Single and sick of it

Submitted by leis on Tue, 03/26/2013 - 10:02

My message went loud & clear places I had not even expected!! lol...
but my last message was right. tons of souls enlightened or not are reaching out,and realiseing that,some last chances of survival & relationships are now!! Im getting messages from all kinds of singles,dreaming & feeling "the call" to find theyr teammate/soulmate!
And i thank the gods & godesess its been a half a century in this life waite for me,horrible torturious lonliness.
........take care of your temples this week! peace & love & sex be with you!.......................




Those who cannot manifest their soulmates:


this website offers moneyback guarantee,

using quantum physics.


Don't forget to write down all the things you would want

your soulmate to be.


Have fun,



Tue, 03/26/2013 - 19:46

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

im sory,,,i think there was a miscomunication...somewhere,
iv been down the purchaseing road b4.
it dosent work.
my first "soul'mate according to scociety,got killed the second,had a military "incident" & didnt come back.
if u read about me,,& you like me,,i think thats enough to start the 'process' of.
a singles soulmate thingy.


Wed, 03/27/2013 - 13:21

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

No, that website is not for singles



this is a service of a group of beings who can make your

desire come true by casting a spell. They call it quantum



For a fee, you can tell them what you want to happen,

such as ....manifesting a soulmate, and they will cast

a spell to make it happen.


It was recommended by a fellow blogger.

Said it is fantastic, but, you be the judge, of course.


I have not tried it because I can manifest .....

no problem.  I have manifested three potential

soulmates , to the T.  I cancelled them because

these were karmic games.



I thought it might be fun to try it one day.

to win those superball lotto.


a word of caution:

One drawback of being intimate  with someone

is that it might affect your spiritual awakening ,

might even have dire consequences. Your and your partner's DNA will

mix and many unpleasant energies can be transferred

to your DNA , and you will have to take care of them.

The partner's vows and agreements across her incarnational

journeys, all the negative and harmful energies attached to them,

including devices and contraptions .


Heavy stuff.



You decide.





Sat, 04/27/2013 - 05:29

In reply to by anonymous_stub (not verified)

I read all your interesting information.
I am asumeing you are,a male or .....your asumeing I am a Happy Lesbian.
If Im soo lonely,,,,Its because I havent exchanged sexual DNA w/anyone in years! I am female,,and hertosexual.
your grammar refered several times to me possibly shareing w/a female,"she".
Ive never completed a transaction in that Venue.
However.....the Males I have DNA'ed with,I was already aware & hopefuly well prepaired. I was born in this life in physical form with the Hormones of a 'Digger Bee'.I call it Barbarianistic humanoide desires. or I also coined the term"Klingon Sex". Its great while it lasts,,and the only purpose I know for such Wild physical pleasures,,,,,is solely to be & have Human experience.!
Ive been sick of it for a long time, ,,yet It was a craveing.
finaly,I broke the craveings,couldnt find anything less Barbarian like,,,so I gave up.
I lived in several inlightened past life times.One of which I mention on:: I have spent my time with the best of soildiers,,,
Heart & soul knowing alll that went down.
I hope this dosent mess my DNA up too much---what do you think???
Several of them...will remember me for eternity. I hope that I was able to help,,,it was my Ancient purpose.TO bring theyr souls to light.
Lest they die hidiuos creatures,I saw in dream.....not what I saw in theyr souls.
Healing did happen.
I am in need for me,and not a Klingon ,,Ill try your posting,and see what happens.thank you.
and ,,,when I came back in this life from the Himilayas,,a friend saw me and told me my face was glowing,so bright with light he could hardly look at me.He thought others could see it,so he asked them,and only one lady besides him.
when I came back from Nepal/Tibet,,,I glowed like Moses.

Your very smart,sir,,are you single?

Oh, dear, I also forgot....


Pardon, I seem to forget my marbles.

This photonic light is demagnetizing our memories.


Ok. When you get intimate with another person, not only will you

acquire all their energy programs  thru their DNAs, but also, you will surrender

your DNA to this person. Remember, the DNA is holographic and

a vast library of what you have done in all your incarnational journeys

from Source, to here, including all your trips outside of all your incarnations.


When you are tasked to ascend a human body, all your work on your lightbody are automatically  holographically distributed and duplicated   in all your genetic lineage, past present future and in between incarnations.

In effect, you are ascending your bloodline. DNAs talk to each other. They share information. Light is information. So, if you have incarnations in ALL the races here on earth, you are literally ascending them all. You probably heard about people who never  meditated but with well-built lightbodies, brighter that the noonday sun.


Someone in their genetic line, a lightbearer  is busy.


Now, if you share your DNA to another person who is, darkly inclined, the entities behind her will want to read your DNA and pick and choose what stuff they will want for themselves.


A  clear  disadvantage.


It reminds me of a story about Inanna, the sister of Marduk.  Our ancestors.

These are the Anunnaki offsprings. She was in constant war with Marduk,here on Earth  but one day, she took a break and went home to Pleiades for a gynecological check-up.  Inanna had incredibel sexual appetite, and she ended up seducing her

physician. The physician was more than willing, since he had a plan. He took Inanna's

DNA and isolated her healing frequencies. Her ability to heal. 

When Inanna got back to Earth and resumed her war with Marduk, she gradually  lost

her mojo. Her joie de vivre,... that when Marduk simultaneously detonated 3 nuclear bombs on her army, she was done . They flew her back to Pleiades , but there was nothing they could do.  There is a saying in Medicine: VIZ MEDICATRIX NATURAE.

The healing power of nature. Inanna did not have that, it was lifted from her DNA.,  so she was euthanized.

End of story.


Too bad, they could not clone her because of that missing frequency.

She was a very colorful villainess.  the stuff Hollywood would die for.


An english baron said about sex:

              the price is exorbitant

              the position is ridiculous

              the pleasure is transitory.









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