when you need God or Jesus , from a pure heart so it shall be. 


Those of impurity will not be adorned with this love.  Wheat and harvesting will be as so.


Would you wish a murderer in your home, to murder your family?


This sector is under control, and violates all galactic law, look around you and the world, ? It is contaminated beyond belief.


Reptilians are mostly vile in nature.  No empathy.  Genetic.  We speak vile in human terms, as we have empathy in our genetic make up. the love of christ you see.  Godly. connected to source and god, but animals with no heart - just killing for the sake of killing, let them into the kingdom of god to murder more, I feel not.


Does it matter what I think - seems to be with you as you reject evil and adore it and hold it close to yourself. as inertia to development. 


I had tried to integrate and unify, yet it is impossible beyond measure.  Evil is evil - however you present it.  And love is love. As oil to water.   


I have taken a decision now, and a side.  Why? the last few years at trying to combine both really do not work, and I as you , before, believed that God could heal all in the love of gods light.  Yet evil just will not step down.  It wants to rule , divide and conquer.


Wed, 03/13/2013 - 13:32

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

YOU ARE.................................



WE ARE THE ARCHONS.........  We are in their genetic and spiritual line.

WE ARE THE REPTILIANS.... we  even have a piece of reptilian brain to prove









Wed, 03/13/2013 - 18:29

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

i am not here to be insulted.

The info I shared is for anyone who wants to

look outside the box.


whatever you decide suits me fine.


I have reptilian ET incarnations

who are fantastic geneticists , and they come

and adjust my bodies when needed.


You really have no idea who these Archons are.

They will not present themselves as ugly and smelly.

they will present themselves with haloes of light around their

heads and talk sweet and loving. 


They ain't stoopid.


they will talk to you about evolution/ascension ,

everything you want to know, they will even offer to

save you, take you inside their crystal cities and give

you the use of their ascension chambers...but the price is

your soul , lightbody your fireletters, ascension codes ,

physical body parts such as your DNAs.

etc., etc.....This is an ancient game called 

False Ascension Matrices.


So, excuuuze moi.


About being attacked by astral insects ,

discarnates and other low level entities, it

appears that this  occuring in epidemic proportions  among the light

workers across the globe. It might be job related. That those involved

might have the job to ascend the astral plane.

Just a guess.


I have a solution if interested.






Wed, 03/13/2013 - 19:36

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

stupid is that stupid does and by heck you sure are stupid/





ARchons are mind control plain and simple  = you.



So off you flurry in a hurry to your little ?


Wed, 03/13/2013 - 19:47

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

hey you reckon their mind control is worse than here, and their light chambers of promise? is that worse than here also.?  have you looked around in this world.?


what is worse then hey?





Wed, 03/13/2013 - 19:51

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

you better watch some david icke vids. May enlighten you!  



ARchons are very real indeed. 






REptilians are vile creatures.......





Wed, 03/13/2013 - 12:39

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

Dear Linda.  


My quest has rendered me almost lifeless.  I took an overdoes once, but I received an email, not your time.  I have received many e mails from unknown sources also about much.  I took it upn myself to watch Rocky and keep getting up when beaten.  I received another reply, read it.  It is terrible.

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